Detective Training Manual

Chapter 236: Come down to the old lady!

"Why...why!" yelled Brother Glasses.

"It's just to cooperate with the investigation, and if you don't have anything in the trunk, you shouldn't care about our inspection." Zhou Yan's tone is still careless, but at the same time, it seems that there is no intention to give in.

"Don't think about it!" Brother glasses refused: "There is my **** in the car, I have the right to refuse your request."

"I don't think you have the right!" The ceramic girl stepped forward, and her body a little thicker than the glasses brother was directly in front of him. If there is no barrier from the motorcycle suit, it is estimated that all the muscles of her body will reach the opponent's face.

"Don't think you can bully people if you are detectives!" This buddy is still insisting.

In fact, what he said was right. Although Tao Meizi and Zhou Yan were detectives, they couldn't stop a passerby and let him open the trunk of the car just because of a momentary curiosity.

This must be regarded as an infringement of the rights of democracy.

What if there is an inflatable doll behind the car!

What if there is a box of women's clothing behind the car!

This kind of thing is not impossible, so people definitely have the right to refuse investigation.

Of course, if you really lift the trunk of the car and find that there are a dozen kilograms of drugs in it, that is another matter.

As for our ceramic girl's current attitude...I also followed his father.

The reason why Stone Detective Agency is so famous in the industry is not based on brains. The brains of that family are really average.

Their rate of solving crimes is entirely based on their cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base You can also get cash!

For example, in the current situation, the ceramic girls of other people look at your trunk, don't tell them about detective guidelines, evidence, and police rights.

Those are useless, they just want to see!

Either you beat me down, or you just do as I say.

Then some people may want to say, isn't this a hooligan!

That's right, it's hooliganism, but in some cases, hooliganism is more effective than going through the process, and the detective association also needs the existence of such a detective agency that can break the norm.

Then, just when Brother Glasses was holding on and didn't want to open the trunk...

"Um... really strange." Zhou Yan suddenly said again: "I feel that the problem you care about right now is not a meeting at all, but arguing with us about the right to be. You won’t’re short on time, right!"

"I...I haven't forgotten!"

"But you didn't want to stay for more than a minute just now, but now because you don't want to open the trunk and maintain your own rights, a full five minutes has been wasted. Your meeting should begin." Zhou Yan reversed the phone screen in his hand and turned towards the other party.

The man with glasses was shocked, because he saw Zhou Yan's mobile phone with a timer turned on. The time displayed on it was already more than five minutes.

"You...what the **** are you doing timing!"

"Professional habits~" Zhou Yan continued to use these four words to prevaricate.

While talking, he leaned in front of the car again, squatted, and rubbed the bumper on the front of the car with his hand.

"And here... why is there no dust at all?"

Brother Spectacles angrily said: "Do you have too much control over it!!"

"Yes, I also know the width of my tube, but please explain why your car is so clean only near the bumper, but there is so much dust in other places?"

"This..." The man with glasses frowned.

As Zhou Yan said, he stretched out another hand, rubbed the front cover of the car's engine, and then raised both fingers of his left and right hands.

"Look, the fingers of your left hand have just rubbed your bumper, and there is no dust at all.

But the finger of the right hand, the one that rubbed the car cover, was dusty.

Judging from the weather, you should have washed the car one or two days ago, but just now, you wiped the bumper again.

why? "

"Why do you care about me?" The man with glasses raised his voice again.

In fact, this brother is really not so good at managing his emotions. Now his demeanor has almost been exposed, and he is hiding something terrible.

"Oh? Don't you want to say it?" Zhou Yan owed him: "If that's the case, I'll take the liberty of talking nonsense.

A car that has just been washed for a few days and wiped the bumper repeatedly. You may have hit something! "

"Have you hit something?" Uncle Gu remained silent, but when he heard Zhou Yan's sentence, he finally cut in.

"Yes, and that thing must have left traces on the bumper, otherwise, why do you have to wipe it off specially?" Zhou Yan said, and then pulled a long tone: "So what is the mark? emmm... .. It won't be blood!"

"Blood!" Uncle Gu was startled.

"Yes, it's blood, and during the wiping process, the blood may rub onto the shirt. Otherwise, why is this brother sweating, and he still can't open his clothes? Is it... I'm afraid that we will see Is there any blood on the clothes?"

When it comes to this, the ceramic girl has also caught up with her thoughts abruptly.

"Could it be... he put the golf bag on the passenger seat because...!!!"

"Well, it's because you hit something, but you can't just let that thing dazzle on the road, so in desperation, I can only put it in the trunk of the car.

Due to the limited space, we can only move out the things that were originally in the carriage. "

Just talking...

"Damn! I'm going to a meeting, I don't want to waste time with you!"

The man in glasses roared! At the same time, he yanked the car door!

Since he didn't remove the key when he got out of the car, he just kicked the accelerator, looking like he wanted to rush out.


The engine makes a huge The horsepower of this car is really not small. With this kick of the accelerator, let alone stop it, it is estimated that if you react slowly, the car can reach the next traffic light in the blink of an eye. Up!

However, this picture did not happen!

Under the huge roar of the car, it didn't even move!

Ah, it’s not very accurate to say that it didn’t move, because it actually moved a little ‘upward’.

Zhou Yan watched dumbfounded, that Zheng Ceramics actually stuck to the front of the car, and abruptly lifted the front end of the whole car!

Correct! Just by hand, buckle the bumper of the car and lift the two front wheels completely.

This car happened to be driven forward, so I could only watch the two wheels spinning wildly in mid-air, but it was difficult to move forward!

Under the black tight-fitting motorcycle suit, the amazing muscles of ceramics almost exploded. Across the windshield, she stared fiercely at the already completely scared brother glasses!

"Damn! Come down to my old lady!"

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