Detective Training Manual

Chapter 172: Subway secret room!

The subway drove into the platform, and several police officers had entered the subway directly according to the original plan, pretending to be passengers.

But no one expected that things would unfold like this.

Madam Qian did not walk into the subway.

There was no suspicious person walking out of the subway to meet Mrs. Qian.

There will be no such thing as "Mrs. Qian throws the bag into the subway just before the subway door closes."

Because... the staff was extremely unbelievable to see that Mrs. Qian tried her best to carry the bag and stepped up the steps that had just been erected until her body was flush with the baffle of the platform... .

That's it... Mrs. Qian pushed that bag of money... onto the roof of the subway!





Everyone was dumbfounded.

Except for those who didn't see this scene, the plainclothes around him were all dumbfounded. The fastest end https://m..c/o/m

They have been in this business for several years, but they have not yet met any kidnappers who demanded that the money owner put the money on the roof of the subway car!

Isn't this... nonsense!

But fortunately, the roof of this subway is flat, and there are decorative raised parts on the edges, so that this bag of money will not fall after being opened.

But...but what about this?

Could it be that the kidnappers are preparing to build a ladder at the next stop, and then take the money down and run?

Stop making trouble, all the police dare to use a one-month review to pack tickets. If the kidnapper really does this, then he definitely can't even touch the luggage, so he will be caught!

And just under the coercion of this crowd.


There was another long hum, and the subway drove away!

A group of plainclothes policemen watched the subway leave...

"Head...Money followed the subway..." a person reported.

"Oh?!" Lao Guo replied: "Hehe, sure enough, it's still the old way. Did you throw the money in before the car closed!!! Okay, I'll ask the brothers in the car and watch it closely. "

After speaking, Lao Guo switched the channel.

"Hey, listen when you got on the subway. I watched the bag. The money doesn't move, the people don't move! Don't let the wolf run away!"

He yelled with confidence. Remember "→m." in one second on the mobile phone to provide you with wonderful \\ novel reading.

Immediately after...

"But...tou...there is no bag in the car!"

"Huh?" Old Guo was stunned.

At this time, the plainclothes in the subway also ran up, and he rushed to Lao Guo to organize the language.

"Head...The money did follow the subway, but the money is not in the car!"

"Fart! The money is not in the car, is it still on the roof?"

"The head is really amazing!"

Old Guo: "???"


Alright, Lao Guo didn't believe it at first. He ran to the subway station and saw the unsettled Mrs. Qian and the ladder built up before he had to believe that the money was really on the roof of the car.

Lao Guo got to Madam Qian’s side, gave her a few words of comfort, immediately dialed the phone, contacted the General Bureau of the Crime Squad, and asked people over there to contact the subway station, saying that the subway was going to be delayed at the next stop. Departure.

However, due to the large number of subway passengers, subway stations can only be delayed up to 15 minutes.

However, some staff can be arranged on the subway to stare at all the cars, and as long as someone wants to climb on the roof, they will be caught immediately!

But 15 minutes is enough.

Lao Guo immediately took a group of people and rushed to the next subway station!

Zhou Yan, Zhao Shengrui, and Madam Qian naturally followed.

Now that the money is gone, the police no longer have to follow Mrs. Qian's steps. They drove the car and rushed to the next stop quickly.

On the way, Zhou Yan was extremely silent.

Not only Zhou Yan, but also Zhao Shengrui, who had been twittering, became silent.

Obviously, they all don't understand the kidnapper's intentions.

Because it’s hard to get money by putting money on the roof of the car.

From this station to the next, the subway is definitely impossible to stop, and there is no such design as the "skylight" on the train in the subway. It is impossible for the kidnappers to run on the roof during the operation. Pulling the money down, even if it was pulled down, he couldn't break the glass halfway and jump off the car.

So to put it simply, this subway train has become an absolutely safe safe.

So, what should the kidnappers do?

He can only take the money off when he climbs onto the roof of the car when the subway arrives at the next station.

Everyone feels that this approach is too silly.

In Lao Guo's hand, he held the note pasted to the back of the vending machine.

It says [There is a ladder by the wall, put the money on the roof of the car]

From this passage, we can know that the kidnapper knew that there was a ladder beside the wall of the subway station, which means that he had stepped on it beforehand.

It feels like this kidnapper is not a brainless person.

But...according to the previous image on the phone, the kidnapper looks like an inexperienced rookie.

and so! What exactly is going on?

A kidnapping case that has progressed to the ‘catch the turtle in the urn’ seems to suddenly have a lot of problems.

With these questions in mind, everyone quickly came to the next stop.

Due to the fast speed, the subway just arrived at the station not long. When a crowd of people rushed into the subway station, the talents had just left.

Lao Guo saw some subway staff in the crowd and rushed past.

"Hello, we are from the crime team!" He said directly.

"Oh, we got the notice!" The staff member also said quickly in cooperation: "Our people have all been seated. One person is staring at the three carriages. No one has ever been on the roof!"

"it is good!"

Lao Guo finally let go of his heart.

A few minutes later, the entire subway train was emptied, and the police also pulled up a cordon. 15 minutes was enough time for the police to inspect the entire subway.

And the money thrown on the roof of the car is naturally the top priority of the inspection.

"Which carriage is it!" Lao Guo asked.

"Car 12, this is it!" The plainclothes man in the subway station at the time pointed to a car with certainty.

Several police officers quickly put up the ladder and climbed onto the roof of the car.

During this process, the hearts of the people below all mentioned their throats.

They even had a ridiculous and unrealistic idea...that is...

That kidnapper, won't really take the money away in this situation.

But fortunately, things were not so magical. Soon, the following people heard:

"found it!"

Immediately, a person carried a heavy duffel bag and moved it down.

"Oh, what a nonsense." Lao Guo saw the duffel bag and couldn't help but smiled: "This silly kidnapper, I still think that he can make a moth. I didn't expect that he was just messing around. This Isn't the money still here?"

With that said, Lao Guo smoothly opened the zipper of his luggage.

And inside... is a pile of broken books...

Money is gone...

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