Destiny Dominates

Chapter 333: Change

"Can you open it?"

After coming out of the A7 auction house, Dacia was curious and looked at the silver box in Li Mochen's hand.

For this thing, Li Mochen spent 5.25 million gold shields and bought it after seven consecutive rounds of quotations.

But the auctioneer knows nothing about what is inside the box. The only introduction is the remains excavated from the Moshra people. The outer shell of the box is a special alloy, and the strange pattern on the outside is a seal array. And so far, no one has a way to open this, even those legendary magic wizards can't do it. Forcibly opening the box will only cause the contents of the box to be destroyed. Therefore, the auctioneer only set a base price of 1.5 million for this object.

This is because the alloy used in the box itself is very extraordinary, able to resist the slash of the quasi-saint. What is it in the end? It depends on the buyer's own luck, it may be nothing, it may be something terrible, or it may be a magic weapon of ancient civilization, or magic material. In short, what can be stored in such a treasure chest should not be anything ordinary.

However, Li Mochen offered more than twice the price for this item. At the auction just now, it was a must-have momentum.


Li Mochen shook his head and opened his eyes to talk nonsense: "I will find someone to try it. If it is not possible, these peculiar alloys can also be used to make a magic weapon, and its magical affinity is very high."

He actually recognized the seal array outside the silver box, and he saw the lines on it. It was the "Taishang Mowen" of the original dome, and it was a rune that had been circulating among the demons since 18,000 years ago. Until Du Gu Tian Yi waited for the ‘out-of-territory demon’ to regain consciousness from sleep again.

Li Mochen studied the "Tai Shang Mo Wen", and after the disaster began to erupt, he spent a little effort to study this rune system, which is completely different from the fairy rune system. He did not seek to use this so-called rune system. The "Tai Shang Mo Wen" array or refining device only needs to be able to know what function they have when they encounter such runes.

"This box also made me curious."

Dacia had no doubt, he dragged his chin with his hand and said: "I don't know what is inside, I can use such a good box, I think the contents inside should be not bad, I think you might make a big profit this time . "

"I do not know."

Li Mochen shook his head: "It may also be nothing, but you know my luck has always been very good, I just felt something good in it."

This time Li Mochen was telling the truth, he really didn't know what was inside. The reason why he bought this thing is that it was due to a little induction in the world, and the other is to look for the Mosra people and the "Tai Shang Mowen" who appear in this world, and the one who is headed by Dugu Tianyi. What kind of relevance is there to the outside world.

"Yes, you are lucky Andrea."

Dacia laughed aloud: "You try it first, remember if you can't think of a way to open this box over there, you can find me to try it. My teacher is a five-level legendary master, knowing the world He may have a variety of ancient scripts. "

After leaving the Cardinals club, this did not walk with Li Mochen. At the exit of this secret passage, there is already a whole team waiting for him. They are all very high-end roadsters. The roar of the engine is deafening, and the car is full of young men and women with personality and fashion. After the appearance of Dacia, these people uttered a howl.

Dacia smiled and said goodbye to Li Mochen, then boarded one of the roadsters, and finally left in a roar.

"This guy is really fun!"

Alyssa could not help but say something in her language: "I heard this guy came to Atlanta for more than ten days. All the second generation ancestors in this city were surrendered by him. The young Mr. Rockefeller's Ma Shou is looking forward, which is also very capable. "

Li Mochen shook his head and stepped onto his Otto I. He couldn't wait to return to the Unicorn Apartment. He wanted to open the silver box as soon as possible to see what was inside.

There are also dragon blood and Titan blood, he also needs to be refined as soon as possible. It is expected that these things can make his two blood lines, and two legal areas of body, greatly improved.

What Li Mochen didn't know was that Dacia was retracting his sight from the rearview mirror on the roadster that was driving away, his eyes showing the color of meditation.

"How? Did you not succeed?"

On the driver's seat of this sports car is a girl wearing a red leather tube top. Her dress is very cool, not only the upper body only has a tube top, but also only the hot pants underneath. The beautiful figure that matches the international top model is more exquisite and attractive.

"He has agreed, and his father has called him by phone. 240 million gold shields in exchange for 3% of his shares. However, the voting rights of this part of the shares must be entrusted to him before going public. If we want to sell, He has the right to buy first. "

"Two hundred and forty million gold shields? That's ten days, and two billion gold shields have grown? It's really profitable, and it's also very blackhearted."

"Can't say that, Anna. I think if it wasn't because of my father's position, I wouldn't get the 3% stake even if I paid three times the price. Did you know? Michelle really spared no effort to help him The stores that Michelle Investment helped him to contact were all in pretty good locations. This would give Rising Sun Retail a great advantage in future competition. "

Dacia's lips were slightly picky: "I'm very optimistic about him, the guy's fighting talent is the top class ~ ~ The head is also very bright, and the rise of Rising Sun Retail may be over 50%. The listing of a company is bound to be a feast of capital. The 240 million we invest now will surely earn a return of more than ten times in the future. How much of the entire Amerika will this return on investment be? "

The girl was not very optimistic: "If you really want to go public, the scale of the retail of Rising Sun can't be small. How much competition and storms will you have to experience during this period? Even if Michelle regards him as his son-in-law, there is still Kang Xiuli. He could n’t cope with the help he provided. Both men are very powerful, but each has their own problems. "

"That's not necessarily, he's not as simple as you think. It's legendary outside that it's untenable to think that he can only rely on Kang Xiuli to have today's claims."

Dacia smiled and did not continue to discuss on this topic: "Let's talk about our business, has there been progress in these two days? The family is already impatient."

"Sorry, you have to stay in Atlanta for a while. We have been in a hurry before, until three days ago--"

The cool girl was talking, but there was a murmur in front of them, and the car was uncontrollably skewed to the side of the road.

The two people in the car couldn't help but change the color. They realized what this was like. This was when someone hit their tires with a sniper rifle.

It was at this time that seven magical airships shuttled from the air that had nothing. There were people falling on it one after another, one of them was nearly three meters tall, and the extra sturdy figure made their feelings sink at the same time.

——That is a legendary berserker!

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