Detective Training Manual

Chapter 258: The final puzzle-(on)

   loves this home, so I chose to compromise.

   No one can explain, is this brave or cowardly...

   Between love and family, I don’t know when, it has become like two coordinate straight lines that no longer intersect...

   So... why on earth?

   "Well, let's go to the next place." Zhou Yan said, now there is only the last coordinate left. It seems that as long as the last place is reached, everything will have an answer.

   "Wait a minute..." Jack suddenly said, "There is a problem with this piano."

   "Huh?" Everyone was taken aback.

   "When I was playing the piano just now, there were always a few syllables that were inaccurate."

   "This..." Zhou Yan suddenly thought of something, he hurriedly took a step forward and lifted the back cover of the piano.

  Sure enough...On the keys behind the piano, there is a small wooden board. It is precisely because this small wooden board is pressed on the keys that the pitch is inaccurate.

   Zhou Yan picked up this wooden board...I saw it said...

  【Mod】The third letter. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   "Liu Zhiyuan!!!" Zhou Yan shouted without thinking.

   "Come on!" Liu Zhiyuan also knew that Zhou Yan would call himself a long time ago, so he had already leaned in.

   "What's this?" Zhou Yan handed out the small wooden board.

   Liu Zhiyuan took a look: "Oh, this is a symbol called [congruence]."

   Zhou Yan: "???"

"That is to say, there is the same remainder between the two formulas, for example, between 5 and 4, there is a remaining 1, and between 10 and 9 there is also a remaining 1, so they are called [congruent 1]" Liu Zhiyuan explained Tao.

   Zhou Yan looked at each other with his eyes open: "So, do you think I can understand it after you explain it?"

   "Huh? Don't you understand, then let me talk about it."

   "Stop!" Zhou Yan waved his hand quickly: "Anyway, this thing is just a mathematical formula, right?"

   "Yes! If you count the [X] that Zijie Hua picked up just now, it's still one number short. As long as you get another number, you can solve the formula."

   "Well, that's how it is." Zhou Yan nodded: "Anyway, as long as you go to the last left, then all of this should be able to be solved."

   said, a group of people came to the last spot without stopping.

   And this place... is actually a small pavilion. Everyone walked in and saw four small statues on the table in the middle of the pavilion.

  , it looks like a coffin carved with human figures in Egypt...

   "Come on, whose puzzle is this time, get it done quickly."


   "It's mine." Hirata had already stepped up on his own initiative, and then took out the torn envelope in his pocket.

  My question is: [It shouldn’t be here...]

   So the answer is... [Horus]


   There was silence.

   "What do you mean?" Huazi couldn't help asking.

   The other three statues are Ramses, Tutankhamun, and Amanhotep. They are all Egyptian pharaohs. Only Horus is the **** in Egyptian mythology, so it shouldn’t be here.

   "Wow...I know it, it's amazing." Rose exclaimed.

   "Hey? Didn't you study history, don't you know this?" Jack asked a little puzzled.

   "I studied Greek history, this is Egypt!"

   "??? Sounds like a place?" Jack scratched his head.

   Rose smiled and pushed Jack: "It's so stupid, but fortunately, Xiaomei is not up to you."

   Among the people, Huazi seemed to be the most surprised. She stared at her husband in a daze: " do you know this?"

Hirata smiled: "Because I used to travel a lot...Before the world was unified, there were many different countries on this planet. They had different civilizations. I like these very much, so I travel a lot and travel. I did enough homework before."

   "But... why don't I know this?"

   "Because after I married you, I took care of myself, and I don't have time." Hirata smiled and said, "I want to think about it. It seems that everything I experienced when I was young is like a dream."

   Huazi opened his mouth slightly, looking at the man in front of him who had been with him for half a century.

   She watched this man grow up from youth, and grow old day by day.

   I don’t know since when, Huazi started complaining that the other party spent all of her time at work and didn’t accompany herself at all... and she never listened to her own words, never understood her own thoughts.

   But at this moment, Hua Zi also suddenly realized that he did not know the man in front of him...


   Well, all the puzzles on the envelopes are solved, but I don’t know why, no one seems to be as excited as before, everyone is thinking about something.

   But Zhou Yan didn’t care about this. He stepped forward and turned the statue over. Just as imagined, behind the statue was a number————【2】


   "I'm here!" Liu Zhiyuan grabbed the plank directly, closed his eyes, and clicked in his head.

   Let's not care how this math freak calculates it, after a few seconds anyway.

   "How... how is it possible?" Liu Zhiyuan suddenly opened his eyes!

   "What's wrong?" Zhou Yan was also taken aback when he saw this.

  【The power is greater than 2! 】

   "..." Zhou Yan was silent for a second: "Speaking of people!"

   Liu Zhiyuan was very depressed: "The power is greater than 2! Isn't this obvious enough? This is Fermat's Last Theorem itself!"

   "..." Zhou Yan's expression remained the same, but his eyes were still empty: "So what?"

"So there is no answer to this question!" Liu Zhiyuan explained: "Fermat's Last Theorem is a worldwide mathematical problem. Its characteristic is: it looks easy, but the more it solves it, the harder it becomes. Even after it gets stuck, it will There are countless possibilities. Because there are so many possibilities, this problem has changed from a simple equation to a super puzzle with almost no solution!"

"But... shouldn't it, logically speaking, shouldn't we see a coordinate point, and then we can see someone or find a letter to unlock all of this?" Zhou Yan said: "You can't calculate it wrong, right!" First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   "I...I don't know, I need time." Liu Zhiyuan frowned in distress.

   "Well... let's go back to the villa first. It's getting dark, so I can't stand outside all the time." Hua Zi suggested.

   Everyone nodded one after another.

   In this way, everyone returned to the villa.

   The sky gradually darkened, and there was silence around him.

   After getting used to the busy traffic of the city, it seems that there is a different kind of charm to experience such a quiet night.

   Everyone chatted, sitting by the campfire, drinking decent drinks and wine. The atmosphere was warm and intoxicating. Only Liu Zhiyuan was still lying in the corner of the sofa, frowning and thinking about the final puzzle.

   And at this moment...

   "Brother! What are you doing?"

   A very small voice came.

   Liu Zhiyuan looked in the direction of the sound, and then he saw a very clean girl.


   This little girl who just went to elementary school, she has been playing in the villa all day long, and she doesn't speak much, so Liu Zhiyuan is not very impressed with her.

   "Brother is thinking about a question." Liu Zhiyuan shook his head and replied.

   "Is it difficult?"

   "Well, it's difficult." Liu Zhiyuan nodded with a wry smile.

   "Since it is difficult, why bother to think about it?" Xiao Mei asked, tilting her head.

   "Because..." Liu Zhiyuan was taken aback, and he realized that he didn't know how to answer.

   "It's really strange for an adult. It's a difficult question, but you have to think about it. You will know it tomorrow~ there is no answer...just like mom and dad." Xiao Mei said.

   "What...what do you mean?" Suddenly, Liu Zhiyuan seemed to realize something.

"It's that Mom and Dad always quarrel about one thing for a long But every time they can’t quarrel with an answer at all. After they quarrel, they said to themselves that such a quarrel can’t have results, but Next time they will still be's weird." Xiao Mei said with a pouting mouth.

   Liu Zhiyuan suddenly went blind.

   Since he came back to the present, he has been lying on the sofa, unconsciously, has been thinking about it for several hours.

Lifting his head, he saw that everyone beside him was talking and smiling. I don’t know when, the atmosphere has become very warm. It’s not like when they first came to the villa, everyone seemed to hold each other in their arms. resentment.

   Only myself, thinking about that problem all the time.

   But... even if you really solved that formula?

   Even if I pat the table now, I yelled, "I have the answer!" ’

and then......

   doesn't seem to change anything in front of me.

   Like Fermat's Last Theorem, life is constantly changing, and no one can predict the future.

   In front of each other's passion, marriage, childbirth, etc., no one can predict whether the future will be good or bad, but how is that?

   There can be no answers in life.

   But life has been going on...

   Liu Zhiyuan stood up and looked at the soft lights in front of him, the laughing people, the crackling fireplace and the slightly burning flames...

   "Yan... Brother Yan! I solved it!"

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