Detective Training Manual

Chapter 119: Detective exam

Zhou Yan thought it was Lawyer Zou calling?

but not.

I thought it was the police station who finally found any clues about the female assassin, can I use it?

Nor is it.

Thought it was the [Looking for Sunday] bar who just hung out in the morning, someone picked it up?

Not yet.

I saw a few big characters on the caller ID of the mobile phone.

"Detective Administration"


Zhou Yan looked at Lin Xi on the side: "Detective Administration...what is it?"

Lin Xi raised an eyebrow: "It's the Detective Administration, you don't even know this, do you."

"I...I really don't know. So why is this bureau calling me?"

"I don't know." Lin Xi shrugged: "But I advise you to pick it up quickly, otherwise, it will keep calling you, and it can annoy you."

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was startled: "Do they often call you?"

"Yes, call me every three to five, please pick it up soon." Lin Xi said casually.

Zhou Yan nodded and answered the phone.

"Hey, it's an unregistered assistant detective——Zhou Yan." Zhou Yan didn't even have time to speak, so he just started talking over there.

"I'm Zhou Yan... May I ask what..."

Zhou Yan still didn’t even finish his words, and then he began to say: “The system has already helped you sign up for this year’s junior detective level exam. The start time is the 28th of this month. The specific location and time have been sent by text message The form is sent to your mobile phone, please check it carefully."

The words on the other side spoke very quickly. It is estimated that he had said this passage thousands of times, and Zhou Yan didn't even react to it.

"Wait...Wait...what exam, I didn't say what exam to take?" he yelled.

But "beep~beep~"

The busy tone of the phone sounded, and the other side had hung up the phone.

Zhou Yan was completely confused. What? He called directly and put an exam on his head. And you don’t listen to me asking questions, just hang up the phone, this ‘Detective Administration’ is too inhumane.

"Haha." Lin Xi smiled and said, "Don't be surprised, the operators on the administration side are like this, you are full, so you can adapt."

"Uh, okay." Zhou Yan can still make up his mind, so he can only accept it passively.

"But...what is this exam? I didn't say that I would register for the exam." Zhou Yan asked.

"Detective rank exam, this is not what you are required to take, but you have to take the exam. It is probably because when I registered for the detective agency, I also filled in you as an assistant detective, so... the system will automatically You are classified as an examinee."

"Ah? But I'm not ready for any test at all." Zhou Yan scratched his head, and when he heard the word "exam", he was very uncomfortable. It is probably the root cause of his childhood.

"That's no way. You have to face this test." Lin Xi said: "But you can bite the bullet and not take the test. The bureau will call you at most every day, and you can stand it. Oh, By the way, if you don't take the exam, you will never be able to become a detective. You have been an assistant, can you be content?

Zhou Yan said in his heart, if the salary is enough, I am willing, what's wrong with being a salted fish.

But this is definitely unrealistic, so there is no way, Zhou Yanchang sighed: "Okay... 28th..." He checked the date on the phone: "Hey, isn't this just downloading? Week!"

"Uh, it looks like next week~" Lin Xi was also taken aback.

"But why did they tell me so late, I haven't prepared anything yet!"

"Is there any way, I just filled in your information a few days ago." Lin Xi was also a little helpless: "But it doesn't matter, with your brain, as long as you don't be lazy, a preliminary exam is very simple. ~"

"Believe you will have a ghost~" Zhou Yan muttered depressedly, recalling Lin Xi's sleepless exam three days and two nights before.

In this way, Zhou Yan was very sad and walked towards the detective agency.

Along the way, Lin Xi also shared with Zhou Yan the knowledge of the ‘Elementary Detective Examination’.

It turns out that this'junior detective exam' is really [primary].

At a beginner level, none of the people taking this exam are detectives.

It's a bit like a [licensed physician] [driver's license] in the world before the rebirth.

If you do not pass the test, you are not a doctor at all and cannot drive on the road.

Therefore, if Zhou Yan wants to take the path of detectives, then this test is inevitable for him.

After being admitted to the detective, Zhou Yan's level became directly [Doberman] level.

After each level of promotion, that's something to follow.

As for the [Detective Management Bureau]...Actually, you can tell by the name that this is a place to manage detectives.

For example, the sorting of cases, the unsolvable cases encountered by low-level detectives, or the deployment of high-level detectives, are all managed by this place.

Speaking of it, in fact, the status of the "Detective Administration" is similar to that of the "General Police Department". It also has branches in different urban areas, but the "General Police Department" has more people, a larger building, and safety. Measures are also higher.

Because there are criminals in the police station, the police also have guns in their hands.

And detectives... they don't have the right to use guns.

Soon, Lin Xi and Zhou Yan returned to the detective agency.

At this time, the two of them have come to relax...Zhou Yan lazily sorted out some files, and spent time waiting to get off work, while Lin Xi was sitting on the sofa with the remote control in his hand. It was meaningless. The channel of the wall-mounted TV is constantly switching.


The constantly switching sound on the TV stopped.

Lin Xi held the hand of the remote control and chose it in mid-air...

The TV channel seems to be stopped at the news station.

On the screen, a news announcer is reading the manuscript in his hand in a tone that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"Today is February 21st, and there is still a week away from the end of this month...

And the super-large mystery that plagued the world. [Detective mass disappearance incident], still no dust settled.

Seven years have passed, and as of this moment, the 29 missing detectives are still in a state of disconnection. There is no news or any information that can prove their deaths.

But in a legal sense, they will be defined as ‘death’ after this month.

So far, on behalf of the news media of this station, I would like to thank the 29 detectives for all their contributions to this world.

Their name is...

Zhang, missing age, 39 years old, grade [Mutual]

Fu Junqi, male, missing age, 30 years old, grade [Poirot]

Li Zhenyu, male, missing age...

Anna Christie, female


One by one, read out from the announcer's mouth.

At the bottom of the screen, lines of text are constantly scrolling.

And when the name [Lin Fan] flashed across.

Lin Xi's hand hanging in the air... trembled.


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