Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 516: error

PS: There may be only this chapter at night. I will continue to code. I do n’t know if I can finish it.


Ten seconds later, Li Mochen spread his hand: "It seems that we can't talk? Is there any help behind Philip I?"

There was a trace of surprise in the flame griffin's eyes. He noticed that Li Mochen was talking about ‘three’ instead of ‘two’. In other words, this guy has sensed the existence of another demigod?

Behind it, the sorcerer with angel wings looks calm: "Consider the consequences, the son of the Hohenstaufen family! You are trying to provoke a Medici, a supreme family. If you plan to Medici declares war, then we accompany! "

"Are you here?"

Li Mochen smiled slightly, and there was a bit of excitement and irony in his eyes: "Then please tell the patriarch and elders of your family. From now on, they can think that the war has begun!"

Just the moment his voice fell, his power of life and death had completely covered this area.

The flaming griffin, the warlock that day, and even the six magic towers in the distance, began to burn gray ‘flame’. This made an incredible look appear in the eyes of the two gods on the opposite side.

Even Delfinia was stunned.

"Wat? Andrea, you madman--"

She knew that Li Mochen was here to kill Douglas Duncan, and it was inevitable that there would be conflict with the Medici family.

However, even knowing that the other party had three and a half gods present, and two of them had divine power, Li Mochen still shot boldly, without any fear or hesitation.

Delfinia considers them strange, and is considered to be more sturdy, no matter who the enemy is. As long as they can fight for a brighter future for the race, they dare to fight anyone.

But at this moment, Delfinia was still sighing with emotion.

But the next thing that shocked her heart was the ashes that contained the power of death.

The two demigods and many legendary mages opposite them, the breath of these people is quickly dimming at a speed that can be inspected with the naked eye. At the same time, the three of them also had the feet of the dragon veins, and at the same time a flame of Holy White ignited. This made the magic power of the virtual night king climb sharply, and his vitality was unprecedentedly active.

And Delfinia's pupils also condensed into needles at this moment.

"Mediocre Divine Power!"

The amount of divine power that Li Mochen displayed at the moment is far more powerful than she expected!

This fire of death has not only weakened the vitality and vitality of all the ‘creatures’ on the opposite side, but also allowed them to grasp the material and energy, but also into ‘death’ at the same time!

In just five months, this guy has grown to this point?

As these thoughts came up and filled the whole mind, Delfinia's rich experience of dozens of battles made her enter the battle form instinctively at the moment Li Mochen started.

She did not hesitate to make the space in front of the three people, layers of folding and twisting, constantly changing, so that the six-shot demon cannon annihilation gun that bombarded in front at the same time, all shifted.

Delfinia's best "exile" was also performed simultaneously, preparing to move the two demigods on the opposite side from the battlefield.

Her awakened abilities are still powerful, even the demigods ca n’t resist, but just before this 'exile' began to take effect, an equally powerful force of the void extended from the other direction and forcibly smoothed it out. The void of this boundary is fluctuating.

"Emperor Void Night, your Void ability is not almighty!"

Before that, the Flame Griffon and Angel Warlock had already shot separately.

The two men's sudden shot against Li Mochen, and the amount of divine power revealed, was obviously shocked and shocked. However, these two reactions were equally quick, and they all launched counterattacks in the first place.

"Endless Fire!"

As the demigod Druid waved his wings, a red sea of ​​flame covered the star world in an instant, and even Delphinia's void collapse could not be defended.

But she didn't feel the heat. This was a red sea that was merged with the power of God. Obviously, it was interfered by another force of the same origin, making them completely powerless. This is what makes Delfinia feel shocked. Is this guy beside her, even the mastery of the flame god, enough to fight against a demigod?

But at the same time, the warlock held the staff and pointed at Li Mochen.

"Light trial!"

This is a well-known magic technique of the Light Church, which can summon the power of the Light Lord and the angels to conduct spiritual judgments on the enemy.

Few people are able to escape the spiritual impact of the Lord of Light, and the ‘Final Judgment’ of up to the 28th level can already call up the spirit power of the Lord of Light ’s ‘Earth Incarnation’ level – that is enough to fight a mid-level god!

For a magical professional whose real strength is only extra-legal, its lethal power is especially great!

However, this failed to hit the target. Li Mochen's "law transfer" made this powerful spiritual technique directly married to Robert Ivon, who will help him bear the impact.

The blood-eye maid's mouth and nose were bleeding, but her eyes were still as bright as stars. She flew forward unaffected, and intercepted the drove druid.

The hurricane giant holding twelve mouths of "Fangs of the Wind God" exhibited the Thousand Swords in a flash, collided with the flaming Griffon bombardment, and at the same time, thousands of wind blades began to spread densely in this astral world. That made the iron feathers of the demigod Druid covered with crimson flames continuously sputtered with sparks.

The battle between the two seems to be 'evenly matched'.

Although the flame **** power of the demigod Druid was ‘neutralized’ and ‘suppressed’, the ‘fire feathers’ that he dissipated from the outside of the body, like the flying swords of the Eastern monks, whirled and slashed with great momentum. With the quasi-mythical equipment it holds, it seems that the unbreakable iron wall is defending Robert's "Fangs of the Wind God" and the wind blade. And this animal companion, a tiny "Bronze Dragon", made up for it, using its sharp claws to fight against Robert's body, and the incredible "Teeth of the Wind God". Main sword.

However, this "comparable" situation is just what it looks like. The other demigod hidden in the void has already intervened. The void power controlled by this person is constantly creating a folding space around the demigod's druid, constantly deflecting those deadly wind blades.

"You made a fatal mistake, Andrea!"

This cold voice resounded through the void, full of anger and murderous intent: "The Medici family will bury you here completely! This will be the price of your provocation to the Supreme Family!"

The angel warlock's body and body ~ ~ has now condensed a layer of glorious armor, which allows her to effectively defend Li Mochen's death fire. And in this person's eyes, there was a dazzling brilliance, just like the seven 'kings of angels' recorded in the light scriptures came to earth.

But opposite her, Li Mochen's lips and corners rose slightly: "I do think that your arrogance as a demigod has caused you a fatal illusion!"

At this moment, the golden yellow pupil of the ‘Dragon Vein’ under his feet suddenly turned black, so only a moment later, there were fatal holes in the outer space walls of the seven magic towers in the distance.

This not only let the power of the 'stars' shine, Li Mochen's death fire completely covered the seven Master Towers with at least six floors in a flash.

This made the two demigods of the Medici family shudder. They all sensed the breath and power of the seven legendary wizards, and all of them declined to near ‘death’ in a short while, and the breath of the three dragons across from them, again, increased dramatically.

And Li Mochen's indifferent and indifferent eyes looked at them: "The Meidiqi family may be very powerful, but you obviously lack cognition and awe for your own power! Recognize your humbleness, three poor worms— — ”

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