Destiny Dominates

Chapter 362: First


Li Mochen's eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly: "Then unless Ferguson Cultural Media Co. closed down."

"I'm not kidding you."

Nanette Drew is very serious: "BOSS, do you know how much money Ferguson used to expand his media industry in the past two years for acquisitions? How many loans did he have for this? They were $ 320 million last year. This year is 450 million gold shields. In addition, Ferguson also received a business loan of 720 million gold shields, which brought their debt ratio to an exaggerated 92%. "

"This is incredible for a media company with low profitability, right? And all this depends on the income of Mandive Ferguson in the publishing industry. Especially the textbooks from elementary school to high school, which is the most profitable in the publishing industry. And now the 17.5% percent of the textbooks in Atlanta as a whole are currently contracted by Ferguson Cultural Media, including Linden College where you are now studying. And the reason why he was able to take such a huge share , Because the current chairman of the Atlanta Education Commission, Arnold, is his cousin. In addition, he also has a lot of intimate personal relationships in the Ministry of Education. So that the textbook section has become the cash of Ferguson Cultural Media Company The cow has also become a source of confidence for the bank to continue lending to him. "

"You mean, as long as we cut off this cash cow, can Ferguson Cultural Media Corporation close down?"

Li Mochen pondered: "However, Ferguson's own assets are as high as 5.2 billion gold shields. As for loans, I guess this will not be his fatal flaw. And, if Mandy Wen Ferguson is so easily defeated Without waiting until now. "

"No one else can, I might not be able to do BOSS."

Ms. Drew gave a clear laughter: "The two newspapers merged by Ferguson in the past two years and one cable TV station have not yet achieved breakeven, especially the latter, with a monthly loss of up to 4,200 Wan Jindun. The current business model is to use his influence in public opinion to obtain more teaching talent contracts from politics. The income brought by the latter can further feed his media empire, but Now, it's his weakest time, the eve of dawn. BOSS, I have the handle of Arnold, with the help of firefly media, I am confident that he will be jailed within ten days. In addition, I also have With certainty, more than half of the textbook publishing business was taken over from Ferguson. "

"If this is the case"

The fine mans in Li Mochen's eyes flashed: "Ms. Drew, although you let go, whether it is money or force, I can serve as your solid backing."

Now that Nanette Drew has given him a guarantee, does he have any reason to shrink back?

If this is not possible, then use force again. With the power of a demigod, would it be possible to be suppressed by this small media group with a market value of less than 1.5 billion?

He also sighed in his heart that this Nanette Drew was not only well-informed, he was very sharp in thinking and intuition, and also had a very good wrist. It can be said that I am lucky to be able to recruit them under the banner.

"Understood! Then tomorrow I will go to Firefly Media. Regarding Ferguson, I will start to fight back three days after taking over Firefly."

At this time, Nanette Drew talked about another thing: "By the BOSS, I still have a plan. I want to obtain your consent. I am going to deploy staff outside the Southern Cable TV Station. Create a new political station. "

"Current Affairs Station?"

Li Mochen raised an eyebrow: "This seems to be a new word?"

"It was my original creation."

Nanette Drew explained with a smile: "Twenty-four hours of current-time political programs, including news, political commentary shows, political-related talk shows, etc., strive for timeliness and professionalism. Such TV stations are throughout America. Pioneering. I plan to give it a try. For the time being, I will rely on China Southern Cable TV Station first, and then split after the ratings reach a certain scale. However, it is expected that it will be very expensive in the beginning. "

Li Mochen couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows with his fingers. He knew that the twenty-four hour political platform contained the ambition of the lady Drew.

"Make a plan for me first, and how much budget do we need? Ms. Drew, my financial resources are still very limited. You have to do your best."


Li Mochen, who returned to the Unicorn Apartment again, put the four stones of destiny he got from Anthony into the ‘Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda’ for the first time.

The latter does not change much, except that there is an orb of condensation on the top of the tower brake. It is about the size of a thumb and feels metallic. It seems that there is nothing surprising, but the efficiency of the conversion of "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" to the merits outside the realm has been greatly improved. In one day, you can accumulate thirty-two lines of merit.

In addition to this, Li Mochen speculates that the tower's ability to 'wish' will also be greatly enhanced. Only because of the few stones of fate absorbed by the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda", they have been strengthened in this respect. Otherwise, yesterday, he may not be able to hit the virtual night king to such a degree with the virtue of less than two hundred strands of merit.

Of course, to what extent, Li Mochen still needs to do some experiments to verify.

After the Stone of Destiny, Li Mochen took out those ‘tears of Anfitri’, and then took half a day to swallow three drops at once!

This made his physique slightly strengthened, and the wounded soul was healed again.

If Li Mochen had absorbed the Divine Spring of Life before, the spirit was able to reach the level of being out of the realm, then now, it is at least the early stage of 'returning to the virtual' realm, which is about the 19th level of this world, about 40% restored Half way.

One of the benefits this brings to Li Mochen is that his control of the body is strengthened again. He can now master the added power in his body without much exercise.

For Li Mochen, it can be described as sending carbon in the snow. After all, shortly after this, he will merge the power talent of the Lord of Iron Claws ~ ~ to usher in another surge of strength and physique.

Before the NHSAA event, he didn't have much time to exercise his control.

However, after using the three "Amphitrite's Tears", Li Mochen felt that his soul was full of fullness, which means that he could no longer refining the three Lingquan medicines. Absorb more 'tears of Amphitrite', or other similar drugs.

In addition, his injury recovery will become more and more difficult. From level 20 to legend, from legend to demigod, there is a huge threshold between these two stages. The same is true of his spirit.

Now in addition to the need for more medicine, his own magical energy practice and the fusion of the original soul are indispensable.

Li Mochen thought to himself that it was time to start tracing the truth about the death of the original parent. The original version of Li Mochen's pursuit of rights, wealth and status has reached more than half, and now only the obsession of Li Chunchu and his wife is still the biggest obstacle between them.


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