Destiny Dominates

Chapter 328: Draw

"I want to ask, do you still lack suppliers?"

What Louise Linden said was completely beyond Li Mochen's expectations: "If possible, our Linden family hopes to join your fleet, we can take out four armed merchant ships."

"Your Linden family?"

Li Mochen was puzzled: "This is an armed smuggling business. Are you sure, Louise?"

If only ordinary living materials are transported, the American Federation does not prohibit it. But their business includes prohibited goods that are expressly prohibited by Amerika and the United Nations.

Due to the war and **** massacre that broke out on the mainland of Antalya more than thirty years ago, the United Nations explicitly banned the delivery of any weapons of destruction to the mainland of Antalya.

In addition to this, many of the things they shipped from the mainland of Antalya, if they entered the customs through normal channels, will be levied heavy taxes.

Of course, for the sake of national interests, the American government has for the most part opened its eyes to the mainland of Antolia, and even adopted an encouraging attitude during certain special periods. For example, the arms trade, the government ’s coast guard is almost indifferent. But this is an infamous thing after all, it is difficult for Li Mochen to imagine a famous family like the Linden family, but also wants to stay in the middle.

"of course!"

Louise Linden motioned to Li Mochen to walk side by side with her: "Amo, you can't believe it? But our family has indeed encountered serious financial difficulties these years. The economic crisis three years ago, although not as good as the sixties That time was so serious, but the income of various industries under our consortium was not satisfactory. "

"It's so serious? You have the second largest bank in Atlanta with a savings rate."

Li Mochen saw Louise's expression sinking, so she didn't continue to ask: "It's okay for you to build a ship group independently of the strength of your Linden family."

"How can it be so easy?"

Louise Linden tells the truth: "If you really want to form a ship group alone, you must get at least 5 billion gold shield funds, but also to unblock all aspects of the relationship and form a security team. Very troublesome, but also take great risks . Tickets on the mainland of Antalya are not so easy to get. Unless we form a hunting group ourselves, this is more troublesome. It is better to find a mature boat group to join, and save money and manpower. "

She looked at Li Mochen sideways: "Of course, we understand the rules. Is 30% of all the proceeds turned in?"

Li Mochen nodded slightly, 10% of which belonged to his commission, and the remaining 20% ​​was the public accumulation fund, which was used for various expenses of the convoy.

"Besides that, we can also undertake all kinds of goods you need at Amo. Our Linden trading company can provide everything you want."

Li Mochen's eyes suddenly shone after he heard the words, and he was not worried about the arms. The Nathan Military Industry Complex backed by the Nathan Sports Group is a large arms group. He can get the goods directly through Mr. Payton's relationship, and it is lower than the market price.

"Your Linden family can join, but my requirement is that you must have an armed merchant ship of more than 10,000 tons. The defense and firepower of the ship must reach the average level. Then the troops involved in the **** cannot be less than 16 extrajudicial The level of combat teams, the number of extra-judicial levels should not be less than 48, and at least two high-level extra-judicial personnel of level 17, can I? As for the supply of Linden Trading Company, I have to consider for a while. "

For the joining of the Linden family, Li Mochen is still very welcome. After all, he knows the truth and knowledge, and his relationship with Louise Linden is also very good.

The latter's fleet is also worthy of trust. Once he joins the regiment, his power and voice within the Alliance's wings will be greatly increased.

So when Li Mochen stepped on his car, he asked Alyssa: "Alyssa, can you ask your people these days and ask if they are interested in participating in our fleet?"

"Is your business of smuggling ships?"

Eliza hesitated: "Of course, some people are interested. After all, they are very profitable, but once they are trapped in funds, they are also worried about losses."

Li Mochen knows the situation of the Tangerian family. Apart from the main branch with three billion gold shields, the family's wealth is very scattered and very thin. The reason why they are still among the ranks of Amerika is entirely dependent on the thousands of people.

The children of the Tangerian family basically have a strong hunter talent. As long as they work hard for a period of time in their youth, they can become extrajudiers above level 11.

The magical hunter is very popular in this era because of its professional characteristics. Whether it is in the military, in the police station, or in the marine police, the CIA is extremely scarce manpower.

This allows members of this family to enter government agencies in large numbers. So far, nearly 3,000 people have served in the government, customs, police, FBI, military, and CIA; there are no less than 600 extrajudicial levels, holding middle-level or even high-level positions in various agencies. Among them, there are three people in active duty alone, and the police officers, chief police officers, special agent supervisors in other major cities, etc., are innumerable. As a result, the Tangerian family has a huge network of relationships throughout Amerika. So that any forces in Amerika dare not take it lightly.

"If you don't have enough money, you can find a way to get together. I can give your family three ships."

Li Mochen finally gave a heavy weight: "You can tell your people to go to the sea for the first time, and you will earn money, and I will lose it if you lose."

Alyssa's eyes suddenly lightened: "The three ships are too few places."

She is an ice-smart person who understands Li Mochen ’s intention: "You can rest assured that I will give priority to the Coast Guard and the Atlanta Police Department. You need a safe smuggling channel, right? BOSS? But I have Condition, you have to lend me ten million gold shields. "

She thinks she must find a way to make some money as soon as possible, otherwise she owes Li Mochen so much gold shield, God knows when it will be paid off?


Li Mochen agreed very readily. He glanced at Alyssa with a smile: "You can find Huangfu Enda today and get a cheque of 10 million gold shields from him."

Alyssa couldn't help but overjoy: "So let me help you raise the goods by the way?"

Li Mochen shook his head and ignored her. At this time, the armored car they had traveled had crossed a distance of several hundred meters and came across the street.

Li Mochen didn't get off here, but when the door opened, Li Mochen felt a gust of wind blowing, and a shadowy figure suddenly came to the front of the car to stop-it was Hai Ruoer.

In Alyssa's eyes, there was a sudden expression of wonder: "Have you even removed the seal armor of your feet? Hairouer, your progress is so fast!"

That was indeed an amazing progress ~ ~ A dozen days ago, Herrell had to rely on a full set of seal armor to be able to restrain its own power. But now, after just over a month of exercise, the girl has been able to control her body initially.

Just looking at the emergency stop after the high-speed Mercedes-Benz just now, she knows that her speed control is even beyond the ordinary people.

"Soon? But I don't feel enough!"

Hai Ruoer shook his head, and then blinked his eyes to see Li Mochen: "Go to Cardinals Club, right? You promised me."

Li Mochen couldn't help laughing: "Get in the car."

The Cardinals club is actually not suitable for children like Herrell. But after Hairou's pleading, he agreed.

This is because he knew the pain and suffering that this little girl had experienced during this time.

Among the 14 hours of wakefulness of Hairou every day, nearly twelve hours were practicing ‘going one step,’ all running and galloping in extreme pain. Bing Xinba Haijue's handling success rate has been forcibly increased from the previous 30% to the current 90%, and it has been able to raise this practice to the fifth level in just half a month.

So as long as there is time, Li Mochen will do everything possible to make Hairouer relax and practice, but unfortunately this little girl is not interested in many things now.

Only Li Mochen's explanation of exercises and fighting techniques can relax the girl. Then there is the rumored Cardinals Club, which keeps the girls curious.

What does Li Mochen think about this? Hai Ruoer, although she was only eleven years old, she has seen a part of the world dark, and the Cardinal Club will not be more ugly and dirty than the blood sacrifice scene of the Dragon Witch Church.

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