Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 501: Sum

"After the death of De La Rosa, several main forces of the Dragon Witch Church took the initiative to evacuate. Their guerrilla warfare continued, but all the death groups and elite professionals have been reduced to zero. Dragon Witch Church Those legends have also entered a latent state. "

Clark Banfield continued to report: "I monitor the whereabouts of some of them, and have detailed information about them, with the approximate location of twelve legends and the potential of 33 death teams."

When Li Mochen heard this, he felt refreshed: "Report me all their addresses!"

He was glad again that he changed the intelligence director in time before the war. Replaced by Jamie Burt, this can't be done anyway.

"Yes BOSS, I will let my magic messenger deliver it to you later."

Banfield replied unequivocally: "Also, Brigadier General Noah Badru has accepted the command and is reorganizing the troops and adjusting the combat strategy. The overall morale of the security department is not bad. Their next goal is to With the support of the legendary strongman, the hidden religious forums of the Dragon and Witch religion in Florida and other states are completely destroyed. At this stage, the high-level strongman should be our advantage. However, there are currently disadvantages. We have encountered certain difficulties in recruiting newcomers. Difficulties. Throughout America, our security personnel are undoubtedly the most dangerous occupations. BOSS, I suggest you increase your personnel investment. "

Li Mochen smiled bitterly. Many of the manpower recruited by Rising Sun had been killed in less than a month after they were on the job. It was indeed very dangerous.

This problem is solved very well. The magical professionals in this world have a strong resistance to wars, deaths and injuries. So as long as the money is in place, the heavy casualties are not a problem.

However, as a leader of power, Li Mochen had to feel distressed and ashamed.

Only tonight, he will spend at least 5 billion gold shields. Li Mochen was indifferent to the large number of casualties on the personnel side.

He can pay three times the normal level of pensions and high welfare, which is sure to make many magical professionals rush to their Rising Sun Group. But the essence of Li Mochen's expenditures is actually to buy his life.

And after ending the call with Banfield, the blood sacrifice of 'Scarlet Dragon Armor' has also come to an end. At this time, his magic satellite mobile phone rang again.

This time it was Michelle Medici who called.

"Andrea, you gave me a surprise again."

Li Mochen is full of anger and resentment in his stomach, so the words are a little ridiculed: "But it sounds like, Michelle, your mood doesn't seem to be very good, right?"

"It's still complicated, I didn't expect that you would kill de la Rosa."

Michelle lost her smile: "It's time to get to the point, Andrea. The chief cardinal priest of the Dragon Witch Church, Yarra, has found me again and asked me to come forward and quarrel with you."

"Not interested in."

Li Mochen replied without hesitation: "The war started by them, but when they ended it was not up to them."

"Don't you listen to the conditions?"

Michelle's voice was leisurely: "They will surrender Black-tooth Clement. Then pay 10 billion gold shields-"

"Without sincerity, the loss of more than 100 stores in my Rising Sun retail company alone is more than 10 billion."

Li Mochen sneered: "Michelle, do you think I should stop?"

"Be patient and listen to me when I'm done? If it's just this price, I won't promise to help them talk."

Michelle said calmly: "In addition, they have come up with several conditions that I can't refuse. Are you interested in listening? The first is the Stone of Destiny, are you collecting these things, right? There are more than 20 pieces hidden in their treasure house, and the market price is about 5 billion gold shields. The second one is the Dragon Sword 'Lafayette'. This is a weapon used by the Barbarossa Emperor during his strong age. Mythical equipment. But it has been damaged. But it is not impossible to repair; Article three, fifty drops of blood red dragon spring. "

Hearing this, Li Mochen moved slightly, which is a quasi-mythical item second only to the tears of Amphitryte and the fountain of life.

Legend has it that the dragon clan was hidden in the cemetery of the astral world, and it is also said that it is the blood of the Taikoo dragon. However, these two claims are denied by the dragon clan.

However, its effectiveness is real. It can repair most of the legendary strongmen's injuries, and can also extend life slightly. The time is between 20 and 30 years. Fifty drops of blood red Longquan, the market value is also between 5 billion golden shields to 7 billion.

"There are also 720 stores and various industries of Dragon Witchism across the country, and then their medium-sized military fortress" Grey Dragon Rock "in the dark world, as well as several mines and farms attached to this fortress. The value should be around 50 billion gold shields. In the end they will also help you clean up the several mercenary regiments involved in the war, including those legends. And now, it ’s your turn to bargain, little one. I guess you do n’t want their guerrilla war , Keep going? "

Li Mochen thought that this was really interesting. Was he planning to bring disaster to the east?

There are also these compensations, which seem very generous, but in fact none of them can directly promote the growth of his influence. Especially ‘Gray Dragon Rock’ will only allow the power in his hands to be further dispersed.

As for those store industries, who knows whether their source is legal or illegal?

Li Mochen can probably guess the next action of the government. These industries, Long Wujiao could not have been preserved.

"Then please turn them over. First, I'm not interested in anything like" Grey Dragon Rock ". If they really want to sum up, they will directly take out 50 billion gold shields of cash; second, I know they collect I need a lot of relics of the Mosrah civilization. I need them. Third, I know that they have a controlling stake in the First Bank of Boston and the Zunlong Fund. I hope that this bank and fund can be converted in the near future. Into my name. Fourth ~ ~ St. George's hotel chain, and ownership of the Delaro restaurant group. "

This is a tit-for-tat. The other party wants peace, but he does not want the price paid by the dragon and witchcraft to increase his power; Li Mochen is prepared to try his best to weaken the future war potential of the dragon witchcraft.

‘Boston ’s First Bank’ and ‘Zunlong Fund’ are the money bags of the Dragon Witch Church. Then they are the tools of money laundering by the Longmao, like the St. George hotel chain and the Delaro restaurant group.

The latter also relied on these four commercial organizations to suppress and knead the local forces of Dragon and Witchcraft.

Michelle laughed again: "Wow, this is an asset of at least 200 billion gold shields, I guess they are unlikely to agree."

"Mr. Michelle, are you just a messenger now? Is it okay to reply on my behalf."

After Li Mochen hung up the phone, he turned to look at Delfinia: "We have to hurry, and then we have to trouble you His Royal Highness the Night Lord."

Before the peace talks, he intends to eliminate the "legends" of the dragon and witchcraft as much as possible. This is not only to vent the evil anger and anger in his heart, but also to further exert pressure on the enemy.

"I promised you, didn't you? Just tell me the coordinates."

Delfinia was concise, playing with the ‘Magic Ring of the Sea’ in her hands with a cheerful look.

Although the conditions proposed by Li Mochen made her hesitant at that time. But when this fifth-level sacrificial tool started, Delfinia still felt full of excitement and contentment.

It was at this time that an owl jumped out of the astral world with a document.

Li Mochen recognized that this was Ms. Christie Bled's magical darling. He took the document and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Knowing that the Dragon and Witch Church may still be "struggling" some time, but they have little room for bargaining.

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