Destiny Dominates

Chapter 296: Drew

Li Mochen didn't feel the two's resignations at all, and agreed on the spot.

These two are Mr. Bartram, the current general manager of Richard Press, and one is the editor-in-chief of the publishing department of the press. Both of them were blameworthy for Richard's high losses for two consecutive years.

Of course, the main reason is their predecessor, but the two failed to reverse the situation two years after taking office, which also shows that they are not suitable for this publishing house.

In Li Mochen's view, the only fighting force in this publishing house is the editorial team of the Atlanta Laborers Newspaper. A total of about twelve people, small and capable, must be retained by Li Mochen.

He noticed that the number of subscribers to this small newspaper has been growing in the past three years, with an increase of 13,000. It is the only department that can maintain a balance of payments.

Only in the next situation, Li Mochen had a headache.

The purpose of his acquisition of the publishing house, one is to publish his own comics, and the other is to master the power to influence public opinion in Atlanta.

The former is okay to say that it is nothing more than to apply his comics for issue and print and publish. The sales channels here are all over Georgia and surrounding cities. However, Li Mochen also noticed that there is no one in the publishing house who can take charge of the situation. The resigned editor-in-chief of the publishing house may be the only one with this ability.

Then came the Atlanta Laborers Daily, Li Mochen hoped that the sales of the newspaper would continue to grow, and even willing to invest heavily in it.

However, after talking to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, he found that the editor ’s motivation was not enough, and that was the character of being rich and safe. In addition, this man had no experience in publications, so Li Mochen Completely dismissed the idea of ​​promoting this person to the general manager of the publishing house.

Therefore, he wanted to improve the publishing business of the publishing house and expand the territory of the Laborer's Daily. He was bound to find a suitable helm. I don't know if those headhunting companies can find someone who likes him.

At this time, Li Mochen received a call from Ms. Isalt, the Controller of Atlanta.

"Andre, are you fighting with Yvkadeven now? I heard he was beaten up by you?"

"It's just that the opening took a bit of a start. He seriously underestimated me."

Regarding the purpose of Isorte's call, Li Mochen has realized it: "I guess he must have asked Ms. Isorte?"

"Begged me for half an hour and promised to donate to the several charitable foundations I designated."

Ms. Isalt smiled: "But I haven't promised him yet, can I? Andrea."

"Okay lady, as long as I can achieve my goal, I don't have to kill it."

Li Mochen felt that he was respected: "However, the conditions I gave him were not suitable before. In addition to the previous stores, I hope he will let out the jewelry store."

"Jewellery? If you were to do this business, I guess Ms. Lillard would not be happy. Edward Jewelry Company just spent a lot of money to sign you."

Ms. Isolt has a deep meaning: "If you want to increase the terms of the peace talks, I suggest you ask him for the shares of the Georgia Post. Few people know that this offshore company has always owned 100 14.5 shares. "

"Georgia Post?"

Li Mochen's pupils are bright, this is a good-selling newspaper. Although Li Mochen has not done anything about it, it can be seen everywhere on the streets of Atlanta, Georgia Post.

"There seems to be less equity, can I influence the post's position?"

"Of course, this can help you take control of the post."

In a calm tone, Ms. Isalt said something that surprised Li Mochen: "The other major shareholder of the newspaper, Mr. Mottall, holds a 39% stake in the Georgia Post. He has moved The West Coast has only been held because of certain relationships. But at the end of the year, he will transfer this part of the shares. And this gentleman has always been a close friend of the Isalt family. "

"You have flattered me, ma'am, I am very grateful for your trust."

Li Mochen knows the friendship and weight in these words.

"This is because of your good luck. So far, we have not found a suitable person to take over the Georgia Post. Then you suddenly jumped out."

Ms. Isalt sighed: "Regardless of image, life experience, financial resources, and force, all meet the requirements, who can I choose without you? But Andrea, the Richard you bought now Publishing house, there is no suitable manager right now? "

Li Mochen twitched and realized that this should be the condition mentioned by Ms. Isalt.

"Originally there was a general manager, but he has already submitted a resignation letter to me today, and I am having a headache for this matter now. I heard that Ms. Isolt used to be the editor of the newspaper before? It ’s better to be a little more capable. "

"I really have this idea."

Ms. Isolt chuckled and suggested: "Have you heard of Ms. Nate Drew? Just three months ago, she was the political editor-in-chief of the Abraham Post. As far as I know she is now I still live at home and have no plans to apply for a job again. I think you can try it. This lady has a huge influence. Her current affairs interpretation and political commentary have many loyal readers nationwide. I think it is her The name can bring 30,000 or 50,000 subscriptions to your newspaper. "

Li Mochen had never heard of South Nate Drew, but the name of the Abraham Post kept his pupils constricted.

Abraham is the capital of Amerika, and Abraham Post is one of the most prestigious and influential newspapers in Amerika. A few decades ago, this newspaper office even forced a president to resign, which made him very prestigious.

The political edition is undoubtedly the most important page of the Abraham Post.

"This is a big man."

Li Mochen's voice was unbelievable: "But my Richard Publishing House is just a small publishing house with negative asset size. Will this make her condescending?"

"If this publishing house can acquire the Georgia Post ~ ~ that would be quite large. The Georgia Post has 500,000 subscriptions and millions of sales in Georgia, and There are 120,000 loyal readers in Atlanta. The rare thing is that these users do not overlap with the readership of your laborer newspaper. "

Then Ms. Isolet said the most critical situation: "Ms. Drew has always been interested in entering the political arena, but Abraham temporarily has no place for her, and your publishing house can provide her with a pedal, a platform. If you can To run a publishing house with millions of readers, just five years is enough for her to gain a strong influence in Georgian politics. "

"I will send an invitation, if Ms. Drew really wants to join Richard Press, it is my pleasure."

Li Mochen is already heart-stirring, the key is that this will allow him to master a very weak media company.

After making this call, Li Mochen smiled and waved, letting Mr Edmund Bedman, who was watching him not far away, came over.

"Mr. Bedman, I think you can get off work on my side. The war is over, you can go to the Lord Demon Wolf."

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