Detective Training Manual

Chapter 207: It only takes 10 seconds to chop the head

This time, Zhou Yan must be able to know the circumstances of the case.

Not only can you know.

The police drove directly in the car and brought Zhou Yan to the scene of the crime.

In the process of driving, Zhou Yan naturally took out his notes and took a look.

[Enno De La Sal: Xiao Bai~~]

"Well, this is talking about the security guard...Yes, he is so big, he is called Xiaobai, and his name is too mismatched.

Hey? Wait, did you say that the guy who waited for me in the bar and ordered me a glass of whiskey?

I just said you fooled me!

Where are you?

How about your whiskey!

Gee tut~"

[It is really not easy to have a name: I really want to cry when I see it, Guagua! Come on! 】

"Cry? Cry when you see something? And "Guagua" means "fat melon", but I haven't found a fat melon yet." Thinking of this, Zhou Yan frowned: "Tsk, that gigantism patient There must be something weird in the VIP box behind. After finishing the third brother's case, hurry back and take a few police officers there. I still don't believe that I can't get in that door!"

[Wendy Ingot August: Superman can't beat the security guard on the ground, the security guard’s weakness is that he can’t fly]

Zhou Yan: "???" He was stunned for a moment, thinking, this man must have read too many comics.

Just looked at it casually for a while, and soon the police car arrived at the scene of the crime.

Zhou Yan got off the car and looked up and found that this was a hotel.

As I said before, Zhang San took Zhou Yan and ran all night. When he got to the place, Zhou Yan asked Zhang San to find a place to rest.

In this way, it should be this hotel.

A cursory glance at the outside of the building, there are 6 floors in total, which is quite large in this small town. The paint and decorations on the walls are a bit old. It seems that this hotel has a history of five or six years.

At this time, a cordon had been pulled up at the door, and some police cars were scattered around and stopped.

Seeing Zhou Yan getting up and down from the police car, a lean but fierce policeman came over.

"Are you...?" he asked with a frown.

"Detective Zhou Yan, Doberman."

"Yo! Detective!" The man immediately changed his face: "On the downside Chen, just call me Xiao Chen. I will be in charge of this scene for the time being."

"Yeah." Zhou Yan nodded: "Then please take me to see the scene."

In this way, under the leadership of Xiao Chen, Zhou Yan walked into the hotel, and then... walked in front of an elevator door.

"The scene of the crime is here..." Xiao Chen said, and opened the elevator.

The elevator door opened slowly, but when a gap was just opened, a strong smell of blood came on the surface.

As the elevator doors opened wider and wider, the smell of blood became stronger.

Zhou Yan could see that the elevator was almost full of blood. The bright red color covered half of the wall, and some even sprayed directly onto the roof of the shed. The temperature was very cold, and the blood had been left for a long time. Become muddy.

And in this bright red, there is a human silhouette outlined with white lines.

This is naturally the white line used to express the posture of the corpse.

It can be seen that the body at that time was sitting on the wall facing the elevator door.

What made Zhou Yan a little bit embarrassed was that the outline of the white line did not include the head. After reaching the shoulders, it took a little neck and then disappeared.

Xiao Chen looked at the scene in the elevator, his expression very uncomfortable, even a bit like turning his head to the side.

It's no wonder that in such a small town, a homicide will not necessarily happen in a few years, but now there is a case of beheading directly, and the police are a little bit uncomfortable with such **** scenes.

However, Zhou Yan seemed to adapt to this **** picture quickly.

Actually, a Doberman-level detective rarely handles such terrible murder cases alone, but there is no move. There are really few detectives in this small town. Now he is the closest one, so, Can only bite the bullet and come up.

"What about your head?" Zhou Yan asked directly.

"I didn't find it."

"Um..." Zhou Yan was startled: "What about the murder weapon?"

"I found it. It was a fire axe. It was buried in the flowerbed behind the hotel. It was dug up by us, but there were no fingerprints on it. It should be the murderer wearing gloves."

"Okay, please tell me what happened." Zhou Yan said after a rough understanding of the scene.

"Okay." Xiao Chen also began to tell.

"This case happened at 7 o'clock this morning.

Two guests came to this hotel, a man and a woman, and the receptionist at the bar arranged for them a big bed room on the 5th floor.

After they have checked in, they are ready to go upstairs.

They naturally wanted to take the elevator upstairs, but after the elevator door was opened, they saw that the corpse was already in the elevator, and there was no head anymore.

Then the hotel staff called the police and we hurried over. "

"Fuck?" Zhou Yan was taken aback: "Is it such a simple and rude opening?"

"Yes." Xiao Chen continued.

"Then why do the police suspect that Zhang San is the murderer?"

"That's it. When the two passengers pressed the elevator, the elevator stopped on the top floor of the hotel, which was the sixth floor.

After the two of them pressed the elevator button, the elevator descended directly from the sixth floor to the first floor.

During this period, the elevator stopped for a while on the 4th floor.

After arriving on the first floor and the elevator opened, the two people staying in the shop saw the headless corpse. "

After hearing this, Zhou Yan frowned, "So, what does this have to do with Zhang San?"

"Brother Zhou, listen to me." Xiao Chen said: "This sixth floor, there are only two rooms with guests these days. One room was owned by the deceased, and the other room was occupied by two men. "

"Uh, two men live in the same room?"

"Yes, it's two middle-aged men. They seem to be friends. One of them is farming in a rural village below the town. However, he recently divorced his wife and was very annoyed, so he came to his friend for a drink.

Last night, the two of them drank all night and didn't come back until this morning.

The time was also 7 o'clock this morning.

The two took the elevator and went directly to the sixth floor.

Just after the elevator door opened, the two of them walked out of the elevator. In the process, they also happened to cross with the deceased and saw the deceased walk into the elevator. "

"Wait!" Zhou Yan was stunned: "In other words, at seven o'clock in the morning, the two men were on the 6th floor and saw the deceased walk into the elevator!"


"Then the two people downstairs, when they press the elevator, the elevator happens to be on the sixth floor?"


"That is to say, the head of the deceased was chopped off during the descent of the elevator?"

"Yes." Xiao Chen confirmed in general: "And when the elevator descended, he only stayed on the 4th floor for more than ten seconds. This is the only time to commit the crime.

In the entire hotel, the resident on the fourth floor was Zhang San alone. "

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