Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 524: Dragon Tomb

PS: I have been blocked once, I wonder if I can.


"It does need adjustment."

Li Mochen nodded slightly: "I will send three more legendary mages to participate, and Mr. Douglas Duncan."

Everyone present had no surprises.

After the Battle of the Void Night King, Professor Alex Galanz's prying spell was released. So the scene in Star World, everyone here is fortunate to witness.

Li Mochen has already obtained the three lich's life boxes, and after a maximum of twelve hours, they will rely on the life box to "rebirth". This means that the Rising Sun Group's strength in terms of spellcasters has been strengthened again, and has already complemented this shortcoming.

"Then Philip I and his many allies."

Li Mochen continued: "Clark, we must understand their every move. It is best to investigate, what the ancestor of the Wiltonstein family is preparing for?"

"I try my best, BOSS!"

Clark Banfield has little confidence. At this time, both sides are doing everything they can to spy on the other side, while also trying their best to ensure that their key information will not be leaked.

For a new force, it is inherently weak. Even if he used to be one of the FBI's most outstanding intelligence directors, he was helpless.

"I only need you to do your best, but our intelligence department must at least keep an eye on the movements of the demigods and legends."

Li Mochen looked around at everyone here: "Before disbanding, I would like to remind you finally. I estimate that the war will come within three months. During this time, please upgrade yourself as much as possible and enhance your viability. It will be an epic-level war, and no one can be lucky. In addition, I will provide an additional eight billion dongs of funds. It is still the old rules, if any of you think you can be in the near future To improve strength and professional level, and have sufficient repayment ability or mortgage, you can apply for loans and subsidies from Alyssa. "

His words inspired everyone in the room.

Four months ago, Li Mochen set up a fund pool with a scale of 15 billion gold shields to help all the magical professionals above his level to improve their strength.

However, as this capital pool continued to shrink, in the past month, they have become increasingly difficult to apply for loans and subsidies.

And while everyone gathered here was leaving, Clark Banfield stayed alone. The intelligence director of the Rising Sun Group handed over a crystal to Li Mochen.

"BOSS, the task you gave me before has been completed. With this magic crystal, you can locate the magic tower."

Li Mochen's eyes lighted up, he took the crystal in his hand and felt it. Then I found that the coordinates inside are constantly changing.

"This comes from another **** walking on the ground. I paid a lot for it. I will send the bill to Miss Tangerian later."

When Clark Banfield said this, he looked a little hesitant: "BOSS, if you are going to do anything next, you have to be careful. This is a power above Ms. Christie Bled. , The real magician. "

In fact, any real magician is above Ms. Christie Bled.

The strength of the latter depends more on the authority left by the ‘Goddess of Liberty’. And like Ms. Bled, there are a total of eight in the New World Magic Association-these magic envoys are nominated by the president, appointed by Congress and voted as part of the American national strength.

And the real magic makes them not only cast the banned spell faster, but also more powerful, and usually have a powerful amount of divine power.

"I know!"

Li Mochen looked dignified at the crystal and received the "Void Concealment": "Don't worry, I won't act rashly, I will choose a suitable time, Clark. And you have another task next, you should have heard the meter Hare, right? From now on at any cost, help me figure this out. "


Asked Jianshanzhuang's master bedroom, messy clothes scattered all over the place.

Angela's pretty face flushed, lying on the bed with her gasps, her white forehead covered with sweat.

"Excessive! I will never do it with you again. I will be tricked into bed by you in the future. I am a pig!"

She is now a 12th-level illusionist, a 11th-level dragon artist, and an 8th-level magic warrior. It is said that her physical strength is very strong now. However, strong players have strong players.

Li Mochen, whose professional level is only fifteen, is already comparable to the legend in physical fitness.

And "Harmony" among magical professionals is not just the "Harmony" movement. It also involves the "harmony" of the devil in the body, and even the "harmony" of the soul-this is of great benefit to both of them.

In this world, there are some "harmony" methods in the Eastern and Western spiritual circles. After modern times, the top secrets of "Harmony", which originated in the poisonous country, have further boosted the level of the entire world.

Both Li Mochen and Angela are very knowledgeable and there is no shortage of such methods. Can let them enhance the sense of pleasure, while giving the spirit and benefit.

In these three months, Li Mochen improved his physical fitness by 8%, while his mental strength increased by 12%.

But this kind of thing is also very exhausting. After all, they are not the kind of professional "harmony" partners, nor do they take the "harmony" law as their own foundation.

"Angel, are you sure? I think you'd better think about it more. I don't want to call you Piggy Angel."

Li Mochen lay in bed in a very good mood, feeling the joy from the depths of his soul.

For the first time three months ago, Li Mochen had a great sense of satisfaction, directly allowing his soul fusion progress to reach more than 90%.

And every time after doing this with Angela, his soul will be further blended ~ ~ This makes Li Mochen's mood complicated, how to say? More or less, some parents' hatred is not as good as the feminine feeling.

However, he immediately thought of something, and the cheerful mood gradually subsided, and he couldn't help frowning slightly, and his face began to dignified.

"For Philip I?"

Angela noticed that his mood was different, and immediately climbed over and smoothed his eyebrows with his fingers.

"Don't you just push the Medici family back and get an ace? No matter how strong the killer prepared by Philip I is, he can't beat you."

She was a little sad, thinking that she was the vase beside Li Mochen.

But it will be better after a while, at that time she will have the strength to help Li Mochen.

"Philip? I'm not for him—"

Li Mochen was actually thinking about Jennifer, and the Medici family's covetment of Angela. These two things, he is currently unsure.

So now he still has to find a way to improve his own strength.

But then he calmed his thoughts, things had to be step by step, and now it is useless to think.

"An Qi, you have made some preparations recently. At most half a month, we may go to the Dragon Tomb. I want to take you with you--"

"Dragon Tomb? Is it for Hairou?"

Angela understands Li Mochen's plan, and the latter mostly wants to find a better dragon skeleton for her to strengthen her fantasy dragon royal.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something: "Speaking of Herrell, you should be more concerned about Amo. Do you know what she has done this month? She beat four students into the hospital, plus Last month, it was already the twelfth. My friend, Miss Linden, had a wretched hair and did n’t know what to say to you, "

Li Mochen looked stunned, and then frowned.

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