Detective Training Manual

Chapter 252: Travel before divorce (2)

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Okay, it sounds good, but no matter how you look at it, it's too suspicious.

Therefore, our cautious Zhou Yan still strongly discourages the two couples in front of us, do not go...

However, his persuasion was basically ineffective.

I think so, these two couples are just ordinary people. If you get a free ticket to an amusement park in reality, but someone you never know rushes over and tells you that the amusement park is actually buried. Bomb, you die if you go, I guess you don’t believe it either.

In short, for normal urban residents living in peaceful times, this kind of invitation is quite attractive.

In desperation, Zhou Yan had to go to the front desk...He asked for a phone call from the matchmaking agency.

There are two reasons for calling.

One is to determine whether this invitation is an event organized by a matchmaking agency.

Second, if it wasn't the activity of the dating agency, then quickly tell the leader that the two couples did not listen to persuasion at all and just wanted to go. This matter has nothing to do with them.

In this way, Zhou Yan basically has nothing to do with this invitation. If you want to go, go, anyway, I don’t follow, even if it’s killing, missing, catching fire, or exploding in the villa, it will cost me a dime. It doesn't matter.

However, what Zhou Yan never expected was...

"What, I must follow?!" Zhou Yan was standing at the front desk, holding the phone in his hand, and couldn't believe his ears yelled.

"Yeah~ It is because this invitation was not sent by our matchmaking agency, so you have to follow it."

The voice on the phone was an old woman, and the leader of the matchmaking agency.

"Why!" Zhou Yan said unconvinced.

"Because you are a detective, our matchmaking agency gives priority to service. If the client asks you, you have to recruit. Besides, you didn't say it all by yourself. What kind of moths might appear in this hot spring villa? Detective, how can you ignore it, if something really happens, you will be the first person to bear the responsibility."

"What am I..." Zhou Yan held Cao in his throat.

But when I think about it, it seems that it is indeed such a logic. As a detective, when you have long foreseen the possible events, you have not followed it. Isn't this the equivalent of seeing death without saving?

It's their business whether the person concerned goes or not, but if you don't follow it, it's your dereliction of duty.

Zhou Yan hung up the phone very depressed, rubbing his head...

"What the **** is this unfolding?"

Without further ado, at noon that day, the group of six people arrived in the [hot spring villa] by car.

The six people are:

Hirata and his wife, and Jack and his wife bring Xiaomei, and...Zhou Yan!

And this hot spring villa is located in a very secluded place on the edge of the city. Although the location is considered part of the villa area, it is still quite partial, with a small forest behind it.

This book is organized and produced by the public account. Follow VX [Book Friends Base to receive cash red envelopes!

However, it is precisely because of the bias that allows this villa to have a hot spring on its own...

The six got out of the car and looked up at the three-story villa in front of them.

Five of them couldn't help but sigh, "It's nice to have money."

Only Zhou Yan looked around cautiously...He thought: "This position is too **** suitable. There is no murder in this place, I am sorry for this environment."

And at this moment...

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm late." A voice suddenly came.

Everyone looked back.

A very young man was found standing behind him.

In fact, it is a man, you can call him a boy...

This person was only 20 years old, and his head was round and his body was slightly thinner.

And after seeing this person...Zhou Yan was immediately stunned.

Because he actually knew this person.

"Liu...Liu Zhiyuan???" He tentatively said a name.

It is estimated that everyone has forgotten who this [Liu Zhiyuan] is, I will help you recall it here.

This guy is the brother who was kidnapped along with Zhou Yan in the'Detective Test Kidnapping Case'. In the first room, he and Zhou Yan were tied together under the hydraulic press.

And Liu Zhiyuan only saw Zhou Yan, and he was also shocked: "Yan...Brother Yan?"

Obviously, he didn't expect that he would meet Zhou Yan here, and both of them were stunned.

"You...what do you mean you are late?" Zhou Yan asked after hesitated.

"I'll open the door for you." Liu Zhiyuan said, and took out the key.

"Open the door???? So you sent us this invitation?" Zhou Yan continued to ask.

did not expect......

"Huh?" Liu Zhiyuan was also taken aback: "No, no, no, I didn't post an invitation. I came here only after I received the invitation."

With that said, Liu Zhiyuan took out an invitation from his pocket.

Zhou Yan looked at it and found that it was the same as the invitation he had received.

"You were also invited?" Zhou Yan frowned, "Then what's your problem?"

"Problem? What's the problem?" Liu Zhiyuan looked dumbfounded.

"Question! Shouldn't there be a question on the inside of your envelope?"

"" Liu Zhiyuan said: "The inside of my envelope says that I will take care of the guests' meals and daily life. I also gave me a key, which opens the door of the villa. As for The "Guests" mentioned in the letter, I guess it's just a few of you."

"Sigh...Let you take care of our food? Food? Get up? Home?" Zhou Yan looked up and down Liu Zhiyuan: "Don't say anything else, can you cook?"

"Haha, this is Brother Yan. You underestimated me. My cooking skills are very good. I do all the food for the people in our detective agency. Now I raise their mouths. I want to wait for the weekend. I work overtime just to have lunch that I made."

"This... the corporate culture of your detective agency is also really different." Zhou Yan muttered: "So, just to show off your cooking skills, you came here following the invitation?"

"Of course not. This invitation should be regarded as a commission, because there is still a lot of money in the envelope. You know, I am a qualified detective now, and I want to help the detective agency accept some work. This commission It's not difficult, so I am here."

Zhou Yan nodded: "So, we were all invited here by an unknown's getting weird."

Zhou Yan thinks so, but the other couples don’t think so They just think that they can live for three days in such a good villa and have hot spring baths. There is even a person who specializes in cooking, and the service is really great.

Xiao Mei was even more excited. As a kid, she couldn't bear the joy of seeing such a big house. Liu Zhiyuan opened the door with her feet, and she rushed in with her back feet.

The remaining few people also filed into the villa...

And as soon as I entered this villa, I have to say that the inside of this villa looks more luxurious than the outside. A glance at it makes it feel like a movie is being made.

Moreover, in the kitchen, fresh ingredients were also prepared, and there was even a living large lobster placed in a glass tank.

Zhou Yan was also startled when he saw these scenes.

He had to wonder, is he really too nervous? If someone really wants to kill someone with a bad heart, he doesn't need to get to this level at all.

With all kinds of doubts, Zhou Yan also habitually opened up his notes...

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