Destiny Dominates

Chapter 355: Lingquan

"Father, I'm fine, you can rest assured!"

The first time Dacia Rockefeller recovered from sobriety was to call his father.

Although this is in the half plane of the magic tower in the death home, after Linde uses special magical methods, Dacia can still use the mobile phone to communicate with the outside world normally.

"No need to worry, Mr. Braden is watching me, they don't use extra means. I will go to church later, and a limb regeneration can solve it."

"This is really good news, we have to thank the gods."

At this time, Lawrence Rockefeller's voice was hoarse and slightly trembling.

"So please tell me, boy, who rescued you this time? I swore to the Lord of Glory, no matter who saved you this time, he will gain my friendship."

"Andre Lee Wiltonstein!"

Dacia raised her head and looked not far ahead, the dark-haired boy who was bargaining with Anthony Braden.

"Father, you heard it right, it was the marriage object that Michelle Medici might choose, which is one of the tasks you confessed to me. Why do you have a demigod? I do n’t know, father. But it ’s just Ande The sniping ability of the fierce individuals can seriously injure the Emperor Yeye with the cooperation of others. "

After that, the voice on the mobile phone remained silent for nearly a minute.

"I know he prefers to be called Mr. Li? Then Dacia, thank me for Mr. Li on my behalf later."

"I understand what to do, father."

Dacia laughed, clear and meaningful: "This is a life-saving grace"

At the same time, Anthony Braden rubbed his forehead with a headache.

"Fifteen sets of" Magic Refining "armor, this is acceptable, I promise to deliver within three months. But these six sets of" War Demon "armor are too much, Amo. You have to know, this kind of At the seventeenth level of the magic armor, our annual production of light and magic industry is only 50 sets. In addition to supplying the American military, many people in the old and new continents are staring. You know, now one set of warfare The value of the Devil ’s armor in the black market is as high as 90 million gold shields, and there is no market for value. "

But Li Mochen did not respond: "If not, then you can also change to" Roland "."

"Roland" is produced by the Light and Magic Industry. The higher version of the magic armor is named after the most powerful semi-holy knight in the era of Charles the Great. Only a driver of extrajudicial level can exert the ability of almost nineteenth level magic warrior.

"Okay, or" War Demon ", the delivery time is completed within one year?"

Anthony decisively counseled, and then began the next entry: "According to 80% of the market price, unlimited arms supply, this one is no problem. The Covenant on the mainland of Antalya, and the endorsement of the safety of the Rising Sun retail company, as we Both sides take their position for granted. I also guarantee that in the West Coast states headed by California, the absolute safety of all Rising Sun retail stores is absolutely impossible, but if your company encounters strangers, or their The attack of forces, myself and all the forces under my control, will join the battle without turning back, can it be accepted? "

Seeing that Li Mochen had no objection, Anthony made another suggestion: "Actually, I think we might as well sign a real offensive and defensive alliance. The forces of aliens can't be dealt with by any of our families alone. I hope that at some point, I can be seconded to belong Draw your power to fight against strangers, which is also good for you. "

Li Mochen fell into hesitation and nodded a minute later: "Yes, but you have to bear all the war expenses."


Anthony smiled slightly, and agreed very simply: "Do you want to acquire Firefly Media? Fifty bottles of premium Holy Oak Elixir, and named holy tools, these are very simple. Only this tens of billions of ten years interest-free The loan made me very embarrassed. "

Li Mochen couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "Ms. Mays agreed on this article but it was very refreshing. I think these funds are not difficult for you."

"Of course, my embarrassment does not mean that I can't cash in."

Anthony shook his head: "It can be seen, Amo, you don't want to be seen by a stranger right now. Are you connected to me, right? However," War Demon "and" Film Demon "armor, I can prepare for you through special channels. But in terms of funds, it is difficult to completely get rid of the association. The amount you want is too large, I do n’t have so many secret funds in my hands, no family, no power. If you need it now, then I only I can prepare for you through the three banks controlled by the name. "

"I understand what you mean, but for now, I only need 500 million gold shields for the time being."

Li Mochen decided to give back a little on this article: "I only ask a little, and these loans will be available at any time when I need them."

"Yes, but you need to make an appointment ten days in advance. The one-month limit cannot exceed one billion gold shields. Have you agreed? Are you next to the twelve drops of life fountain you want?"

Anthony tentatively said here: "This is very difficult for me to do. I can collect at most five drops for you. I would like to ask, can it be replaced by other singular objects of equivalent function? tears'?"

"Amphitrite's tears?"

Li Mochen couldn't help but stunned the god: "Atlantis has been destroyed in the dusk of the gods."

Amphitrite was the wife of Poseidon, a beautiful fairy in the Haihe River before she became Queen of the Sea and changed her name to Poseidonia. One day she and her sisters danced on Nagsos Island, and Poseidon fell in love at first sight, swooping past like a big shark. When the fairy was scared, Poseidon immediately sent a dolphin to chase. The dolphin was a swimmer, and Amphitryte was not an opponent. Finally, he was so exhausted that he had to sit on the back of the dolphin and become the bride .

Of course, the tears of Amphitrite have nothing to do with Amphitrite himself.

This is actually a mythical spiritual spring from Atlantis, and Atlantis is a continent controlled by the sea **** Poseidon.

The tears of Amphitrite are, in legend, controlled by Poseidonia, the tears that fell after the Queen of the Sea was hurt by love.

"Atlantis is indeed destroyed ~ ~ The heirs of Poseidon and Poseidonia, Triton, Rhodes, and Ben Secicomo, probably escaped the disaster . "

Anthony said with a smile: "In detail, we don't need to care too much, don't we? In short, as long as you agree with Amo, I can send you ten drops of Anfitre in two months. Their effects , Which is equivalent to the seven drops of life fountain. "

Li Mochen couldn't help flashing Jingmang's eyes: "If so, then I changed my mind. You can replace the fountain of life with the tears of Amphitrite."

According to the many materials he has seen about magic items, the effect of ‘tears of Amphitryte’ on the soul is better than the fountain of life.


Anthony agreed without hesitation: "Then another set of" Light Demon Five "you want."

Speaking of which, he smiled and pointed at the pile of parts next to him: "Look, Amo, the manufacture of Guangmo-5 is very difficult, its existence is a miracle. And now, this miracle has become a pile Scrap iron, I ca n’t even fix it now. ”


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