Detective Training Manual

Chapter 262: There is absolutely no back door for detective exams!

   Tetsudō Masako wiped the curly hair on his forehead... the makeup was still exquisite like a painting.

   Now the sun is about to set, and the temperature is a bit low. Sister Yazi is still wearing a long dress in the style of a tuxedo. Under the hazy sunset, her skin is pale and dazzling.

   "What a coincidence~" She smiled and looked at Zhou Yan.

   Zhou Yan saw Yazi Jie's expression and seemed to think of something all of a sudden.

How did    Yazi Sister say that she was eating by profile. When she saw Zhou Yan's virtues, she smiled even more charmingly.

   "What do you think? This is not a back door for you. It is completely because I have nothing to do recently, so I was dragged over to be an examiner~"

   Zhou Yan's face is still very brilliant: "Understand, I have no luck."

Sister Yazi sighed helplessly: "You have to remember, we know each other, but it is impossible for me to get angry about things like exams. If you behave too badly, I will definitely not open one eye. Close one eye..." A genius remembers Chinese in one second mx/8/1/z/wc/o/m/

   "I understand~"

   "It's okay if you understand~" Sister Yazi smiled: "Okay, now the exam begins."

   said, she gave up her body and winked at Zhou Yan at the same time, and motioned him to come and look at the corpse.

   Zhou Yan also took a deep breath.

   Sister Masako will be the chief examiner... Anyway, she must not be embarrassed by herself, but she can't really try to pass the exam without doing anything. She must show the corresponding strength.

   So Zhou Yan settled down, and then walked towards Sister Yazi.

  'S vision gradually widened. Zhou Yan saw that there was a huge illuminating lamp just behind Yazijie, illuminating the rest of the alley.

   Under the dazzling light, there is a pool of blood that blooms.

   The bright red eyes fell apart in all directions, and some even splashed on the walls on both sides of the alley. Among the blood, it was a corpse...

   Under such circumstances, no detective who has seen the world before, seeing so much blood abruptly may cause physical discomfort. However, Zhou Yan definitely had no such worries. He took a few steps forward, trying to get himself closer to the corpse without destroying the scene.

   "How did you die?" Masako asked directly.

   Zhou Yan looked up at the narrow sky above... "Falling down a building."

   "Any inferences?" Masako continued to ask.

   "Face down, with limbs stretched out naturally, without struggling, it may be drunk, unconscious, or dropped by the murderer in the case of death."

   "It's pretty good, little brother~" Masako said with a smile.

   "How many times do I have to say it, the name "little brother" does not suit me." Zhou Yan frowned.

   "Yeah, openly contradict the examiner, deduct points."

   "Huh?!" Zhou Yan was surprised: "Don't make trouble~"

   "I didn't make trouble." Sister Yazi smiled and said: "Well, let's see your performance later, if I am satisfied, I will return the points to you."

   "What do you mean [satisfied with you?]"

"It means it literally, not just the case, if you have confidence in other aspects of yourself, you can also." Sister Yazi didn't seem to care about Zhou Yan's sordid voice-over, and she waited for the opportunity to leak Zhou Yan to Zhou Yan. A fascinating look in the eyes: "Of course, depending on your conditions, it seems that besides the exam, it is difficult to have anything else that can satisfy me."

   "..." Zhou Yan felt a little flat, and looked away from Sister Yazi in embarrassment.


   More than ten minutes later, the people in the forensic team finally finished taking photos of the scene, and the corpse was also outlined with white lines.

   And the corpse was moved aside.

   Before sending the corpse to the police station, the detective has a few minutes to observe the corpse.

This is not to say that the police cannot trust detectives. It is just that if the body is delivered too late, it may affect the judgment of forensic doctors...Of course, if some detectives can do the autopsy by themselves, then they can do whatever they want. okay.

   Zhou Yan and Sister Yazi walked to the corpse.

   The corpse was placed on an iron cart, without a white cloth, and his hideous body appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

"The body was found about 40 minutes ago. It was a drunk resident who ran into the alley trying to pee. As a result, the body fell from the sky. The drunk was completely frightened, thanks to a traffic policeman who heard it. Voice, rush over and call the police."

   Sister Masako slowly explained the occurrence of the case.


   "Three minutes to see what conclusions you can draw on the corpse~"

   Sister Yazi sat on the chair aside, smiled and looked at Zhou Yan, feeling...

   Okay, Sister Masako is born with peachy eyes, everyone is squinting~

   Zhou Yan didn't bother to pay attention to Sister Yazi's gaze, the corpse would be pulled away immediately.

   He quickly put on his gloves, attached his body, and started to circle around the corpse in a half-squatting and half-standing position.

  " Female, she looks like she is just in her early 20s, her clothes are of good quality, and she wears a pearl necklace. She should be a girl who loves beauty and has certain financial strength.

   There were multiple fractures in the body, and none of the bones in the chest cavity were intact, but the body was still intact. Judging from the height of the fall, it should have fallen from the roof or the top floor.

Huh? "

   Suddenly, Zhou Yan seemed to notice something.

He carefully squeezed the girl's arm and lifted it up... and then he was inside the corpse's arm, close to the creaky nest... saw a big Pile of pinholes!

   These needles are not arranged in an order, but they are very concentrated and densely packed. If you count them roughly, there are probably more than 20.

   "Hiss...Are these pinholes... addicts?" Zhou Yan murmured.

"Haha, did your mind turn very fast?" Sister Yazi interrupted: "People from the Forensics Department have also noticed, so just now, while the blood has not solidified, the blood has been taken for testing. From the perspective of time , The results should be coming soon."

   The voice hasn't fallen...

   "Detective Zhetang, the results of the blood test are here!" A police officer ran over and said, "A large amount of ketamine was detected in the blood. The deceased should have been injected with a large amount of hallucinogen before death."

   "Really?" Sister Masako frowned: "How much do these measurements have on adults' mental effects?"

   "It's very big! Under such a large amount of hallucinogens, most people may not even know where they are or what they are doing." The police officer replied.

   "emmm...that is to say, this is probably an accident of a drug addict hiding on the rooftop, taking drugs and getting high, and accidentally falling?" Zhou Yan said. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Sister Masako turned her gaze, looking suspiciously at Zhou Yan: "You... really think so?"

   Zhou Yan shook his head: "Of course not, this is an obvious murder!!"

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