Detective Training Manual

Chapter 160: I want to cover it~

Zhou Yan thought, thought, and finally came to a conclusion.

That is... I'm really a bit nervous.

The fatigue of the whole day made his mind a little dizzy. Now he has finished eating, lying on the bed, and flipping through his notes for a while.

A wave of sleepiness came out.

Zhou Yan felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, just like that, he fell asleep.


When people are extremely sleepy, their sleep quality is often particularly good.

So the next day, Zhou Yan did not wake up very late, on the contrary, he just got up at seven o'clock.

After getting up, Zhou Yan felt very awkward.

Because he finally had a sense of self-protection, he remembered the oppression that Lin Xi and Li Huan two women brought to him last night.

That feeling is really scarier than beating myself.

Therefore, Zhou Yan felt that he should go to say hello to Li Huan and explain what happened yesterday.

Oh, yes, I remember the day before yesterday, Li Huan drank too much, and slept in his own bed. Starting from this matter, the landlord was close to something, Li Huan was soft-hearted, and he probably lost his anger.

Even now, he still doesn't know why Li Huan is angry.

So Zhou Yan pushed the door and went out, wanting to knock on the door.

Although this girl Li Huan has no work pressure at all, she has a very regular life and wakes up at around 7 o'clock every morning.

But...As soon as Zhou Yan walked to the door of Li Huan's room, she saw a note sticking to her door.

[Don’t bother me, I want to write a book! 】

"Um..." Zhou Yan was taken aback.

What kind of book do you write? Didn’t your new book just go on sale?

Well, from this look, this girl Li Huan didn't want to see herself, so she just found a reason.

Indeed, Li Huan really didn't want to see Zhou Yan anymore. The reason was...As soon as she went home last night, she felt that something was wrong with her.

He was so diametrically opposed to Zhou Yan's boss.

Li Huan didn't know why it was like that at the time. When she came home, she flushed when she thought about it. When she recalled her behavior, she felt that she was not good as a whole.

How can I meet Zhou Yan again? Wouldn't it be shame to die!

Therefore, Li Huan hurriedly posted a note to avoid face-to-face with Zhou Yan. As for how the matter ended... She really couldn’t figure it out. The whole person was lying in the blanket, and it was estimated for one night. Can't sleep.

Zhou Yan looked at the note on the door and shook his head helplessly.

How can I fix it? The landlord has already spoken, and he doesn't dare to stand up to the wind. So, this early morning, is it going to go to work?

In fact, it stands to reason that after experiencing such a big event yesterday, my boss should give myself a day off. After all, I need to slow down.

But when Zhou Yan turned on the phone, she found that Lin Xi's wife hadn't happened, let alone a text message, telling herself that she could rest at home for a day, she didn't even have a sympathy.

Zhou Yan sighed. In this posture, if you make your own decision today and don't go to work, maybe the lady can directly hammer herself to death.

Therefore, Zhou Yan could only get on the bus to work under the triple pressure of fate, salary, and women.

Because Zhou Yan got up early today, he arrived early in the detective agency.

It just arrived at seven forty.

It stands to reason that he can be on duty at nine o'clock this month.

However, Xiyan Detective Agency opened its doors so early!

Zhou Yan opened the door in surprise and saw that Lin Xi was already sitting in front of her computer, sorting out something.

Zhou Yan hesitated and said hello.

"Late for work! You are punished for cleaning today!" Lin Xi said with no human touch.

"Oh." Zhou Yan nodded, and then: "What? Late?!"

He was always late to the point that he didn't react to it for a while: "Hey, what time is this? You tell me I'm used to being late!"

"I'm late, what's your working time today..." Lin Xi said, and glanced at his watch: "It's 7:38, you happened to be two minutes Welfare] Give you a cash red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

"What the hell! You are obviously the current working time according to the time I came! Besides, there is no strange time point like '38 minutes' in the company's working hours!" Zhou Yan yelled Tao.

"No matter~ you are late anyway!" Lin Xi stared at the computer screen without even looking at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan frowned, seeming to realize something.

Who is Lin Xi? That's the tough character of a large detective group on the opposite side who took the initiative to fire on the front foot and opened a detective agency across the street on the back foot.

Now, she actually said such unreasonable things to make herself late for work, and she still didn't dare to look at herself.

What does this show?

It shows that she is guilty!

Could it be...she felt that she was a little embarrassed about what she did yesterday, so she was afraid of being mentioned, so she stiffly led the topic to some absurd things.

As Zhou Yan thought, he leaned forward, wanting to see Lin Xi's expression at this time.

But just a few steps forward.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Xi said coldly.

"I... I'm going inside, I can't always stand at the door." Zhou Yan explained.

"..." Lin Xi was silent.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken, Zhou Yan continued to walk in, staring hard at each other all the time.

"You are looking at me!" Lin Xi said coldly again.

"Uh, there are only two of us in this room. I don't think it's normal for you to look at it~?"

The voice just fell.

Lin Xi turned his head abruptly and stared at Zhou Yan with murderous eyes: "What do you mean by'the two of us in this room'?!"

Zhou Yan was frightened and shivered: "Just... it's the two of us, is there a third party?"

"No! Third! Who!?" Lin Xi's voice was raised another level, Zhou Yan could see that the killing intent on her body had condensed into substance.

"I, I, I... I didn't say anything!" Zhou Yan immediately persuaded ~ No matter why, dare to take back his words first.

"Humph!" Lin Xi angrily retracted his gaze: "Don't think about anything, nothing happened between us, I am the boss, you are the employee, we only have a working relationship, understand?!"

"Understood!" Zhou Yan responded directly, but he yelled again in his head, ‘what, isn’t it this way? You repeat it here, it sounds like you want to cover it up! ’

Just thinking about this, Lin Xi didn't give Zhou Yan any time for his own thoughts, and she directly handed over a piece of paper.

"This is an order. I have to deal with it today." When Zhou Yan heard it, his thoughts were really attracted, because at last someone took the initiative to hand over the order. It seems that this newly opened detective agency , I finally got a bit of fame.

Zhou Yan quickly took over the order.

At the same time, he also heard what Lin Xi said...

"This commission, you handle it yourself!"

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