Destiny Dominates

Chapter 292: Sweep

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Rodin Clive, the chief information officer of the Cardin Group, drove his Norfolk car with great care, and slowly drove out of the garage. However, due to his distraction, he failed to control the vehicle for a while, and caused the front of the vehicle to hit the flower bed directly.

Clive knew it was impossible for him to drive himself. He sighed and walked directly to another "Swordtooth Tiger" armored off-road vehicle that followed.

"BOSS, are you in a bad mood now?"

On the passenger's seat, one of Clive's bodyguards looked over curiously: "Is it going to go out so late, is there anything wrong?"

"It has nothing to do with you, just go directly to the company."

After thinking for a while, Clive ordered: "Be careful along the way and try to find as many people as possible. Just today, someone declared war on us, the Rising Sun Company."

"Go to war? Rising Sun? The company that opened a lot of electrical retail stores and discounted every day?"

Including the driver in the driver's seat, several bodyguards in the car looked at each other.

"I heard that their boss is that lucky Andre, the already famous fighting star."

"Wow, that little guy? He dare to declare war on the Cadiwen group? It's incredible"

"Should I say courage is commendable? We are anyway a large group of billions of dollars."

"The chairman will make his head blossom, but it's a pity that beautiful face."

"Shut up for me!"

Rodin Clive didn't feel a little relaxed, and his face was blue: "That little guy in your eyes, 'Dark Snake' Macon, 'Poison Sword' Rachel may have died! !Understand?"

In an instant, everyone in this off-road vehicle died. Clive clenched his fists and lay his body on the backrest, closing his eyes and raising his mind.

"In short, rush to the company headquarters as soon as possible! It's already unsafe here."

But his voice didn't fall, and the driver in front of him said with a tremble: "BOSS, someone in front, we may be in trouble."

Everyone in the car was in a state of alert at this moment, and Rodin Clive opened his eyes for the first time and looked ahead. I saw that on the street in front of them, a huge white bear stood there, and there was a layer of thorn armor spreading on both arms, gradually covering the whole body of the white bear.

"Open the fire! Step on the accelerator and press it with all your strength!"

Clive only felt throbbing at the moment and his limbs were cold, but his eyes were cold and cold.

The Norfolk 'Swordtooth Tiger' quickly accelerated to the extreme until it reached 300 kilometers per hour. Several bodyguards in the car also opened their windows and used various firearms to spit out their tongues in front. But this didn't help. The thorny armor was strong and unmatched, and its defensive ability exceeded that of many 18S-level armors, plus that thick bearskin. These magic bullets can't hurt the giant beast at all.

Then at the next moment, only listening to the thunderous roar of 'Bang', the white bear waved a huge palm and directly hit the front of the 'Sword Tooth Tiger' armored vehicle. The two magical pros of Xi and the co-pilot were completely silent, almost smashed into meatloaf.

Rodin Clive also suffered a huge impact, and he felt great pain all over his body. At this time, an unbelievable thought rose in his mind.

17th-level Druid, Thorny Iron Hand This is a guy with close to 19S level of combat power!

But this is also Clive's last thought in this world. With the sound of ‘poo’, a bullet penetrated through the broken car window and penetrated his brain directly from the rear!


In the eastern suburbs of the city, on the top of the nine-story building at 39 Tucker Street, Lawrence Collins half-squatted by the window fence and looked ahead with a sniper rifle in his hand. His goal is to locate the Cadiwen storage center one mile away, and here the front gate outpost of this storage center, as well as more than half of the courtyard, can be brought into view.

And the walkie-talkie next to it came with a cold and clear voice from Sampson Blutt,

"Lawrence, is there a problem? Can the two magic professionals on the left solve it?"

"It's no problem, Mr. Brut. Although I'm not from the army, the jungle environment in Southeast Asia is much more brutal than Amerika."

Lawrence Collins chewed the chocolate and laughed: "I guarantee they will not be an obstacle, and also guarantee that your attacking troops will not encounter any obstacles on this offensive route. There is also good news, I see It's time for the extrajudier you mentioned, the fifteenth-level magician An Pusheng, who is smoking outside warehouse 3. Is this stupid, right? "

"Then kill him now!"

Sampson Blut's tone was as hard as stone: "All units pay attention! Plan ahead, start the action after hearing the gunshot, over."

Just as Sampson's voice fell, in front of Warehouse No. 3, a middle-aged man holding a pipe suddenly surprised his face. But he was too late to make enough dodges, and the bullets shuttled from the night sky pierced his shoulder blades, and then the bursting shell shattered his small half of the body. This greatly affected his actions, and this near-difficult arousal was a tool that tried to return to the interior of the warehouse.

But before that, the bullet that flew from the other direction penetrated his brain!

And at this moment, there were sudden gunshots from all directions in the warehouse center.

"No. 3 sentry has been cleared!"

"No. 4 sentry killed two people. One of them was hidden in the rear bunker. Please pay attention to the attacking troops. Over."

"No.1 sentry has been cleared!"

"Every unit pays attention to avoiding it, and confirms that Isolt Kadeven is in the second warehouse. Some of us were injured by him, 15S-level shooting, over!"

Under the night and moonlight, a team of fully equipped magic professionals, like a swarm of wolves, swarmed into the warehouse. Although there are fierce exchanges of fire everywhere, it often lasts less than three seconds and will subside. Under someone's command, the entire offensive is like a craze of mercury.

At the same time ~ ~ Five rockets and two recoilless guns bombarded the walls of warehouse No.2, while the magical defense array gradually fell into a state of weakness, An unusually burly figure in heavy armor, like a tank, charged the warehouse door and smashed it into a crush.

With this bang, the mad warrior with a strength close to the 17th level also shouted.

"Isolte Caddy!"

At this time, he was constantly blazing fire, countless bullets, bombarded on his heavy battle armor, which was stacked three layers before and after, and issued a series of dangdang sounds.

But the mad soldier turned a blind eye to these gunshots. In his eyes, there was only a thin figure who had changed his automatic rifle and was quickly retreating. Then he hesitated again without hesitation!

At the next moment, the location of the figure was destroyed by the huge Viking battle axe, and everything was cut and shattered into pieces.


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