Detective Training Manual

Chapter 211: Illusion

"Really?!" Zhou Yan was also overjoyed, and hurriedly followed Xiao Chen back to the elevator.

At this time, on the wall opposite the elevator door, a very clean area had appeared, and the blood stains had been completely removed.

This area is in the shape of a circle, just above the white line of the corpse.

On the wall, one can clearly see a mark, which is an axe mark, about seven or eight centimeters in length. Zhou Yan reached out and touched it, and felt the depth of the axe mark. It seemed to be quite deep. Said that when the murderer swung his axe, he had great strength.

But this is normal, because it is not easy to chop off a person's head. An adult has to exert all his energy.

However, how much hatred it must be to make a person do such a frenzied thing.

"This axe mark should be caused by the murder weapon." Xiao Chen explained to the side: "The force is quite large. The axe should directly cut off the deceased's cervical spine, and then the remaining force was cut on the wall of the elevator. The forensics staff here are not as professional as those in big cities, but these basic surveys can still be guaranteed."

In fact, now, this student Xiao Chen has already developed a trace of admiration for Zhou Yan.

The detectives in this small town have always been cautious in doing things. For this kind of murder case, they would definitely not touch them, and they would directly ask other level detectives to help.

And this Zhou Yan didn't persuade him at all. He came up and made people destroy the crime scene.

Not to mention, there are really new clues under this blood stain.

"Tsk tusk, sure enough, although the level is not high, the detectives in big cities are really confident and **** in doing things!"

Zhou Yan didn't know that the clues he got from the book fell into Xiao Chen's eyes, and they had become a self-confidence and **** expression. He just stared at the marks on the wall, stunned.

Because, he felt that this trace seemed to be something wrong.

But now Zhou Yan's mind, after drinking coffee all night, is still buzzing, and has been unable to concentrate.

So he was helpless and took out his notes again.

He even felt that this case was a waste of his own estimate, and it was very likely that he had to rely on the brothers in the book.

Fortunately, the group of people in the book were originally very powerful detectives. Now that they have gone through so many cases with them, they should have become even more powerful.

Isn't it just a simple beheading case, it's just that I lost my head, and I haven't found it yet~ This kind of small case should be nothing in their eyes.

Sure enough, as soon as I opened the book, someone put forward a very professional opinion.

[>Atmosphere...: The first thing that should be determined is whether the person was really killed by an axe on the fourth floor.

To put it simply, you can judge the height of the deceased by looking at the shape of the blood on the elevator door and the floor of the fourth floor.

If there are blood stains on the elevator doors, it means that when the deceased died, the elevator doors were closed, which is a secret room murder.

If the blood splashed on the ground shows an outwardly expanding oval shape, it means that the deceased was in a low position at the time of death; if it is an outwardly expanding sputtering shape, it is in a high position. 】

emmm... was the height of the deceased when he was beheaded?

Zhou Yan looked at the trace of the axe again and found that it was about one and a half meters above the ground.

"Brother Xiao Chen, what is the height of the deceased Xiao Li?"

"Oh, he is 1.6 meters tall. When the body was found, he was wearing high heels. In other words, it should be between 165 and 170 cm when the crime occurred."

Zhou Yan nodded...

If the calculation is based on the deceased's head being 20 centimeters high, when the axe cuts off the opponent's head, Xiaoli should be standing in the posture of Cheng.

Next, Zhou Yan looked back and pressed the elevator's door close button.

The elevator door closed slowly, and Zhou Yan found that there was not much blood on the elevator door, at least not spray-like.

"Emmm, so when the deceased's head was chopped off, was the elevator door open? That's why it was not splashed with too much blood?"

[>Atmosphere...: Please perform, a fire axe elevator chops people for ten seconds, I want to see you swing a fire axe in a narrow space like an elevator to behead someone who can resist. In addition, only ten seconds. Are all the rules in this world that don't talk about the Basic Law? Whoever is not pleasing to the eye, catch who? 】

"Hey, this brother, don't be too irritable. The third brother is just a suspect, and the police are just catching the most suspected one, and he just brought it to the interrogation room, and didn't dare to go to prison.

After all, the detectives have not yet arrived, and the police cannot convict the suspect.


Zhou Yan looked at the trace on the wall again, the trace was very flat...well...very flat...

Suddenly, Zhou Yan understood what the brother named [>Atmosphere...] said.

"The murder weapon!" Zhou Yan said loudly: "Where is the murder weapon? That axe?"

Xiao Chen was taken aback: "Oh... it was packaged by someone from the Forensics Department."

"Get it..."

"Ok...Okay..." Xiao Chen said, and ran out quickly.

Less than a minute, Xiao Chen ran back again, still carrying a fire axe in his hand.

The handle of this fire axe is 30 centimeters long, and it takes half a meter to count the axe itself.

"Where was this axe originally placed?" Zhou Yan asked.

"It is on the stairs between the third and fourth floors. There is a fire box. There are fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, and hoses in the box. This axe is also in it."

"Oh, it's quite complete, then this box is not locked?"

"No..." Xiao Chen said: "This is the negligence of this hotel. Anyway, everyone has the ability to get this axe, and among them, Zhang San is the closest to the fire axe. Leave the fire axe alone." Zhou Yan said: "Because this axe should not be a murder weapon... at least, in this elevator, the thing that cut off Xiaoli’s head is not This axe."

"What?! Isn't this axe?" Xiao Chen was stunned: "However, the people in the forensics team have already made a comparison. This axe exactly matches the marks on the wall!"

"Of course it matches, because this is a trace left by the murderer deliberately to confuse us."

"Why... why do you say that? Is it because the axe is too long and the rounds can't be opened? But, it's quite spacious here."

With that said, Xiao Chen also made a round of axe movements.

But as soon as it was done, he was stunned.

"Haha." Zhou Yan smiled: "How about it, you also found out...

If you follow the movement of the normal wheel axe, then the mark of this axe can't be like this at all..."

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