Destiny Dominates

Chapter 316: Big increase

Li Mochen dissipated it after carefully understanding the law area, and began to observe his own body by the method of inner vision.

The final result is much better than Li Mochen expected. Not only has his spirit recovered to the point where he can be awakened, but he has also undergone certain purification enhancements.

If his spirit is restored in the future, his cultivation will be better than before, and at least one to two percent of his mind will be added.

You have to know that the primal spirit of his whole **** period, in terms of the ‘quantity’ and ‘strength’ of God ’s mind, actually surpassed the demigod of this world. Only because the spiritual power of the original dome is thin, it is impossible to enter the ‘crossing territory’.

‘Duo Jie Realm’ is not the same as the demigod. It is more appropriate to compare the ‘Sanxian’ after the looting failure with the demigod, but in terms of Yuanshen level, the two are equivalent.

And the strengthening of his physical body by the "Avalon Fountain of Life" has reached an exaggerated point. His current strength has already reached the limit Li Mochen had originally expected.

The punching power of his one punch has risen to about 79 tons after a two-month "Zhou Tianxuan Ling Lei Qiong Man" tempering, but now he jumps directly to 130 tons. If you use all kinds of warrior skills and magic, hitting thousands of tons of punches will not be a problem. If you use weapons, the situation will be even more perverted.

At this time, Li Mochen, even without the help of the implement, could initially release the source power and raise the Jiangang.

In terms of speed, it can reach 1,000 kilometers per hour in the limit state, which is close to supersonic speed.

And this is far from his physical limit at this stage. Li Mochen predicts that his strength will eventually reach 160 tons, and his speed can be further improved. This is a very exaggerated figure. In Western mythology and legend, those ‘heroes’ and ‘demigods’ in ancient times were only so when they were young.

In addition, the larger benefit is the Titan blood and dragon blood in the body, both of which have been purified and promoted. It makes his limbs more powerful, his affinity with magic energy has greatly increased, and the dragon scales on the surface of the skin are stronger.

If it weren't for Li Mochen's desperate suppression, he is now a ninth-level Titan saint and a ninth-level dragon vein master.

Then there is the image of the 'Antarctic Emperor' in Li Mochen Yuanshen. It may have absorbed the ‘law of life’ contained in the ‘Avalon Fountain of Life’. This ‘Yuanchen God’ of Li Mochen has become stronger and more solid, and it is already lifelike.


At the same time, in Villa 43, Oak Street, North City, Atlanta, Michelle Medici was sitting in front of the fireplace, reading a report with a startled look.

"Edmund Basque has been determined dead, Linde Emers and Richard Medici are missing, and there is nowhere to go, there is Richard's teacher, Douglas, a member of the Supreme Council of the Magic Association Duncan? Can the news guarantee authenticity? "

"At least the disappearance of Richard Medici, we can be sure."

The answer was from a middle-aged man in military uniform. This man had a huge scar under his cheek: "As far as we can find out, the family council of the Medici family has been arguing for a day. Chad ’s mother also fainted briefly. Just earlier today, the Magic Society sent a large number of mages to observe the void. I do n’t think they ’re acting like they ’re pretending.

"So what do you think is the case?"

Michelle looked at his intelligence director: "What happened that night? We arranged two legends in the neighborhood anyway, didn't even notice it?"

"They sensed small space-time disturbances at 9:20 and 11:20 respectively. Because such small-scale disturbances are very common, they did not pay attention to them."

The man in the military uniform looks dignified: "In addition, our two legendary mage men have confirmed the magical tower of" Dead House "by Linde Emers into the city of Atlanta through the spell of" backtracking time ". Unfortunately, the most critical At that time, it was shielded by a powerful force, which made us unable to restore the situation at that time. Now, the "Necropolis" magic tower is staying at a distance of 300 kilometers from Atlanta, on the edge of the array of great demon towers. and so"

He looked at his boss and said clearly: "I think inside the unicorn apartment, next to Andre Lee Wiltonstein, there is a strong man who can crush Douglas Duncan. And that legendary lich Linde Emers may well have been conquered by Andre. "

"Is there evidence?"

"I'm sorry, not yet, I just doubt it like this."

The man in military uniform said indifferently: "But I can find a way to seduce Linde Emers to take action, and this is confirmed. The dragon and witchcraft perseverance against Andre, but they have always been unable to correctly estimate the strength of the latter. Ridiculous action, I can try to push behind it. "

But after a moment of meditation, Michelle threw the investigation report in her hand into the fireplace.

"No need, this temptation is already Kang Xiuli's bottom line, we don't need to touch his counterscale. And if your inference is true, we don't need to provoke such a strong enemy, do we? Qi she hates me. "

When the reports were all burned to ashes, Michelle turned her head: "I want to know more, how did the Medici family and the Magic Association judge there?"

"They? They are more likely to be the counterattack of the Wiltonstein family, or Richard provokes other demigods during the mission."

The men in military uniform spread their hands: "Failing to collect enough information, it is impossible to make accurate judgments. The people of Kang Xiuli erased everything that happened during that time in advance, and we also helped a little. However, the main reason is that the array of giant devil towers in Atlanta has been opened, suppressing the magic tide and timing. Therefore, although they have better legends and even demigod masters, there is a saying in the east that it is difficult for a woman to cook without rice. "

He knew that the purpose of his owner's visit to Atlanta this time was for the boy in the unicorn apartment to be eligible to become a miss for her husband.

But if the power of the latter is exposed to the Medici family, it is not worth the loss.

"I think of Andre, he still needs time to grow. His current strength is growing every moment."

The man in military uniform said ~ ~ while submitting another investigation report to Michelle: "This is our investigation of his industry and his private armed forces. The results are very impressive. Surprised. "

After Michelle took it, he carefully looked at it for a moment, and then he frowned slightly: "The industry is quite a lot, but this force is more exaggerated, can he afford it?"

"Should it?"

The man in military uniform said in uncertain tone: "Andrea's appeal among women is very strong. You probably don't know that Edward Jewelry Company's customized product" Platinum Lucky Heart "brooch, and" Platinum Lucky Eyes' rings, the pre-sales of these two products have exceeded 40,000. Only the men's watches are not as good, but there are about 10,000 pre-sales. This will bring him a lot of Gains. Also "

The man in the military uniform said: "His personal accountant, a man named Huang Fu Enda, is looking for investors everywhere in Manhattan and other places."

"Investment? Rising Sun lacks money?"

Michelle thought that this was not possible. At this time, the Rising Sun Company, but the darling of the major banks, then he woke up: "He is seeking asylum?"

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