Detective Training Manual

Chapter 188: I'm really not a pervert

Zhou Yan's heart seemed to jump to his throat.

Why did Li Huan go?

She wouldn't be still asleep at this early.

Probably not, this knock on the door, even if you sleep to death, it is impossible to not hear it.

Could it be that she didn't go home last night?

Not right! Usually, if she doesn't come home at night, she usually leaves a small note.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan suddenly remembered that she didn't come back all night yesterday, but Li Huan didn't even call herself. She would call herself before!

The sense of crisis became more and more clear in Zhou Yan's heart.

That card!


Suddenly, Zhou Yan seemed to have thought of a terrible thing!

Li Huan! The book is out!

Her book was published too quickly, and it seemed that less than a week, the publisher had finalized the publication, and even the first book printed was produced.

What a good book it is to make publishers anxious to be like this.

Combining this period of time and the cases related to the black card, Zhou Yan even wondered, could it be that Li Huan has fallen into a terrible incident?

"Damn!" Zhou Yan became more nervous as he thought about it, and even started to blame himself for such a dangerous thing, which was always by Li Huan's side, and he didn't even notice it!

He knocked on the door vigorously, then grabbed the doorknob with both hands, and pulled vigorously out.

But this is an anti-theft door, no matter how hard Zhou Yan tries, it can't be pulled open.

But he couldn't do anything for a while, only full of nervousness and self-blame.

"Li Huan...Where did you go..." he muttered as he pulled the door.


"Duang!" Zhou Yan only felt the strength in his hands vent! The door opened, and it slammed into the wall sturdily.

Because of too much force, he flew out directly and hit the wall of the corridor.

This hit, Zhou Yan's head was on his back, it was a buzzing thought. When he got over, he saw Li Huan standing inside the door.

At this time, Li Huan was just wrapped in a bath towel, and his calf was leaking outside, and there were drops of water on it that he hadn't had time to wipe after just taking a shower.

On the head, it was also wrapped in a towel, and some of the unwrapped hair was ticking, lying down with water.

She maintained the posture of turning the doorknob in one hand and holding the anti-theft chain in the other hand, but it seemed that before she could hang it up, the door was slammed open.

Across the door frame, Zhou Yan and Li Huan were both stupid, their eyes facing each other, and there was a moment of silence.

Until a gust of wind passed through the corridor.


Zhou Yan was trembling all over after being treated like this.

"Fuck? What happened just now?!"

He just talked to himself like selective amnesia.

But suddenly, there was a crackling, a series of footsteps came over, Zhou Yan looked in the direction of the sound, and was extremely shocked to find that several security guards rushed over.

"Hello? Where did the security come from!" Zhou Yan was shocked, what is going on, how could there be a security in this building?

Uh...Don't believe me, there are real security guards in this apartment building.

Do you think such an expensive rent is all furnishings? Of course not. Our community puts the safety of residents first.

A security guard is in charge of the four-story building. If there is any robbery, theft, robbery, etc., these security guards will directly rush over.

Those are all good hands for the police to retreat, and ordinary little thieves are not a problem at all.

So within a few seconds, Zhou Yan was pressed.

"Hey... I am a resident here, not a pervert! Don't... Ah... it hurts!"



After more than half an hour, Li Huan walked out of the security room of the community.

Behind him, following Zhou Yan, an eldest security guard gave him a hammer on his head, and he was now holding an ice pack for cold compresses.

Several men in security uniforms were at the door of the security room, bowing and apologizing to Zhou Yan with an apologetic face. Well, in the situation at the time, they did their duty and you can't blame them.

To blame, I can only blame Zhou Yan for being a little nervous.

But there was no move. During this time, Zhou Yan was full of murder, kidnapping, and other things, so it made sense to be a little nervous.

"Hey... why are you... not answering the phone." Zhou Yan asked depressedly.

"I'm taking a shower!" Li Huan also responded in an angry voice. Her face was very red at this time, and she probably recalled the scene where the two were looking at each other through the door.

"Then...then you, tell me, make me so anxious?"

"I yelled, but you knocked on the door, you didn't even hear it!" Li Huan became more and more angry, and his face became more and more red.

"Then you... uh... then you can't come out wearing a bath towel."

"I'm also afraid of what you are worried about!!!" Li Huan is really about to explode, even if his temper doesn't explode, his face will explode.

"But...then you can't..." Zhou Yan was still muttering.

"If you talk nonsense again, the rent will be 15 thousand a month from now on!"

"It's all my fault, I didn't see anything!" Zhou Yan's repeater speeded up and said quickly all the way silent, and soon, Zhou Yan and Li Huan returned home.

Li Huan's face was still a little red, but she put on an angrily attitude, and sat on the sofa: "After all, what's the matter?"

Zhou Yan finally dared to speak when the other party had spoken.

"Oh, that's... is your black card still there?"

"Black card?" Li Huan frowned.

"It's... the one that Doctor Zhang gave you before." As he said, Zhou Yan took out the card in his pocket.

"Oh, isn't this in your hands?"

"...?" Zhou Yan was taken aback: "No, this is mine, I'm talking about yours."

"My one?...emmm..." Li Huan thought for a while.

"Oh, it seems to be here?" Li Huan got up, ran into her bedroom, and soon she ran out again.

"Here, this is it." She handed the card to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan took the card and compared it with the one in his own hand. It was exactly the same.

"Why do you have one too?" Li Huan seemed to ask curiously.

"Um... leave it alone." Zhou Yan said, "So, do you remember what did Doctor Zhang say when he gave you this card?"

"This..." Li Huan looked up and recalled hard: "It seems to say that this thing is not easy to come by, and, he said...I hope I won't be able to use it for the rest of my life. ."

"Emmm..." Zhou Yan frowned.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

Zhou Yan quickly took out his cell phone and used his detective number to log in to "Detective Network".

And, above, the name [Liu Chen] was searched.

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