Destiny Dominates

Chapter 350: action

At this time, the man in black mask had put a cold dagger on Anthony's neck. He was forced to raise his head, unable to speak.

He simply gave up his resistance, and only half of his eyes shone with cold luster.

"Do you know? I like your eyes very much. With a strong spirit of hatred and resistance, I seem to want to swallow me alive. This kind of look of helplessness and helplessness I have seen in the eyes of many people, but only Mr. Braden, yours makes me most happy. "

The mask smirked, let go of Anthony's hair, and then his dagger, with a bang, was inserted in front of Dacia Rockefeller, the blade between the index and middle fingers of the latter. Only a few centimetres can cut off Dacia's middle finger.

"And this one, your eyes are exactly the same as the richest man. What are you thinking? Boy? Thinking of how to pinch my neck, or kill me to pieces? A Rockefeller who has been honored since birth , You ca n’t bear such humiliation, and hate people who treat you like this? You probably never thought that you will fall into this situation one day, right? "

Dacia couldn't help breathing tightly, and Anthony Braden raised his hand with electronic cuffs: "Hey, don't hurt his hand OK? During this time, you all saw his contribution, so sophisticated Your mechanic ca n’t make the parts. "

The man in the mask continued to look down at Dacia, his eyes condensing like needles: "At most it is a limb regeneration."

"The reproducible fingers cannot recover their flexibility in a short time."

Anthony shook his head: "Unknown sir, I promise we will do nothing during this time? If you agree, I can even record a video in the near future to make my Mace restless."

"Remember your promise and hope you can keep it, although I don't have much hope for your character."

The face mask sneered, pulled out the dagger, and walked towards the door again.

"You know? Mr. Braden, in fact, you can still have a little expectation this time. Your Ms. Metz is crazy, she used a full of 14 legends just outside of Atlanta. Anthony you also guessed What about this? If it ’s not that the enemy ’s strength is extremely strong, we do n’t have to be so nervous. Then you might as well guess, this time, our lord, how long will it take to solve them?

Anthony Braden had a green face, and he had no desire to answer at all. The mask person did not care, his eyes turned to the other six extrajudicial persons.

"Look at them! If there is any omission, you know what the consequences will be! The fate of our stranger is now in your hands."

When the glass door closed again, Dacia raised her head in a concealed manner for the first time and looked over to the dark-haired young man beside her. Although the two did not speak, they were unable to communicate with their minds. But he believed that this one must be able to see the meaning in his eyes.

There is no better time than this. The numerous legends outside of Atlanta are enough to contain the virtual night king.

Missed this opportunity. Perhaps in the next time, they can only wait for death to come in despair and helplessness.

But Anthony Braden shook his head slightly with an undetectable range. His face was still cold, and his eyes flashed with confusion and silence.

He wondered why his Natalie was so impatient? At this time, he attacked.

Is it because she has enough confidence? Or is there a change that is not conducive to him in the current situation?

Natalie, she shouldn't be so impatient.


After leaving the fully transparent glass laboratory, the mask man stepped into the battle monitoring room not far away, only three walls apart.

In order to guard the nearest Ameriga richest man who reportedly only needed a screwdriver to cast the legendary armor, he placed the command center of this operation on the 14th floor of the Arlington building.

It can be guaranteed that there are any changes in that laboratory, and he can directly intervene in the suppression.

"Master Brud!"

After the mask man stepped into the battle monitoring room, everyone here stood up or bowed slightly to salute him.

The mask person nodded blandly, and then looked at the huge screen on the left for the first time, as well as a three-dimensional sand table using holographic projection technology.

The screen showed a figure of a man with a sturdy and burly body covered in dark black source armor.

Standing in the sky thousands of meters above the sky, he was staring at the distance with indifferent eyes, which is the east direction of Atlanta.

But this video is obviously unable to accurately show the current situation and situation in front of everyone in the war monitoring room.

Therefore, many red dots are also marked on the three-dimensional holographic sand table.

There are a total of fourteen-this legend outside the city of Atlanta, is not revealing their huge source of magic to the outside world. It also enabled them to install the magic energy detector in the Arlington building not long ago, and easily monitor their position and movement.

"What's the situation?"

The mask man looked at the red dots on the sand table. Then asked slightly unexpectedly: "They haven't started yet?"

"In seven minutes and four minutes before, they had launched two tentative actions, trying to tear the anti-magic field of the magic tower array, but they were just tasting. They just retreated immediately on the king, and they immediately retreated It seems to be testing our strength— "

An alien with the rank of colonel on his shoulders replied in an unusually respectful tone: "It is worth noting that the Atlanta Magic Tower Committee has a clear tendency to secretly assist these legends. At their chosen attack point, anti-magic The strength of the force field has been somewhat reduced. I think we need to give them some warning. "

But the mask man frowned tightly, watching the sand table fall into meditation.

Also at this time, a cold and ringing bell sounded in the war monitoring room ~ ~ with a female voice like steel will.

"Brud, you should see what happened?"

"Yes! My distinguished Highness."

The mask man lowered his body slightly: "Obviously, their intention is to contain. I think the real killing this time should come from inside Atlanta."

"I guess so."

The female voice was quite satisfied: "Now that you have foreseen it, you must not let me down!"

"of course!"

At this time, the corners of the mask people's eyes were filled with a cold smile: "As long as the demigods in Atlanta do not shoot, then their subordinates will be able to surprise them."

It was at this time that the eyes of the masks moved slightly: "Look, they have come."

At this moment, four red light spots suddenly appeared on the three-dimensional holographic sand table.

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