Destiny Dominates

Chapter 344: bargain

After returning to the Unicorn Apartment, Li Mochen was still in a state of uneasiness. However, at this time he still managed to calm down and discussed with Carl Holden, as well as representatives of Edward Jewelry Company and Elizabeth Cosmetics Company.

The game with St. Marken High School was less than thirteen days. At this time, Li Mochen had to take action.

Although he persuaded Angela not to be obsessed with the victory or defeat of this battle not long ago, he himself couldn't give up willingly. In short, he still had to do his best to obey his fate.

The three in front of Li Mochen brought him a full set of 12 plans this time.

Among them, Li Mochen is the most favored, a total of three sets. One of them is the magic core of two legendary devils from the nine-story Bartoll hell, which can help Li Mochen and at the same time strengthen his ice and fire jurisdiction. However, the risk of this magic core is also great. It is the last remnant of the two legendary demons after their death, and it contains great spiritual pollution. Compared to the previous energy core, there is also the legendary secret blood, which is ten times more dangerous,

Then the second set of plans is based on a living 24-level lord level ‘Iron Claw Giant Meng’. They can start a legendary mage, forcibly extract part of the former talent and merge with Li Mochen. It is expected that this method will not only improve his power jurisdiction, but also increase his power.

Then the third set is to make an essay on an abandoned artifact called "Scepter of Silence".

It was originally an artifact controlled by the heads of the Knights of the Temples in the Middle Ages. The "Silence Sphere", which is in the same vein as the Silent Dragon, is constant on it, which can eliminate and reject all the spells in the sphere. It allows the Knights of the Temple Knights to abuse the caster on the battlefield.

It's a pity that in the end this scepter of illusion was destroyed in a battle to conquer the dark world.

However, the magical powers of this artifact still existed a little, and they could find a way to transfer it to Li Mochen.

Experts of the Nathan Group believe that even if Li Mochen only obtained the first-level legal power from the "Scepter of Silence", it would be enough to obtain the power to reverse the situation.

"Can't I just want it all?"

Li Mochen looked at the three people in front of him: "I feel very good about these three schemes, which can greatly increase my strength and be invincible in the subsequent games."

Carl Holden couldn't help laughing: "Amo, you are too greedy, and even the cheapest set here will cost about 30 million gold shields."

Like this kind of generosity, they can't do it alone in the eastern region of the Nathan Sports Group, which is difficult to explain to the chief financial officer of the headquarters and the board of directors. So this time, he also brought in Edward Jewelry and Elizabeth Cosmetics.

These are the two biggest sponsors of Li Mochen at present, and they should also take responsibility, and nothing can be borne by the Nathan Sports Group alone.

"Then two sets!"

Li Mochen took out two of the plan books separately: "Bimeng and the Scepter of Silence, guys, I need your support now, so that all parties have benefits? Would this help our team at Linden College? Winning in the team competition. You should have seen the situation just now. I even have the ability to beat my opponents alone, but if we do that, we are equal to losing. "

In such a time when he can reach out for benefits, he will never be polite to the few present.

The three people present looked at each other, and one of the blonde middle-aged men pushed his glasses: "Andre, whether it's the 'iron claw bimon' or the 'stay of silence', will put you under great pressure. , And there are no small problems, are you sure you can afford it now? "

"I think I can! Certainly."

Li Mochen's tone is tough: "If you are worried, then we will start with the smallest 'staff of silence' afterwards. If the legendary master you invite feels that I can't bear it, can I stop halfway? You guys, the reason I chose It is precisely at this time to sign contracts with several of you. Get your full support. "

"of course."

The blonde middle-aged fell into a deep ponder: "If you insist, then try it. Our Elizabeth cosmetics company can afford 10% of it."

"We, Edward Jewellery, do the same. We will bear 10% of it."

This is another middle-aged man wearing a straight suit: "In addition, the" Stand of Silence "can be our responsibility, and we have a way to buy it at a lower price."

"Hey! Hey! It's not fair."

Carl Holden complained with dissatisfaction: "That is to say, do you intend to give 80% of the funds to us, the Nathan Sports Group, to bear the responsibility independently?"

"if not?"

The blonde middle-aged sneered: "We paid the endorsement fee of real money, Mr. Holden! And now the most benefit from Andre's endorsement is your Nathan Sports Group, they are also targeting your company, The 10% that we put out is a very suitable number. It is Mr. Dnett, but you are out of 10%. I know that the print ads that Andre helped you shoot after they were put on the counters , Your overall sales in these fifteen days have increased by at least 1.5%, which is a very surprising number! "

"But we will also be responsible for the acquisition process, and I can guarantee that we can save about 3 million gold shields—"

Li Mochen listened to their fierce bargaining and shook his head secretly. I think the number of sponsors will increase, although it can increase his background strength in this regard, it can also lead to some situations that are not conducive to him-such as the three monks who have no water to drink.

However, the following situation has nothing to do with him. Since they have already decided on the plan, it is nothing more than the issue of the size of the tripartite investment.

This matter must be negotiated by Carl and they ~ ~ He is powerless.

Li Mochen was too lazy to watch them argue, and got up and walked out of the reception room directly to the training room on the second floor of the duplex building.

A minute later, as Li Mochen printed a fingerprint, his mind consciousness awoke among the deputies in the magic tower of ‘Death Home’.

Since Li Mochen took down the magic tower, he moved his assistant body here. Only because this room is safer and more convenient, and the environment is far more than the previous small apartment, it is more conducive to him to maintain this accessory.

A six-story magic tower can be set up with six permanent space-time doors for accessing this half plane. One of them was placed inside the apartment by Li Mochen. As for the other five places, Linde Emers followed Li Mochen's requirements and distributed them inside and outside Atlanta.

However, at present, except for their warehouse on Anfaq Street, which has been transformed into a semi-military base, the remaining four entrances are currently in an unusable state due to the anti-magic force field.

Only in the unicorn apartment and inside their semi-military base can they rely on the magic power circle here to get rid of the influence of the anti-magic field.

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