Destiny Dominates

Chapter 307: heritage

On the eighty-seventh floor of the Wiltonstein Building, in the break room in the chairman ’s office, Consul Wiltonstein rubbed his forehead with a headache: "I guess you may have come for Andrea , But I did n’t expect that you would directly flop general Michelle, you embarrass me. "

"Relax, I have done enough precautions and your Andrea will not be in danger of life. But his subordinates, I don't know very well."

On the other side of the coffee table, the white-haired middle-aged man tasted black tea leisurely: "It seems that my intelligence analyst's judgment is correct. Do you care much about him?"

"I know I can't hide those who are interested, including you."

Kang Xiuli sighed: "Michelle, can't it be slow? It only takes two years."

"I know, he is excellent. Not to mention two years. Maybe one year later, he will have the power to protect Angela. But the problem is"

Michelle Medici raised his head, and in his strong and cold eyes, there was a bit of bitterness: "I have no time, Kang Xiuli. You have the capital and the power to wait, but I do not have."

"But Michelle, you are only forty-five years old. Is it necessary to be so urgent?"

"Forty-five years old? Look at what I am like now."

Michel pointed his white hair with his finger: "If it wasn't for the Yan Yan from the East, would anyone believe it at the age of 60? Lord Wiltonstein, I'm almost at the end."


Kang Xiuli put down the teacup and looked at the other person with eyes.

"I don't think it's too far. There are still five or six years. Collecting some medicines to extend life span will not be a problem for twenty years. Even if you want, you can step into the legendary realm at any time. Inside. "

He could see that Michelle's fire of life was declining and his physical condition was not very good. This is because too frequent and too fierce battles have consumed Michelle's life, but this is far from the end of the mountains and rivers.

"The problem is that people like us cannot live just to live."

Michelle tasted black tea: "There is one thing, I want to do it anyway, I want to do it, at any cost for this. I think this kind of mood can not be accepted by others. Brother Kang Xiuli, you must be Understandable? "

"Oh, although I don't understand why, but your statement made me relieved."

At this time, Kang Xiuli's face was somewhat sympathetic. Although the situation of the two is not exactly the same, the pictures are also very different, but at this time, they seem to have been forced to the corner by the time.

"So, do you still want to fight it right? Take the last chance? But your daughter, she may not be willing to live so humiliatingly"

At this time, the eyes of the two of them moved to the left, looking at Angela who was standing in front of the window. The girl hugged her hands against her chest, and her slender neck was straight, just like a swan in anger, exuding a stranger's breath.

"So this time, I gave us a chance. It's almost time. I don't think they will be together in the future, right? You have to give me a little time to choose a spare tire."

Michelle's lips are slightly picky: "You will not let me down, Kang Xiuli?"

Kang Xiuli asked noncommittally: "So who is coming this time?"


Michelle smiled at each other: "Richard Medici, you may not have heard of his name, but in the old continent, in the Holy See, he is a rising star. The main branch of Italy , Will not allow the property left behind after my death, the Michel Group I founded eventually fell into the hands of others. "

"So what happened to the assassination of your daughter more than two months ago?"

"Wealth charming heart, a small animal that can't be made."

The tea cup in Michelle's right hand had a crack, but although the tea cup broke, the tea inside didn't overflow.

"If Angela dies, if I lose the heir, my legacy will be inherited by the main branch of the Medici family. This was one of the conditions for my independence. However, I had an agreement with them. Angela shot, don't look at what I have now, but if you try hard, you can still make them pay the price, a heavy price. "

"Yes, if it was the will of the Medici family that day, your daughter has been dead for a long time."

Kang Xiuli nodded slightly: "So this time, this Richard, came with the will of the Medici family?"

At this time, Michelle's eyes were slightly condensed: "Kang Xiuli, you feel very strange to me, you don't look nervous at all?"

"How do you say? You are embarrassing me now."

Kang Xiuli once again embarrassed the expression: "I am not sure now, should I take action here. So, let's look at the situation first, maybe he can do it himself? What do you think, Diamond?"

And at this time, on the side of Kang Xiuli, Diamond slightly leaned over: "Chairman, you are right. I am not sure where the lady is now growing, but I think her strength and speed are by no means one or two A legend can resist. This time is also an opportunity to let us take a look at her. So the first question now is how to disguise Miss Herrell ’s power. I think this time, you must use your Special permission of the Magic Tower Committee. "

Michelle couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and the narrow and long phoenix eyes full of confusion and conjecture showed a stunned luster again.



"Dead House" magic tower, in the eye-catching moment of Long Tong, the young man in purple robe has a sudden nose and nose bleeding. The crushed Longwei almost shattered his Yuanshen.

Even if he carried a holy vessel that could protect the soul on his body, it would not help, and what was more terrifying was that the petite figure with pure black dragon scales had already shuttled to his front. The latter clawed the dragon claws, and the first blow blasted the legendary magic ‘Holy Wall’ outside his body, while the black claws were dying deep. Not far away, the legendary Lich Linde Ames raised his platinum scepter,

"IrideCustos (Latin: Rainbow Guardian)! Please stop, guest"

At this time, a very thick colorful barrier appeared in the outside of the purple robe youth, which originated from the legendary magic of the rainbow dragon, plus the function of the entire six-layer magic tower, making the dragon claw like a broken bamboo lagged behind ~ ~ However, the black figure flashed again once again and came to Linde Emers.

"Interesting, I actually saw a legendary lich who gave himself up."

With this silver bell-like laughter, a monstrous black fire enveloped Linde Ames' entire body. The black paw's right paw, once again, is sharp and unmatched, breaking through the heavy barriers outside the lich.

This caused the flame in the latter's eyes to ignite, and at the same time he waved a platinum scepter.


At the top of the platinum scepter, a black light hit immediately, hitting the body of the half-man and half-dragon. A powerful force of time and space is tearing the body repelling the black figure, trying to exclude her from this half plane.

But only a moment later, a magnificent wave of demons appeared again in this half of the plane. The swollen dragon claw easily smashed the force of the air at that time, and even used it for own use, so that the protective barrier outside the legendary lich was completely broken in less than one-thirtieth of a second. Before the demon casts the spell for the second time, smash its head!

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