Destiny Dominates

Chapter 326: Divine grace

"If Angel uses divine grace, will there be any future troubles?"

Li Mochen directly asked Lina: "I want to hear the truth."

"Divine grace is the kindness of the gods, but it also has‘ pollution ’, which comes from the confusion of the will of the gods. And the grace of the lady she possesses is extra powerful.”

Regardless of Angela's warning eyes, Lena Adrick answered truthfully: "Mr. Michelle means that she will use this power after she has made the lady extrajudicial."

"Then it's unnecessary."

Li Mochen immediately shook his head and asked Karl: "Can Naisen have a way for me to obtain a powerful jurisdiction in a short period of time? Or can I upgrade the three jurisdictions that I have to a higher rank?"

Higher-level jurisdictions consume more mana, but he only needs people like Louise and Lena to support more than three seconds, so he has a way to reverse the situation.

"I'm not sure, you asked me to call for consultation first."

Karl walked to the corner with his mobile phone, and then came back after five minutes: "There is a way, we can get three powerful advanced jurisdictions within ten days, and can also help your jurisdiction to upgrade the level, even Can help you get the "God's Grace". In addition, you have other sponsors to ask for help, such as Edward Jewelry Company. But there is one thing I must remind you that these methods of obtaining advanced jurisdictions are no exceptions. , Which contains powerful 'pollution', will be a hindrance to your future promotion legend. "

Li Mochen thought that there would be no problem, if he had just come to this world, he would still have such worries. But those three drops of ‘God of Life’ have already restored his injuries in his soul by 20 to 30%.

"Then please ask your company to prepare as soon as possible. I can focus on improving my strength, or the ice jurisdiction. Please tell Mr. Payton that I do n’t have to worry about 'pollution' in my current situation. No matter how powerful the jurisdiction is, I should be able to Bear, as for the grace of God, it ’s okay. "

As Li Mochen spoke, he jumped from the stage: "I'll be here first today. Before our strength has changed, this actual combat practice is useless."


Louise Linden nodded: "In the next period of time, I will also do my best to strengthen the strength. Although there is no way to step up to the sky like our opponents, we can use our financial resources to increase one to two percent The strength can still be achieved. Especially William, he has great potential. "

"me too!"

Angela raised her hand: "Before playing against St. Marken High School, I tried to increase the magic level to level 8, as did Lena."

However, Li Mochen knows how to improve the strength of these few people, but only talks about the personnel. The battle with St. Marken High School was mainly against the jurisdiction. This matter cannot be counted on by the Nathan Sports Group, and he has to think of ways on his own.

But when Li Mochen changed his clothes and left from the stadium, Louise Linden stopped him at the door.

"Amo, I heard that you have been reorganizing the Alliance Wing Ship Corps these days, right?"

Li Mochen raised his eyebrows slightly, stopped at the steps, and looked at Louise calmly: "I have been preparing for this recently. Are you interested in Louise?"

During these ten days, many things happened.

For example, yesterday, he finally chose to accept investment from the Michelle Group. According to the valuation of 5 billion, Michelle injected 900 million gold shields to obtain 15% of the company's equity.

No way, only one of the large consortiums Li Mochen contacted was willing to give Rising Sun a retail company a valuation of 5 billion, and the other party's financing conditions were extremely harsh.

The funds they have obtained are sufficient to support the Rising Sun retail company to complete the expansion plan on the East Coast, reducing their debt burden and cost pressure.

As the business climate in Atlanta gradually picks up, Cardillon Jebson is ambitious. Prepare to use the 900 million yuan to mobilize billions of bank funds. Within the next three years, purchase more than 1,000 stores and increase the number of stores to more than 3,000, striving to cover the east coast. All cities.

Seven days ago, Michelle kept his promise and let people send the three lucky gems he collected to his hands, making the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" once again transformed, and the functions of all aspects were further strengthened.

With the help of Li Mochen, he also obtained another primary power of the jurisprudence, the 'Fate Jurisdiction'.

This is the power he once mastered as "Ask Sword Tao Ran", but after he was promoted to advanced level, he could not continue to go deeper.

But in this world, after the intensive transformation of the "Spiritual Soul Fortune Pagoda" and the experience of disaster and doom "theocratic power" in Hairou's body, he has a deeper understanding of the "power" of fate. It was also possible to complete the construction of the ‘Fate Jurisdiction’ at the 7th level.

Since then, within the scope of this jurisdiction, Li Mochen, even without the help of the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" and without using those merits and auras, could interfere with the fate to a small extent.

When it comes to merit aura, it must also be mentioned that the merit aura on the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" has been increased to three hundred and twenty strands. This is even enough to make him wish to kill a legend directly in this realm! This is also Li Mochen, not afraid of the cause of 'pollution', his backing ~ ~ is more than the primordial **** who once reached the level of 'God'.

Regarding the reorganization of the 'wing of the alliance' ship group, it took place on the 7th of December when Alexandra Candela visited the Unicorn apartment for the third time.

This time the ‘Eastern Antalya Continental League’ represented by Alexandra has been very sincere.

In addition to the five new 10,000-ton commercial ships and 120 million gold shield interest-free loans, three second-class combat teams led by 17S-class strongmen were seconded.

Then there is the free trade qualification within the scope of the 'East Antolian Continental League'. The two blood squads of Holy Blood and Kadia total a total of 5 billion gold shields of magic material transactions each year. 20% off the market price in Asia.

What he is responsible for is to ensure the supply of more than 10% of the arms and living supplies of the two hunting groups.

So Li Mochen agreed very simply, and in the next few days, he intensively contacted some members of the Alliance Wings Regiment, as well as some ‘vendor’ partners before Li Chun ’s birth.

The feedback so far is pretty good, and indeed many people are expecting him to come forward and reorganize this armed group. In particular, the members of the Alliance Wings regiment basically supported the first timetable.

Sampson Blut and Li Tailai expect that this armed group will have more than forty-four ships. Now they are coordinating the supply of goods, hiring sailors, and forming **** armed forces.

"I want to ask, do you still lack suppliers?"

What Louise Linden said was completely beyond Li Mochen's expectations: "If possible, our Linden family hopes to join your fleet, we can take out four armed merchant ships."

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