Detective Training Manual

Chapter 290: The first confrontation with doom

   "Hahaha—" Old Guo also smiled: "Detective Zhou is still as amazing as ever."

Naturally, it is impossible for Lao Guo to believe in urban legends. Last month, he had personally seen Zhou Yan's ability. I remember that at that time, he was standing by the wall and was able to reason about the handover between Mrs. Qian and the criminals. Location, and at the last moment, it was like a god-assisted reasoning that Mrs. Qian would meet with the criminal herself.

   So in the eyes of Lao Guo, this Zhou Yan seems to be a super detective in the the joke he is now talking about has become a representative of his neuroticism.

   After all, super detectives are a bit neurotic...

   And Zhou Yan didn't bother to explain to Lao Guo, just like that, he was silent all the way to the police headquarters in 12 districts.

   The last time I came here, I was still a death row prisoner who just came out of prison. Now that I turned around, I turned out to be a detective. It's really fickle.

In   欷欷, Zhou Yan and Lao Guo came to the crime squad...

And the status of this serious crime team in this world is much higher than imagined, because this world is not divided into countries, so there is no army, so most of the armed forces are used to deal with riots, drug lords, And some private illegal gangs.

   All the anti-riot teams in the serious crime team have extremely strong combat qualities, equipped with submachine guns, grenades and the like, so you can just treat them as a group of soldiers. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   After arriving at the Crime Squad, Lao Guo took Zhou Yan and Li Huan through the office area. Along the way, Zhou Yan could feel a lot of eyes watching him.

He actually didn’t know that Qin Hanwei’s deterrence in the crime squad was really the same as Tuba Wang. Although it’s a bit not good to describe a lady like this, the truth is that no one will not discourage her, and Zhou Yan is Qin. The guests at the police department will naturally attract a lot of attention.

   Finally, a few people came to Qin Hanwei’s office...

   "Head, someone brought you here." Lao Guo stood outside the door, not even daring to enter the house, so he stood at the door and reported.

   "Well, it's okay for you." Qin Hanwei said directly, and Old Guo quickly closed the door and slipped away as soon as he heard it.

   In this way, the Qin Police Department, Li Huan, and Zhou Yan are left in the room.

   Police Department Qin lit a cigarette and sat behind the desk: "Long and thin ghost?" She went straight to the subject and said these four words.

   "Yes." Zhou Yan nodded.

Police Department Qin spit out a puff of smoke and buried himself in the smoke: "Do you know what will happen if you make fun of me? Seeing Xiaolinzi's face, I will give you a chance, and now I will take your landlord and hurry up. When I walked out of my office, I assumed that this prank had never happened."

   Zhou Yan's eyes didn't evade the slightest: "I know it's hard to believe, but it's all true, I have seen it with my own eyes."

   "Did you see a lanky ghost?"

   "Yes, he was less than 10 meters away from me at the time."

   "..." Qin Hanwei was silent for a while, seeming to be forcibly letting herself accept this. After a while, "Why is he chasing you?"

"I don’t know, but I have checked the information about lanky ghosts on the Internet. The above setting says, [Anyone who has seen lanky ghosts will have bad luck], so I think my motivation for being hunted down is ...I have seen it."


"It's ridiculous, but today I took a case. The client claimed to have seen a long and thin ghost in the past few days, and just a few hours ago, her home exploded. I don't care if you believe it or not, now I ask you to protect it. I, send you the most professional person in the crime team...better still bring a gun..."

   "..." Qin Hanwei was silent again, no one knew what she was thinking, but a few minutes later...

   "I'm really crazy." She murmured, and then suddenly raised her tone: "Old Guo!"

   The door was pushed open...

   "What's the order?"

   "Transfer three people from the explosion-proof team, and then bring a team of brothers from the serious crime team, and send this surnamed Zhou to the safe house. When transporting the prisoners, they will be transported in a bulletproof car, all with guns!"

   Qin Hanwei said with a distressed look, and after speaking, she muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear, and should be cursing her own brains again.

   And Lao Guo was really dumbfounded. This battle was really a bit scary: "Fa...what happened?"

   "There is a legendary monster who wants to hunt down this bastard!" Qin Hanwei cursed.


   "Don't ask, just do it, and leave my sight alone with these two people!" Qin Hanwei said angrily, as if hesitated for a while, he might regret this decision.

   " long will it be protected?" Lao Guo hurriedly asked the last question.

   "Until I say no need to continue to protect!"

   Lao Guo quickly led Zhou Yan and Li Huan out of Qin Hanwei's office...After returning to the office area, he was relieved.

   "Brother Zhou, what is going on?"

   "Say, I was chased by urban legends."

  Old Guo: "......"

   Okay, the next thing will be much easier, no matter how ridiculous it is, but if the Qin Police Department has spoken, then the serious case team will definitely protect Zhou Yan and Li Huan with a 100% working attitude. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   And [safe houses] This kind of thing, in fact, can be seen from the literal meaning, it is some "ghost properties" distributed in the urban area to protect important personnel.

   This kind of real estate cannot find any head of the household, and there is no transaction record. Although it actually exists, you will definitely not be able to find it out.

   is usually in that kind of complex building area. You can see the window of that room on the street, but it is extremely difficult for you to find its door.

There is enough food and water in the safe house, some with internet, and some without. It seems that the doors and windows are not abnormal, but all the glass has been replaced with tempered and bulletproof. The doors are also strong. The points are the best viewing angles.

   In short, just like its name, this house is safe!

   At half past seven in the evening, it just entered the night...

Two bullet-proof prison vehicles were driving on a small road outside the city. In the back car, Zhou Yan and Li Huan were sitting, while in the open car in front More than a dozen well-equipped serious crime squad police officers.

   This mission was personally issued by the Qin Police Department, but the incident itself was extremely strange.

   In the carriage, several members of the anti-riot team were still whispering...

   "Hey? Have you heard that, the goal of our protection this time seems to be something wrong with our brains."

   "Well, I also heard about it. It seems to be claiming that there is a [lanky ghost] who wants to kill himself."

   "Long and thin ghost? What is that?"

   "A thing that scares a child is a monster, probably the one that comes out of the closet and eats people."

   "Huh? Monster? Hahaha---that thing can still come out of the story?"

   "Yes, but Boss Qin has spoken, we can't ignore it."

   "Hey, these years, I can really receive everything--"

   In the carriage, a few people just talked like this. The prison car drove forward quietly and fast, and the high beams pierced the darkness of the road ahead.

   And just on the mountain next to this highway, a long and thin black shadow is flying at a very fast speed.

   His hands and feet are extremely long, and his running posture has surpassed the scope of human beings. Sometimes he crouched and sometimes used his hands and feet together. The terrifying speed left him with afterimages in the mountains, but he didn't make any noise.

   At this time, the mountain road was empty, and there were no other vehicles around... and the ghost shadow, as soon as he looked at it, had already caught up with the prisoner car that was driving at full speed...

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