Destiny Dominates

Chapter 305: Borrow

The danger predicted by Ms. Nanette Drew did not arrive until half past ten.

However, Li Mochen had no doubts, because after he entered the state of "Heart of God" now, he clearly noticed that there was a strong murderous spirit against the unicorn apartment in the city.

For him to go out alone, it is likely to be a fatal danger, but who will let him be at home now, next to Herrell? In this state, it is indeed a disease of moss mustard.

At this time, Li Mochen was experiencing the feeling of being familiar with and manipulating Haier's body.

Shen Xiaozong has many ways to manipulate the body of others, but most of them are high-level monks, forcibly manipulating the body of low-level monks; another part is done with the aid of magical instruments, or illusion, but if you want 'Following up', still need to take considerable risks.

Li Mochen's current practice is only 7th level, which differs from Hairou by more than one level and has limited attainments in illusion. Fortunately, his spirit has recovered a lot, and it has been called powerful, and his sister Hairouer is willing to trust him wholeheartedly and can cooperate without reservation.

At this time, according to the method he taught, the girl completely shrunk her soul and shrunk to a corner in her brain, and Li Mochen was able to successfully control her calamity. Her half-dragon power, even from the seal Draw some power.

With Li Mochen's cognition of power and understanding of "Dadao", he can control it as soon as possible. But if you have more time to get acquainted, you can play a stronger battle.

Soon after his consciousness entered Hairou's body, within Li Mochen's mind, there was a surging tide.

"This is? Disaster? Doom?"

Li Mochen felt two forces in Hairou's body, which can also be said to be two ‘rules’, or ‘avenue’, ‘mystery’, ‘divine power’.

It was impossible to capture, but Li Mochen was too familiar with them, because he had felt similar power inside the "Shenxiao Lingyun Zijin Tower" when he was at his heyday, but the latter was more complete and perfect. It is also much more concise.

"Is this from the Dragon Girl of the Scourge? No, it should be contained in Herrell's own bloodline. Speaking more than a month ago, Carl once mentioned to me that the ancestor of the Wiltonstein family, Rudolf Hohenstaufen, probably after slain Desfalk, the scourge dragon god, bathed in the dragon blood of Desfalk and stolen power from this dragon god. Disaster and doom, this is the disaster Dragon Power? "

"This is interesting. The demigod, who already has the authority of God, Hairouer, your future is really exciting."

At this time, not only Li Mochen's soul was rejoicing for Hai Ruoer, but also a pleasant arc at the corner of his body's flesh.

Also at this time, Li Mochen once again gave birth to a sense, and looked at the pupil shining crimson light out of the floor-to-ceiling window. Herrell ’s unreserved 'True Dragon Vision' allows him to see the buildings in front of him as nothing, even able to shine into the void, and hide the six-story magic in the space boundary Tower 'shines into view.

"They are coming"


Nanette Drew was holding a wine glass, looking blankly at the sight of 'Heirou', but got nothing. But she did not doubt the other party's words. At this time, this girl in a strange situation would not have joked with her. And the black fire burning in the girl, as well as the magnificent magic source and momentum, are all obvious her strength.

"My last suggestion is that you still have to gather more talents. I do n’t know what strength this Miss Herrall has, but the legendary power is the text in the books, or the playback equipment such as TV images. It ’s hard to tell. In case you remind the apartment manager, you can let them strengthen their defense. "

At this time, there was only one maid named Isadora Wicks in this retest apartment, and Miss Eliza Tangelian, Li Mochen's assistant.

Then her boss, Andre Lee Wildenstein, sat in the corner of the living room with his eyes closed, not knowing what state he was in.

In Nanette's view, the next situation must be more fierce. This made her squeeze subconsciously, something in her pocket.

If the worst happens, then this is the only thing that can save her life.

"Ms. Drew's kindness I got it, but they shouldn't be able to get to the apartment."

At this time, outside of the body of ‘Hairol’, there were already pure black scales.

"I have to say sorry, this storm, you can't see it with your own eyes."

When this sentence was spoken, ‘Hairol’ was transformed into a figure, and the whole person completely disappeared in the living room. The surrounding glass walls are completely unobstructed.


"Dead House" Magic Tower, Edmund Basque stands proudly on the edge of this dangling island-like land, looking at the front of the Magic Tower with cold eyes.

This is a half-plane created by the powerful energy of the magic tower in the gap of the space. All four sides are turbid color space barriers, but this is not a hindrance for a legendary filmmaker. . He had already put most of Atlanta city into view, including the target unicorn apartment in the distance.

"Your mission is to burst into the 39th floor of the apartment after Linde broke the magic defense array of this unicorn apartment!"

This is a young man in a purple robe. His temperament is cold and proud. As he turned his head a little, the water vapor in the air quickly gathered, forming an image in the air.

"Exhaust all your strength, get rid of this person and kill!"

"Is that the fighting star? Andre Lee Wiltonstein?"

Edmund glanced at the image: "It doesn't seem to be so troublesome? Linde can do it."

Linde Emersna, a legendary second-class lich, was sitting inside this magic tower at this time.

The six-story magic tower is also extremely powerful. For a legendary spellcaster, the creation of the magic tower is equivalent to the turret for the gunner.

"But here is Atlanta after all."

The young man in the purple robe glanced coldly: "That's not a general, according to the latest information, he has at least five to six 17 men. Edmond, I don't want any accidents."


Edmund shrugged: "But Richard, from the Wiltonstein family, has such a powerful private force ~ ~ I guess his identity must be important, right? Maybe it will be Will. The top ten heirs of the Dunstan family. This is a war with the Wiltonstein family. Are you sure you want to do this? "

The face of the young man in the purple robe suddenly showed a mocking look: "Are you afraid of Edmund Basque? Or do you not have the confidence to kill that guy?"

"Not confident? Are you going to provoke me?"

The legendary filmmaker named Edmund Basque could n’t help laughing: “I ’ve watched a little combat video of that kid. His fighting skills should be very powerful. It ’s really amazing at his age. Maybe this little guy is now It has already broken through the extra-legal level, but I do n’t think he can escape my assassination. "

"That's fine!"

Zipao Youth nodded slightly: "Relax, Edmund. It's just a hybrid, don't take his surname too seriously. Although I don't know where he recruited so many top-notch foreigners, but probably It is related to his father and the support of the Nathan Sports Group. I have communicated with several major figures in the three generations of the Wiltonstein family. They all disdain this guy and never admit that he is A member of the Wiltonstein family. So, I promise that after you kill him, no one will be held accountable! "

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