Destiny Dominates

Chapter 377: variable

In the ring, Li Mochen and others also felt that the five people at St. Macon Middle School seemed to have undergone some changes. Even the weakest William gave birth to induction.

"It's so strange, it feels like I've changed people across from each other."

"It's a substitution."

Louise Linden's eyes were cold, and she was also a little angry. What she despised most was this kind of cheating.

"I will go all out in this battle."

——Means unreserved, go all out beyond the specifications.

But at this time, coach Rikar under the stage suddenly waved a red flag. This was a request for a timeout from the referee.

The direct request of the NHSAA tournament committee to conduct an open and comprehensive test of the venue and all contestants immediately on the grounds of suspected external interference.

Li Mochen was not very optimistic about this. He found that opposite to those of St. Macon Middle School, the qi had changed slightly at this time. They all looked the same as usual, without any sense of turmoil.

Sure enough, when a large group of people carrying various instruments entered the venue, Li Mochen and others had done brain wave detection and magic energy scan one by one, and finally got nothing.

This result made another hustle and bustle on the four stands.

"Linden College shit! Do you cheat, do you think others cheat too?"

"——They are delaying time, I know, when NMOSA games, people often come to this set. After delaying for tens of minutes, they can come up with a way."

"Haha! They panic and are afraid!"

"Go to death, lucky Andrea!"

Wait until they re-enter the stage, the five people headed by Claude Antell regained their previous expressions, all with cold smiles and indifference with contempt.

"This expression-really uncomfortable."

Lina Adrick could not help but take a deep breath, she was not very concerned about the result of this game. But at this time, was also angered by the success of the opposite.

At this time, Li Mochen finally found Angela's anomaly.

"Are you all right? Angel."

The latter's soul consciousness fluctuates a lot today. Especially just now, the intensity increased suddenly, so he could not pay attention.


Angela smiled sweetly: "Do you know? The guys opposite, they are really interesting, very interesting!"

Li Mochen frowned slightly, and felt that the situation was different. However, at this time, he had no time to investigate. Just because the head referee next to him has already started counting.

The five people across St. Macon Middle School have stood ten meters away from them. The formation is relatively loose, obviously prepared for shocks.

"Three! Two! One! Zero! Start!"

As the red flag in the hands of the referee waved, the mad soldier of St. Michael ’s Middle School suddenly swelled, and together with the armor, he instantly became a burly giant with a height of nearly two and a half meters, and then in a blood The light rushed towards them.

This aimed directly at Louise Linden, apparently concluded that the eldest lady of the Linden family was the weakest of the three magic swordsmen.

With the sound of "Boom", Louise Linden, who was wearing a shield, was knocked away without any suspense.

"These guys-"

Louise ’s pupils contracted, and there was a little surprise on her face. The speed and power of this mad warrior were beyond her imagination. And at the moment of their contact, the surface looks like a simple impact, but in fact, the angle and force point of the impact, the two sides have experienced dozens of changes and games between the electro-optical flint, and she Louise Lin Boarding is in full disadvantage.

"Amo, be careful, they have at least six divine graces!"

"Can you make it?"

The mad warrior laughed loudly and stepped on his feet, making the ring like an earthquake turbulent, and the majestic source shocked the surroundings violently. The five people here have long been guarded against this savage trampling, except that William was slightly weaker and was directly flew to a distance of three meters.

Then the two Viking giant axes with big door panels in the hands of the mad warrior, like a whirlwind, scraped towards Angela. The fierce heavy axe slashed, covering the surrounding five meters of space.

"Hey! Little boy, can you make my whirlwind fly? Like your opponent more than a month ago, the same idiot named Cardio?"

Immediately followed, another golden light and shadow flew, this is the ‘holy charge’ of Templar Claude Antell!

The object he collided with was Lena Adrick. After a loud bang, the girl stumbled back. At this time, the mad warrior's axe blade storm just happened to rush towards her retreating position.

Was still standing in front, Li Mochen, who was slowly retreating, shot at the time, and the ‘Holy Thunder Verdict’ in his hand suddenly cut back like a lightning bolt into the whirlwind storm. This caused the Berserker ’s pupils to shrink, and not only stopped the movement against Lina, but even the whirlwind had to be forced to stop.

This is because the female shield warrior Issa O’Neal also charged with the savage slamming warrior technique, but the result of the confrontation between the two sides was that this Li Mochen ’s shield was deflected and was heading towards the mad warrior ’s axe blade storm. Rushed over.

If he does not stop at this time, there will be only one ending-Issa O’Neill is kicked out of the game first.

"Interesting, interesting! You guys, we underestimate you. You really are very powerful, not great."

The eyes of the mad warrior contracted, and his face finally appeared dignified.

And the eyes of the other four people also showed a hint of fear. In this confrontation with Issa O’Neill, Li Mochen did not show more power than the latter, but suppressed Issa O’Neill with skill, but in the body of this shield warrior, he was also a god. Grace's legendary shield warrior.

Even after changing her body, she can't give 100% of her physical strength, but her fighting skills and fighting consciousness are not beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"But what can you do? You still lost this time."

The whole body of the mad warrior was covered with a layer of blood-red gang gas-this scene made the grandstands from all four sides tremble again.

"Yuanli armor! It is Yuanli armor! This is the Yuanli armor that can only be used by extra-legal berserkers!"

"In the 11th grade, this is a foul--"

"Haha, powerful St. Macon!"

"I love you, crush the guy named Andrea! He is actually a waste."

Li Mochen looked indifferent, and ignored it. According to the tactics they formulated in advance, the next battle will be very simple. He will play the 'Silent Jurisdiction', plus the 'Ice Jurisdiction' simulated by Angela, to suppress the opponent's jurisdictional power ~ ~ Then When the other party was unable to adapt, the five teamed up to kill one of them first.

The mad warrior at this time already had the harbinger of launching the mad blood tactic "Blood Mad Shock" again, and this time he was locked in with Divine Mind, Angela. Li Mochen was already preparing to open the 'French Territory', but before that, he was slightly stunned and showed a mistake.

This is because Angela did not act according to the predetermined tactics. She stood on the spot and her body rose in the air. Her black hair danced without wind, and her pupils turned blue like lakes at this moment.

"Tiny humans, dare to draw swords to the creator's lover? I appreciate your courage!"

The next moment, there were two "bang" explosions on the ring. This is because the Viking giant axe in the hands of the mad warrior hit the top of Issa O'Neal with the force of Taishan's top.

This attack was so awkward that ‘Mighty Mountain Slash’ caused Issa O’Neal to barely support her shield above her head. Then he was hit by the majestic force and fell to his knees, bleeding in his mouth. The concrete ring with steel plates embedded under the feet also showed spider web-like cracks.

Li Mochen was only surprised for a moment, but then he reacted. His long sword penetrated like a viper, just hitting the position of Issa O’Neill ’s temple.

Although he didn't use much power, the speed was only sonic, but with the sword's body trembling slightly, the protective armor outside Issa O'Neill could not fully resist it.

As the layers of magical energy arrays collapsed and the sword blade struck the helmet, the man flew directly out of the ring, and then fell to the ground.

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