Detective Training Manual

Chapter 98: Let's talk first

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Zhou Yan and Lin Xi both turned their heads in doubt, and then they saw a little girl running towards them.

The short double ponytail and the clean dress are Shizuka.

She seemed to be running behind for a while, so she was a little out of breath.

"Um...what's the matter?" Zhou Yan asked, looking at Jingxiang.

Shizuka slowed down and took a few breaths.

"Excuse me, Nobita... Did you give that precious card to you?" she said.

This sentence made Lin Xi and Zhou Yan both stunned.

"You...are detectives," Shizuka asked again.

"..." Lin Xi was silent. She frowned and looked at the quiet little girl in front of her: "How did you know?"

"Because it is impossible for Nobita to crack the trick of the husband, he is not so smart." Shizuka replied naturally.

Zhou Yan's head dropped!

Oh my God, saying this so firmly, can Daxiong's IQ already be regarded as decisive evidence?

If Nobita himself hears your comment on him, I guess he would have collapsed throughout his childhood.

Lin Xi was also slightly surprised: " have already noticed that we are detectives?"

"Nor." Shizuka said: "It's just that Nobita's performance is too obvious."

Zhou Yan's whole person couldn't hold back a little: "Then you praised and hugged Nobita before. Is it just to comfort him?"

Shizuka lowered her head: "No, it's just that I think... Daxiong was very painful at the time. I wanted to help him, but I didn't know how to speak."

"Um...the children nowadays are a bit unexpectedly precocious." Zhou Yan yelled in his heart.

"So, what are you doing with us now?" Lin Xi asked.

"I think..." Shizuka lowered her head and hesitated for a while: "I want to ask you if you can return that card to Nobita. That is his most precious thing. Last time, Ji An I wanted to grab that card, but Nobita defended him, I have never seen him so strong."

Lin Xi seemed to have thought of something. She smiled and looked at the little girl in front of her: "You just chased us all the way because you wanted to get the card back for him?"

"Yeah." Shizuka nodded.

"But... Nobita lied to you." Lin Xi said again.

"I know...but...I don't blame him!"


"Because..." Shizuka hesitated: "Because Nobita is such a person, he is timid, cowardly, not self-motivated, and... still stupid.

He is not a hero, and he trembles when he sees wild dogs. He is not a child who loves to learn. He always sleeps in class! Luck is still very bad, this can't be done well, and that can't be done well either.

But this is Nobita. "

"Um..." Zhou Yan rubbed his nose a little entangled. He felt that Shizuka's evaluation didn't sound like exaggerating Xiong at all.

But think again...Yes, who ruled that a child must have all the perfect qualities like the protagonist in a novel?

Only those children who are full of light are worthy of people's love.

Does a child have to be brave, or does he have to love learning? Or is it because you have had a passion and lofty ideals since you were young, so that you can appreciate it?

Quality is cultivated, not imposed.

Evasion and cowardice are not necessarily shameful. In the face of difficulties, not everyone can have the courage to move forward.

Even lying...that is an unavoidable behavior in a person's life.

Even if all parents are telling their children, lying is not allowed and will never be allowed.

But... so what.

No matter how obedient children they are, they will lie after all.

Of course, this does not mean that we are going to indulge, but that no one can escape.

On the other hand, people like Nobita who are not immersed in the lie after lying, in fact, it is a rare quality.

"So... please return the card to Nobita." Shizuka continued, and then bowed deeply: "Actually, this is all to blame for me. I was particularly curious yesterday and always asked Nobita. , How did Xiaofu do it?

Nobita just wanted to solve the mystery for me.

In short, if it weren't for me, Nobita would never bet on that card. "

Shizuka spoke very sincerely, and even finally took the mistake to her own body.

However, Lin Xi still shook his head: "I'm really sorry, although I can see that Nobita is a kind child, but you never hope that he lied, but he didn't have to pay any price.

Besides, the commission must be paid by someone. "

Shizuka still kept bowing: "I can pay the commission for Nobita."

"Huh?" Zhou Yan frowned, "I said, don't take the money from your family privately, we won't collect it."

"No, no," Shizuka hurriedly waved her hand: "I have no money, nor will I take money from my family privately. Actually...I want to use another commission to pay for this. Commission for the second time."

"Um...what do you mean?" Zhou Yan was stunned, but he didn't understand.

But Lin Xi's eyes on the side seemed to light up: "Oh? You mean, you have a better client?"

"Yeah!" Shizuka nodded.

Actually... the operation of using a commission to pay ‘delegation money’ is not particularly rare in this world.

The specific process is that after the detective helps a person solve the incident, that person does not need to give the detective money, but introduces him to another client's case and let the detective handle it.

The reason for this operation is actually because of the hierarchical system of the detective agency.

Prestige, the type of cases resolved, the social status of the client, and the number of resolved requests.

These factors all affect the level of the detective agency.

To cite a few examples, let’s just talk about finding missing children... This kind of thing is not difficult, but if there is a detective agency that is particularly good at finding children, then its reputation in the field of [searching people] Will be particularly high.

Therefore, even if it has not taken over other types of cases, its detective agency level will continue to rise.

Also, if you help the grandmother next door find a cat, and help the mayor find a cat, the benefits will definitely be different.

This is not to say that the mayor is superior... It's just that after the mayor's problem is solved, the chance of being interviewed is also higher, and the chance of being exposed by the detective agency is higher.

In short, the benefits of a good case to the detective agency are not only financial, so often a good commission will attract the coveting of a group of detective agencies.

Lin Xi was silent for a while: "Then, let's talk about it first..."

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