Destiny Dominates

Chapter 256: usurp

At the medical research building of the Wiltonstein Charity Hospital, Concierge Wiltonstein shouldered his hand and stood in front of a window looking at the direction of East City.

Here you can see the dark clouds over there, countless electro-optical lights flickering in the clouds, and bursts of thunder.

"How come suddenly here?"

Professor Abraham Wiltonstein, the dean of the Wiltonstein Charity Hospital, asked strangely: "He also asked for a blood sample from Herrell, but I remember this girl, who has been removed from his father's generation. Is that right? "


Kang Xiu said with a firm tone: "After Vivian's death, the Presbyterian Church sent someone to check the qualifications of Herrell. There must be a copy of her here."

"Is that true? This is justified. If it does, I will let them send her blood sample as soon as possible."

Abraham spoke while making an internal call: "But Konsuri, can you tell me why this is? This girl should now be in the base of the Dragon Witch Religion and was resurrected as Adriana, the disaster dragon girl Ovum bed? "

"Someone told me that Hai Rouer would become a Valkyrie with a dragon wing."

At this moment, Kang Xiuli's complexion was quite complicated, and Abraham Wiltonstein was stunned. After a long while, he reacted and gave a few words to the person opposite the microphone.

"You are right, they did keep a copy. But Kang Xiuli, I think this sentence should not be said to you by ordinary people? The Valkyrie, are those of the Nordic God Race?"

"I ’m not sure what Hairouer will be in the future, but I guess the one who wants to express it is that she will be as strong as the Valkyrie. And, you guessed it, tell me this sentence , It ’s Judith Brown. "

"Mrs. Brown? Krisa's best friend in her lifetime?"

Abraham's face appeared amazed: "Wow, that is the famous astrologer in the East China. Forty years ago, I foreseen that your union with Chrisa would be a tragic genius. Media— "

He could not continue, because his cousin Kang Xiuli had already glanced at him like a knife.

Fortunately, there was a knock at the door, and Diamond then walked in, dissolving his embarrassment.

"Mr. Chairman, according to the observation of Gemini, Master Andre's people have already beheaded the Seven Apostles."

Kang Xiuli couldn't help but turn around and looked again at the night sky in the distance. Abraham was surprised and said: "Am I misunderstanding? Andrei, his men beheaded the Seven Apostles, the Apostle of Fire, right?"

But Diamond ignored his question: "But our observations on the outer layer can only stop here. They have entered the second floor of the underground, where they are covered by a powerful force, and our observation spells cannot go deeper. "

It was at this time that the sky of Dongcheng suddenly shone with a thunderstorm, reflecting the whole sky into silver and white colors. Then, three seconds later, a huge thunderstorm sound also spread, causing the glass in front of Kang Xiuli to crack. This also makes the three people in the room appear dignified.

"It's Longwei--"

Abraham couldn't help mumbling: "It seems Andre's luck is really terrible. It's not even eleven to forty, it's a hell! I guess the people of the Dragon and Witch religion must have used it. Strange **** secrets, they are good at these. "

His voice came to a halt, just because the door of his office was slammed open, and a young man stumbled into it.

"Professor, I brought Hai Rouer's blood sample, but the situation is not right."

He took a crystal jar out of his white coat, and placed it with shaking hands on Abraham's desk.

"She seems to have awakened the dragon veins, but I have never seen such a situation."

The eyes of the three people here are all focused on the crystal tank at the same time, and then they see the blood in the tank, which is intensified into thousands of threads, and they start to weave a red dragon shape, and the surrounding body is a mass of black Flames are burning. The three of them could only see through the power of the flame, because the specially-made crystal and seal array had already collapsed under the high temperature, so that Abraham next to him had to act immediately to suppress the black fire. .

"Disaster Flame Dragon Girl, Sure enough--"

Abraham sighed: "It seems that she still failed to escape this fate."

Even Diamond, he can't help frowning at the moment, his eyes reveal something unclear.

Only Kang Xiuli still looked at him intently, and as time passed, the color of consternation on his face grew thicker and deeper.

The other two were puzzled at first, but after only three seconds, the red dragon in the crystal jar began to change again, and the blood was scattered again into thousands of blood capillaries, and then rewoven and aggregated.

About a minute later, a young girl with a dragon wing appeared in the crystal tank. The figure was slender and beautiful, and the whole body was also burning, and there was an horn in the girl ’s right hand.

"this is--"

Abraham's eyes were bewildered and unbelievable: "Kang Xiuli, am I right? This Hearore, she is repelling Adriana's will? My God, I feel that my idea is really absurd enough.

"She is still stealing the power of the scorching dragon girl--"

Kang Xiuli was looking at the 'thing' in the hands of the Scarlet Girl: "There is also the Horn of Scourge! Our ancestor Rudolph Hohenstaufen, the theocratic power stolen from the Disaster Dragon God Disfalk. If there is no accident coming down ~ ~ This child will soon become the second demigod of our Wiltonstein family- "

"Judith Brown, she is right."


At the same time, it is located in the vast space on the second floor of the basement in the basement of Gerard Fine Works. The consciousness of Adriana, the cataclysmic dragon girl, has been manifested outside of Herrell's body, transformed into a huge dragon soul of tens of meters, constantly entwining Herrell's body, trying to return to the girl's body, But this won't help. The layer of starlight outside Hairou's body is blocking her soul power, and the girl's body also has a strong repulsive force, refusing the entry of the dragon soul.

Adriana's soul gradually became impatient, and began to strike and begin to bite, but it still didn't help, the girl was fixed on the black cross and still.

And the three people beside Crecy Jacks were all pale, and their eyes were filled with confusion besides panic.

And what made them even more shocked was that the blood in the pentacle pool was rapidly decreasing.

It is not the real blood, but the manifestation of the life force left by Adriana, the scorching dragon girl in this city, but these are all forcibly sucked away by Herrell ’s body, making her a source of magic. Rapid growth is intensifying.

Speaker Cressie's eyes were red, and he suddenly pulled out a revolver from the gun pocket on his chest, and bombarded Herrell's head continuously. But this didn't help, even the advanced armor-piercing shells fired by the 6S-level guns couldn't even leave a white mark on the dragon scales in Herhor's forehead.

This body, which has been infused with the power of the law, is already their unshakable existence.

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