Destiny Dominates

Chapter 324: Thunder

"Schedule a special plane for me, and we will return to Manhattan tomorrow morning."

At the Milan Hotel, Michelle Medici said this while stepping out of the meeting room where he had previously negotiated financing.

"Leave tomorrow? Don't need to wait for the outcome of the follow-up negotiations?"

This is Michelle ’s assistant, a young, balding young man: “You can see that BOSS attaches great importance to this financing, and the Rising Sun retail company does have great prospects for appreciation.”

"Ha, what else to talk about? My daughter has already drained our bottom line. Follow-up negotiations, you can take some people to stay in Atlanta and help me deal with it at your sole discretion. Try to get him within half a month. ! Remember, my bottom line is a valuation of 5 billion. If you get more than 15% of the original shares, you must protect your voting rights. "

Michelle's facial muscles twitched and her face was helpless. "This is ridiculous. Angel, the little girl, she is a little spy, but I still have to work hard to protect her future interests."

"If they can't come together in the future, then 15% of the equity is indeed very beneficial to Angel."

The bald assistant smiled: "Are you her father, are you? But this Andre--"

"Just talk about another thing."

The man with a hooked nose interjected here: "Sir, the third death team sent by the Dragon sect, they should be preparing to snipe Andre's convoy on the Ishbel viaduct."

Michelle couldn't help but stop: "Now? After I visited Consul and negotiated financing with Andre? Do they know that I care about that little guy right?"

"Yes, sir!"

The eagle nose shrugged: "According to our observation, they have made enough preparations, that" Dragon Skeleton Warrior "Maeda Maeda even buried thirty full bursts of magic crystals under the viaduct. Sir you In fact, I have to thank them, at least not when he walked with the young lady, those guys are some unscrupulous existence. "

"So during this time, is there no other person to support?"


The angle of the nose of the eagle hook made a sarcastic smile: "This should be related to the fact that the Dragon Witch Church's intelligence network in Atlanta was also completely destroyed by Andre in the battle more than a month ago."

"But this is too arrogant."

Michelle shook her head: "Tell me the result later, I want to know how much time Andrea's people spent solving them, one minute or two minutes?"

"I guess it's not even ten seconds. Just what we have observed so far, there are up to six 17S, maybe the legendary lich is also nearby, and they don't know anything about it. Then this caused a problem . "

Eagle hook nose dutifully reminded: "This is likely to lead to a misjudgment of the Dragon and Witch religion, which is believed to be the result of our intervention."

Michelle Medici was stunned for a while, and then laughed: "If they want to think so, then I'll be happy."


However, near the Ishbel Viaduct, in the eyes of Yvonne Wald, a look of excitement and bloodthirsty was flashing.

"Just do it here? That guy is probably the marriage partner Michelle chose."

"Of course, this is the best opportunity. I said I won't let you down. Yvonne Sang. He might be Michelle's son-in-law, but it doesn't matter to us, right?"

In Yvonne Wald's headset, Maeda Takumi's voice was still cold.

"In short, try to solve him with the first shot, if not, then hit their wheels at the scheduled explosion site."

"Understood! But Maeda, I found that you have no confidence in us?"

Yvonne Wald's lips were slightly picked: "Isn't it okay? The gun in my hand, but your" Yingtong "in Dongying, a 20S-class famous gun, can't you kill one? Seventh-level magic swordsman? "

"As a commander, I have to consider all the variables. Okay, Yvonne! They are close to the viaduct, pay attention to your goal."

Maeda Takumi no longer has Yuwang talking: "After the success of this operation, I invite you to drink."

Yvonne Wald couldn't help laughing, full of disdain. But at this time, he suddenly felt stiff. Except for the blood in the body still circulating, all the other muscles and all cells stopped working under the suppression of a powerful force.

"Legendary human fixation technique?"

When he realized this, Yvonne's pupils contracted into needles. He did not hesitate to pressurize the heart, control his own blood, and hit the corners of the body in a row, trying to break the bondage.

But before that, someone flashed over his head.

"Goodbye, Mr. Wald! Your actions, stupid and hopeless--"

With the red golden sword light cut off, Yvonne's head detached from his neck without suspense. Although the latter is also equipped with various defensive implements, it can withstand a blow under the slash of the holy sword ‘Demos’.

And followed by a powerful sword spirit, madly looted in Yvonne Wald's body, and eventually exploded all the limbs of this person into blood powder! Make sure this person does not have any chance of rebirth.

Only a few pieces of equipment on him, and the headset survived, and they fell to the ground one after another.

"Yvonne, the target will enter the intended sniping location five seconds later--"

Dai Nian Streisie, standing in the pool of blood, could not help but chuckled: "You are out, Mr. Maeda!"

While speaking this sentence, Dai Nian also looked at the headset indifferently.

At this time, Maeda Takumi, who was lurking under the viaduct three kilometers away, only felt a sense of consternation, and then his heart almost stopped beating, an extreme consternation, spreading inside his body, making his limbs Almost paralyzed.

Even the headset has fallen into the hands of others, so his companion Yvonne Wald is dead?

Whose hand is it? Can it be completed in less than one second without any magic wave fluctuations? Did Michelle step in? That Manhattan owl, actually fell in love with this Andre? No, it was clearly the voice of Andrien, the natural punisher, beside Andre.

While Maeda Takumi thought ~ ~ without hesitation put his hand in his arms and held a transmission reel. But at this moment, three bullets arrived in three different directions.

He immediately twisted his body, trying to avoid these deadly armor-piercing shells. However, what makes Maeda Takumi even more cool is that these top-level sniper bullets all change their trajectory at the end.

This is clearly three magic professionals with 17S-level or higher shooting skills!

After all, he still couldn't dodge it completely, a cloud of blood exploded on his shoulders and chest, and Maeda Takumi's crushed transmission reel did not respond.

Forbidden magic field!

Maeda Takumi's mind is blank, this is someone in this area, cast the legendary magic "Forbidden Magic Field"! This can make all the magic under the legend can not be cast in this area.

At the next moment, Maeda Takumi's eyebrows burst into a bloodline.

A figure dressed in a maid's costume appeared suddenly behind Takumi Maeda.

"Sorry, the master let me kill you!"

When Tian Tuohai's body began to turn into dust and scattered, Isadora Wicks looked at the holy artifact-level revolver 'Shadow Teeth' in his own hands with amazement.

She had to marvel. In addition to the power of this gun, which can be silent when shooting at close range, it can also enhance the sneaker's stealth skills. With the 20S level, the dagger that can also enhance stealth ability is indeed an excellent match.

But this thing is not a happy thing as a weapon. As a half-elf, she is peaceful by nature and does not like killing.

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