Detective Training Manual

Chapter 315: The Innocence (Part 2)


   Zhou Yan was also taken aback.

   "And then? How did Wang Dabao get the money, and what happened after that?" Zhou Yan checked the information again and determined that it was not the file damage caused by the missing.

  In other words, with Attorney Zou’s ability, only these can be found...

   Zhou Yan turned off his phone, and he looked at Wang Dabao, who was still silent.

   "I know, you don't say anything, not because you want to protect the person behind the scenes, but because you are afraid..."

   "..." Wang Dabao was silent.

   "Lu Zeng...what kind of person is he?"

   "..." The silence remains

   Zhou Yan thought for a while: "Since you don't say it, then I guessed it.

   Now I have found some information about you.

   Gambling, losing all his wealth, and desperate, but met Lu Zeng, he used some money to regain your hope of living.

   But the money comes at a price, right?

He uses money to support you, so that your useless social waste can have a lingering home, and can continue to maintain the lies between you and your mother, but when he needs you, you must do what he says .

   You became his pawn. "

   Wang Dabao still did not speak, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

   "How many chess pieces like you are there?"

"I don't know... but there must be many, many, beyond imagination." It is estimated that a certain sentence of Zhou Yan touched Wang Dabao, or Wang Dabao may have discovered that even if he didn't say anything, This guy named Zhou Yan had already locked Lu Zeng, so he finally spoke.

   "So many of you, are you willing to be controlled by him?"

"Haha—" Wang Dabao smiled: "Yes, we are very willing. In fact, we are not subject to others. Sometimes, I am very grateful to Lu Zeng...he gave me my current life, yes. He gave me the hope of living. I can live in this apartment and have takeaway food every day. These are all given by him, not the government, not the police, and even less social welfare.

   So if I think about it purely from my personal point of view, I think Lu Zeng is a little more humane than this society. "

Zhou Yan frowned: "Are you crazy? Look at your face now, he is enslaving you! Haven't you thought about getting out of his control? You can tell me everything you know, I can help you !"

"Hahaha—" Wang Dabao smiled miserably: "You are crazy, why should I get out of his control? I feel that my current life is better than going out earlier and returning later. I look at my boss every day in the company The expression on his face, tremblingly looking forward to not being fired, is much stronger.

   Besides, you can't help me. Because I told you at the beginning, Lu Zeng has never committed a crime.

   He has never contacted me.

   Every time the person who conveys his message has a different face. Every month, my money is also called from different bank accounts.

   Even I guess, those who make money, who come to arrange work for me, they don’t know who the person above them is.

   So how are you sure that these things were done by Lu Zeng, he has nothing to do with me at all! "

   "..." At this time, Zhou Yan's turn was silent.

   Yes, if this is the case, why should I suspect that Lu Zeng is the initiator of everything? I don’t have any evidence.

   So when did I suspect Lu Zeng?

Did    start from the explosion of Ikuko's house?

   or was it started by being chased by a lanky ghost?

   hiss————Thinking about it this way, these things seem to have nothing to do with Lu Zeng!

   Moreover, the Wang Dabao in front of him seems to be unable to provide any help to correct Lu Zeng. As he said, he and Lu Zeng have no intersection at all.


   This is indeed the case. Even if you grab Wang Dabao and investigate it to death, it is impossible to find the slightest connection between him and Lu Zeng.

   His monthly money goes back to the source, and it is only the account of a passerby who can't reach it.

   The money he used to pay off his debts that year was all cash transactions, and there was no trace.

   The only thing that can be found is that he stays at home every day without leaving the door.

   But half a month ago, he suddenly came to a private plastic surgery clinic in the north of the city.

   This clinic is called 【Aimei Beauty Center】. At first glance, I thought it was a very rudimentary clinic, which could only cut double eyelids.

   But in fact, this clinic is considered to be the highest-grade plastic surgery facility among the dozen blocks nearby. The doctors are very skilled. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Wang Dabao to undergo plastic surgery for half a month and he would recover to the point where he could be discharged from the hospital.

   As for why he wants a plastic surgery to be like Zhou Yan, he can use whatever words he wants to resign and explain, anyway, it is definitely not on Lu Zeng's head.

   In this way, Zhou Yan has found another self with great pains. He thought that he could find out what happened, but... it didn't work. Even when calling the police, Zhou Yan was arrested first, because he broke into the house without permission, kidnapped and beat people...

   I will be depressed next week. There is a kind of murderer standing in front of you, but you have a sense of powerlessness that he can't do anything.

   "What can I do?" Zhou Yan muttered, and then opened the notes as usual.

  In this bottleneck he urgently needs to find another clue...

   [Blue sky and rain: Wang Dabao received funding, this help now seems malicious]

   Zhou Yan smiled bitterly. In fact, from Wang Dabao's point of view, this funding is really not very malicious, because the funders behind it seem to have never asked Wang Dabao to do anything illegal.

   Just like plastic surgery, what kind of monster he turned into a monster, it was his own will, others could not control, and ran to Yuzi's house in the middle of the night and touched someone's gas pipe, which is just a small matter.

   But these so-called small things can slowly ferment in the future, forming an overwhelming web.

  【20200712170944523: Well, I just look at how the lanky ghosts explain. 】

   Zhou Yan was stunned: "Yes, since the clue of [Fake Zhou Yan] has been found, there is still a mystery that has not been solved. What is the elongated ghost, I haven't figured it out yet."

   I think for the time being that the lanky ghost is actually a person, but he has terrifying power and reaction, not afraid of pain, and his survivability is incredible.

  Moreover, his facial features were inexplicably cut off, so why would anyone do such cruel things to him? Where did he perform these operations?

   Zhou Yan quickly flipped through the notes...

   "Brothers, give me some clues..."

   He murmured.

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