Detective Training Manual

Chapter 327: Father and mother twelve years ago

12th City, Ministry of Transportation.

   The basement is not well ventilated, and there is the peculiar smell of old paper everywhere. The light in the corner is a bit weak in contact, and it always flickers from time to time.

   And right here, a large number of cases are stored.

   Car accidents, accidents, escapes, and deaths.

   For a long time in the past, computers have not been popularized. These traffic cases are all paper-based, but in today's era, these texts recording long-term accidents are buried in this basement and no one cares about them.

   But today, the long-lost lights came on again in this basement.

A man sitting in front of a sheet of work, staring at the sheets of paper in front of him with all his attention. For too long, he must be cautious every time he turns a page. The dust on the edge of the front **** gently, but he even sneezes. Not on.

   [July 4, a traffic accident on 19th Street, the vehicle overturned due to a driver's error, four people in the vehicle, one dead and three injured]

  The deceased was Lu Yiming, who was Lu Zang's father.

  The three injured are naturally Lu Zeng, his sister, and his mother.

   An extremely simple accident record.

   There were no perpetrators, it was entirely due to the driver’s own mistakes.

   The vehicle was also inspected after the accident, and no loose parts or brake failures were found.

   Generally, this kind of car accidents are caused by the driver not looking at the road carefully and playing with his mobile phone while driving.

   Zhou Yan looked at the file that recorded the death of Lu Yiming.

   The photo shows a somewhat thin man with glasses and a meticulous shirt. He is similar in temperament to Lu Zeng, but his appearance is quite different.

   Looking back, Lu Zeng looked more like his mother.

   And Lu Yiming's profession is an engineer.

   "For a job like an engineer that requires full attention, will the car roll over when driving?"

   Zhou Yan couldn't help but wonder.

   turned back again and found that the case file also recorded the positions of the four people in the car at the time.

   Lu Yiming is naturally the driver's seat, and Lu Zeng is the co-pilot. As for his sister and mother, they are in the back seat.

   After the accident, the rescue team arrived 15 minutes later. During the rescue, the driver Lu Yiming had died.

   The deceased’s wife was in a coma and her daughter was slightly injured.

   Lu Zeng on the front passenger's cab was seriously injured, unconscious, and extensive damage to his face...

"and many more!"

   Zhou Yan was suddenly taken aback.

   "Lu Zeng... extensive damage to the face..."

   "What do you mean? Was Lu Zing's face disfigured in the accident?"

   "Disfigured! Face! It's!"

   Zhou Yan felt his head buzzing. He quickly flipped through the records and found that the time of the accident happened when Lu Zeng was 18 years old.

   According to the uncle of the doorman.

   The school organized a mountain climbing, and a child fell into a cave.

   Soon after that, Lu Zeng dropped out of school.

   When Lu Zeng was 18 years old, there was a car accident at home. His mother and daughter were injured and his father was killed on the spot.

   After that, Lu Zeng also left this home

   Zhou Yan closed his eyes and began to work hard to combine the information.

   Although the information seems not necessarily related, Zhou Yan just wants to try it.

  【Lu Zeng is 18 years old. 】

   [There was a car accident in his house...]

   [After the car accident, Lu Zeng was disfigured and ran away from home]

   Is there any connection between these three?

   Zhou Yan thinks, thinks.

I do not know how long it has been......

   Suddenly, Zhou Yan opened his eyes...He seemed to think of something.

   18 years old, this age is very delicate.

  Because a person has reached the age of 18, he can already bear legal responsibility for the crime he has committed.

   Zhou Yan hurriedly took out his mobile phone and entered the map search on 19th Street.

   Soon, the map showed the direction of the street.

   Zhou Yan's fingers quickly flicked on the screen.

   Soon, he found Yuzi's home, because it was an old-fashioned villa left by his parents in his previous life, so Lu Zeng's family must have lived in that place more than ten years ago.

   Then, on the day of the accident, what did the Lu Zeng family do?

   Is it going to the mall?

   No, the mall is in the opposite direction, so don’t go this way.

   Is that going to an amusement park?

   Nor is it, Lu Zeng was 18 years old at that time, and he had passed the age that he liked to go to amusement parks. At that time, Ikuko was just one year old, and he was not very easy to walk.

   Moreover, the day of the accident was Monday, July 4th.

   This is work time. The family wants to go out to play, why not go on weekends.

   So, is there a place that starts from Ikuko's house and can only be reached by walking on the 19th street.

   Zhou Yan's fingers swept forward along the 19th Street.

   Within a few seconds, his fingers stopped suddenly...

  【12 Districts, Police Headquarters】

   At this time, Zhou Yan discovered that the street in front of the Police Headquarters was No. 19 Street.

  Lu Zeng...18-year-old adult...His family wants to send him to the police station...and the family is on the road, turn! car! Up!

   Zhou Yan suddenly felt a little absurd.

   He already has a plausible deduction in his mind, but this deduction is really unbelievable.

   Could it be that...Lu Zeng’s parents already knew that when their children were in elementary school, they pushed a person down the cave? And when his child is 18 years old, should he be sent to the police station? ? ?

   "This...How is this possible?"

   When Zhou Yan took the detective exam before, he naturally studied the laws of this world.

In this world, for children under the age of 18, there is also a clause similar to the "Protection of Minors" But in the following subdivision, there is a little... The laws of the world before the rebirth are slightly different.

That is:

  【At the trial, the case where the defendant is under the age of 18 will not be heard in public. 】

   Attention, here is [at trial].

   In other words, at the time of trial, if a person reaches the age of 18, then everything goes according to the normal process.

   Even if you killed someone when you were 10 years old, but you surrendered when you were 18 years old, then you will be punished at the age of [18] at the time of your trial.

   In this way, it means that Lu Zeng’s parents want to make their son bear all the legal responsibilities.


   may be life, it may be the death penalty, anyway, this child's life is over!

   But... why is this?

   If Lu Zeng’s parents knew that their child had killed someone, why didn’t they let the child surrender early?

   In that case, he doesn't need to spend his entire life in it.

   Still, it wasn't until the day when he was 18 that Lu Zeng told him about pushing people down the cave?

   This is impossible, it has been concealed for several years, it is impossible for anyone to know what he doesn't say.

   So, Lu Zeng’s parents are...

   Therefore! meaning! of!

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