Detective Training Manual

Chapter 229: Lin Xi's promotion!

A few seconds later, Lin Xi also staggered while supporting the door with one hand and his forehead with the other.

In their first meeting three days after being separated, the two smashed into each other steadily.

And what embarrassed the thief was that Zhou Yan hadn't hit Lin Xi yet.

"Ahhh~ it hurts~" Zhou Yan rubbed his head grinningly: "Why are you going in such a hurry?"

Lin Xi looked up and saw Zhou Yan: "You...are you back?"

"Nonsense, otherwise who did you hit?" Zhou Yan yelled in an angry voice: "A girl, how can she be so energetic, it's a work-related injury, she can't get it without 200 yuan!"

Zhou Yan said as if running a train, but Lin Xi didn't pay attention to her at all, and hurried to the side of the road to call for a taxi.

"Hey... why are you going!"

A taxi stopped on the side of the road, Lin Xi pulled the car door and sat in. By the way, he also answered Zhou Yan's question.


"Ah? What's that?" Zhou Yan looked dumbfounded, but in the next second, he suddenly woke up: "Fuck!" He ran to the taxi and pulled in.

"Detective Association..." Lin Xi also just told the driver's master about the destination.

The driver nodded, then kicked the accelerator and walked away.


Zhou Yan in the back seat eagerly asked: "Boss, are you going to be promoted?"

"Yeah!" Lin Xi nodded.

This promotion, of course, refers to the promotion of detective level.

Now Lin Xi is still at the Trent level, which is the second level in the detective level.

And as I said before, the reason why Lin Xi has been a detective for so many years is only a second-level detective, not because she has insufficient abilities.

On the contrary, it is because of her outstanding ability.

When she became a detective, it was 7 years ago when Lin Xi was just 21 years old.

The average girl is at that age, still in college, indulging in love, makeup shopping, daydreaming and so on.

And Lin Xi, who had completed all the college courses alone, took the detective exam, and passed once and became a young detective.

At that time, her father, the [Prophet] Lin Fan, had just disappeared. From all angles, the Lin's detective team wanted to keep her.

In this way, Lin Xi became a registered detective.

As the eldest lady of this group, Lin Xi naturally has supernatural authority within the group, but the good times did not last long. Soon, the group noticed something wrong with Linxi...

She seems a bit too suitable for the detective industry.

In the second year of becoming a detective, she was directly promoted to the Trent level.

You know, she is an absolute novice who has just entered the detective industry!

This kind of promotion speed worries the senior officers of the detective group... You know, the reason why they can get the right to speak of this detective group is entirely because of Lin Fan's disappearance.

But if [Prophet]'s daughter Lin Xi becomes a Sherlock-level detective, then the position of the detective group must be handed over to her.

This is absolutely not allowed by the senior board of directors.

Therefore, at the age of 22, Lin Xi suddenly became a key target of the group's suppression. For the next many years, Lin Xi could only be an assistant next to other higher-level detectives.

This has led to her being a second-level detective until now.

But now that Lin Xi resigned, there was no restriction, and promotion was a very simple matter for her.

A few days ago, Lin Xi kept saying that he had something, but it was actually because he was preparing for the promotion exam.

Otherwise, she wouldn't let Zhou Yan go to deal with the case on her own as soon as she passed the test of detective qualifications.

In the back seat of the taxi, Zhou Yan said excitedly: "Boss, the promotion of this detective level...does it take a test!"

"Of course." Lin Xi said.

"Then do you have confidence?"

"I was full of confidence 7 years ago." Lin Xi said in a conceited tone.

"Tsk tusk..." Zhou Yan couldn't help but chirp: "Then...if you are promoted successfully, can our detective agency be able to change to a higher brand?"

"Of course." Lin Xi nodded: "And when the time comes, we will come into contact with more cases. Once we reach the level of Zhongzen Temple, we will be eligible to be directly exposed to murders. This is a watershed for the detective agency. "

"Hi... Suddenly I felt a little awe-inspiring." Zhou Yan muttered in his heart: "I originally thought that this woman was just a brain-headed woman, and she resigned regardless of the consequences, and she was still in love with her. The impulsive woman of the detective group.

But after more than a month, the detective agency was about to enter the Chuzenji level.

This is too fast.

It's no wonder that Lin's detective group wants to press her down. If she is free to let her go, maybe this girl can really climb to a very scary level. "

I was thinking...

"Hey?" Lin Xi seemed to be taken aback for a moment: "Is your business done?"

"Um..." Zhou Yan was startled: "It's over."

"That's good." Lin Xi didn't ask more: "I don't care about you. I think that if an employee can't even solve his own problems, then he will definitely not be able to concentrate on his work."

"I really thank you." Zhou Yan vomited.

"Also... I went to take the promotion test, why are you coming with me?" This question should have been asked when Zhou Yan rushed into the car, but Lin Xi only asked it now.

Zhou Yan smiled: "Detective promotion exam, I must come and see it, maybe after a while, I have to take it myself."

"Oh?" Lin Xi was a little surprised: "Will you take the promotion exam? Haha, this is a misunderstanding. I thought you were the kind of detective with [Doberman] level qualifications, lazy and mixed for a lifetime People."

"How can you underestimate I am very motivated, OK, and I love the job of a detective!" Zhou Yan replied nonsense.

He loves his job, and the reason why he cares so much about promotion is because he feels that if he doesn't get promoted to Sherlock level, he will never find that bar again.

Soon, the taxi crossed half of the city and came to the 12 city branch of the Detective Association.

The general detective promotion is all carried out in the local branch of the association.

After getting out of the car, Zhou Yan looked up at the building in front of him.

This is the world, the highest management body of all detectives.

Compared with the previous police station, the scale is not at all inferior.

And when Zhou Yan was still looking up, full of praise for the huge building in front of him...

"After you enter in a while, wait for me on the first floor." Lin Xi said.

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