Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 518: Hit the west

Coincidentally, it is also brightly lit in the lobby of the Hermit Manor in Atlanta.

"Anthony Braden this bastard!"

Alexandra Howard's face was slightly blue, almost spitting out of his teeth: "It seems that the rumor is true, he really gave the light magic eight to this hybrid."

"Andre himself is actually not difficult to solve. Ilze Medici has shown us that his weakness is" spirit "and he must rely on his subordinate Robert to bear the spiritual impact of the enemy. Anthony Braden Armed with the mythology left by his father to protect his soul, he can be fearless of any illusions and spiritual shocks, but the **** in your mouth does not. "

It was a little girl who was only 10 years old, sitting on the window sill with her feet swaying, with a naive look and temperament.

"The question now is how to deal with the ultimatum of the Medici family? If we are not prepared to help on this side, most of them will be forced to withdraw from this war."

At this time, everyone looked at Philip I, who was sitting in the middle of the lobby.

Only Alexandra rubbed her forehead with a headache: "The Medici family is the highest family in the sequence, why is it so useless?"

"It can't be said that they are now tied with one hand to fight Andre. Andre's life and death power is indeed strong. The magician they are proud of can't confront Andre. And once the war expands, Weimar Medici ’s Pope ’s Road will be a success. "

The speaker was Roland Benedict, who was paying attention to Philip I: "You have to choose Philip, whether you are going to go to war now, or just sit back and watch the Medici family be forced to retreat."

"This is indeed a dilemma."

In front of the fireplace in the lobby, a pale-faced man in a black coat also chuckled at this time: "We are not ready yet, and if we do it in Amerika, we may only be afraid of obtaining the Amerika government's Support, and even hostility from the government. But if we sit back and watch the defeat of the Medici family, then we will also lose up to 30,000 elite mercenaries, 3 billion gold shielded monthly financial support, and many legends and half Divine power. We are now also forced to the corner, Philip. "

Philip I still didn't speak. He leaned his palms on his palms and looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows with a gloomy look.


While everyone was paying attention to this war in the astral realm, in the magical tower of ‘Country of Destiny’ parked outside the realm of Jianshan Villa, another ‘Li Mochen’ suddenly opened his eyes.

The ‘Crimson Dragon Armor’ he was wearing was haunting the blood-red aura. The force of the war, which was stirred up by the tension in Atlanta, caused the virtual priest inside the dragon armor to grow rapidly, violently clashing with the cursed force remaining on the armor, and fighting each other.

At this moment, Li Mochen's figure flashed away, directly breaking through the space wall, and came to the infinite void of the Star World.

‘Void Night King’ Delfinia Adrick can manipulate the power of the void arbitrarily and carry out a space transfer of up to 10,000 or even tens of thousands of kilometers.

But at this time, "Li Mochen" used the "Star Jump" to use the power of the stars in the astral world, and the speed of movement far exceeded Delphinia.

After more than ten consecutive flashes, he entered the dark world. The ghost city corresponding to Atlanta is millions of kilometers away.

When ‘Li Mochen’ was standing at the high-altitude station here, he could feel the breath of life and death in the vicinity.

The jungle under his feet was full of vitality on the one hand and full of decayed death on the other.

‘Li Mochen’ quickly focused his gaze on the blue swamp below. Many plants growing there are decaying due to environmental factors, but more marsh plants are also growing.

What attracts the attention of Li Mochen is only a powerful creature hidden deep in the swamp.

"That guy is the blue marsh magic vine-here to remind you again, this guy's difficulty level can be ranked in the top among all the spirits of the trees in the dark world. Although the rank of the blue marsh magic vine is currently a demigod, but this The man ’s mana is almost endless, and can be compared with many medium gods. Although its wisdom is very low, after a long period of time, it still has several powerful divine powers. In addition to being a plant spirit, it also has With the authority of life and death, it can also absorb the power of the earth and proliferate endlessly. So far, this huge blue marsh has not been developed. Once it was in the vicinity, it was indeed not found to be valuable. Minerals; the second is the existence of the blue marsh magic vine, and its heirs are densely spread in this area. Any human close to the blue marsh is difficult to survive. And if you want to remove it and its heirs, then unless it is the Supreme Family Other forces have to pay a lot. "

Anthony Braden, who was cursed by Alexandra Howard, suddenly showed his figure on Li Mochen's side.

But this is not his body, but a projection of a small instrument beside Li Mochen.

"And you, Amo, are planning to kill it alone! Amo, I do n’t disagree with your strength, but also the tactics you take next. But it ’s very difficult to really kill it, It takes a little luck. "

"I know, this is a little risky, but—"

In Li Mochen's eyes, there was a bit of finesse: "This is the only way to solve my mana shortage, Anthony."

"It is true, so I will try my best to help you."

Anthony nodded slightly: "I will use space technology later to let you use your magic tower in Atlanta without any obstacles, but the time is only twenty minutes. Forget it, you can use the scarlet dragon armor freely, nor It will take more than twenty minutes. Good luck, Andrea! Now you can lure it out— "

Li Mochen immediately raised his hand and took a fist-sized blood red pill in his hand. And just three seconds later, the swamp beneath them began to oscillate slightly, and then intensified. Countless creatures living in the swamp ~ ~ began to panic escape from all sides.

However, only five seconds later, a giant monster rose from the ground. It was a giant creature that looked like an eight-clawed octopus. At the center was an elliptical sphere entangled with countless black vines. It stretched out countless 'tentacles' and pulled out, spreading in the direction of Li Mochen .

But the latter is also rapidly ascending, getting farther and farther from the ground, 13,000 kilometers, 35,000 kilometers, 67,000 kilometers, up to an altitude of 120,000 meters. This finally exceeded the reach of these black vines, and the blue marsh magic vine gave a loud roar at this moment, its entire body was completely pulled out of the ground, and countless black vines coalesced together to form a huge black dragon. shape. As it flapped its wings, it flew up into the air to chase it toward the sky.

One person and one vine flew higher and higher in the air, and soon reached the position of 300,000 meters above the ground. And the distance between them is also getting closer.

But at this time, Li Mochen tore the space-time wall again and stepped into the astral world.

But the blue marsh magic vine refused to give up. Before the space-time wall was "healed", dozens of black vines extended to tear the crack open, and expanded to an area that allowed it to pass completely, and then rammed into it. Go in.

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