Destiny Dominates

Chapter 212: MV

ps: Fourth, ask for monthly tickets! Looking at the backstage, this month's wasteland update is close to 270,000 words. This time, the wasteland is really hard to fight. Please take a look at me for my hard work, and give me a little monthly ticket.


At noon on Wednesday, the crew of the American Music Company) moved into Li Mochen's retrial apartment and began to set the scene.

Previously sent an inquiry to Li Mochen. Although it was Los Angeles Brokerage Culture Co., Ltd. and Li Mochen could formally sign a contract, it was Belinda Harisan and mca.

Because mv is a joint investment between the two parties, mca dragged on for some time before agreeing to the budget plan for this short music film, and it was not until Wednesday that they began to shoot.

This musical is very simple, Li Mochen only needs to dance a dance with Belinda Harris, and then shoot a few cool-looking pictures.

Dance itself is more complicated, but for a 7th-level magical professional, it is not difficult, especially for an old monster like Li Mochen, it is not a problem.

So on Monday, Belinda Harris sent a dance teacher to give advice in advance, and Li Mochen took only two hours to fully grasp.

What made him frown is that this dance has more physical contact, and the two sides have to look at each other most of the time.

But for the sake of money, Li Mochen didn't care much. He just wants money now, and the golden shields that he spent like water these days are driving him crazy.

On the day of the shooting, not only was Eliza, who actually worked as assistant of Li Mochen, also present, Angela also watched in the name of a friend watching.

"The God of Light is really awesome. It is the lucky prince that swept the whole of America. Andrea, you are so handsome. I have regretted looking for you, and you will take away all my glory.

Belinda Harris photographed mv wearing a cross-over tube top evening dress, the style of the clothes is very bold and amazingly beautiful. When this temporary dressing room was filled from the guest room, everyone including Angela couldn't help but look away.

But when this man walked up to Li Mochen, the first thing he noticed was the cold eyes cast by Alyssa and Angela, and then she couldn't help but laughed loudly: "Look, the two girls over there , Are all angry, a look that can't wait to eat me. Are they all your girlfriends? "

"Belinda, you think too much, I am still a student, and it has nothing to do with our shooting today, right?"

Li Mochen really felt that the singer was wearing too bold, it was just a few straps (the description is omitted), so that he did not know where to put his eyes. The **** desire in the key body is about to move.

Since the wounds in his soul began to heal, and he gradually cooperated with the remnant soul of the original owner, it has been a long time since this situation that is about to be controlled.

This made him can't help but scold. The original Li Mochen really has no ethics in this respect. He admires now, and the objects he wants to think about can be seen next to it. Do you have to estrange a woman who doesn't know what the origin is? ?

"Andre, you are so cold."

I don't know if Belinda Harris felt a chill and held her shoulder with her hand. Then the dazzling things in the dialogue became more conspicuous, making people worry whether they would jump out of it.

"Don't you like this? We were couples during the shooting. We have to find a feeling. I think you should try to look at me with another look, the kind that is affectionate."

But Li Mochen thought that he was now in a state of war with people, and Hairouer had not been rescued. They didn't even know where the people were. At this time, he was already so anxious that the whole person caught fire. What kind of affectionate look? Basically, it is also the kind full of **** desire.

However, the image consultant assigned to Li Mochen by the next Nathan Group saved him: "No! Miss Harris, I think you made a mistake. We have agreed on the contract before, and our image of the lucky prince is calm and proud. Yes, he should n’t have too much affection in this mv. ”

Belinda Harris twitched her lips, but then smiled brightly: “Let ’s get acquainted first. We have n’t skipped this dance yet. Before shooting, we have to adapt to each other.”

Li Mochen nodded, and Belinda was right, everyone has their own dance style, and their height and weight are also different. Although he has practiced with the dance coach sent by Belinda, it is not Belinda after all.

Soon the living room of the duplex apartment became the dance floor of the two of them. When Li Mochen and Belinda danced together, the eyes of everyone watching showed a look of surprise and admiration.

"It's like a prince and princess in a fairy tale"

Alyssa was also shocked, grunting dissatisfiedly in her mouth: "It's too close, who designed this? It's more than a face dance."

She was actually a little envious, and wanted to have such a dance with Li Mochen.

But Alyssa soon noticed that there was a faint grind from her side. It was Angela, and her hands were clenched tightly, making a "click" sound.

Alice could not help but look at the past in doubt, with irony: "Is it necessary? Just an mv, this can't stand it? A few minutes of pictures will soon end."

She guessed that the one beside her might be the object that Li Mochen really liked, so after seeing Angela, she was very sour in her heart, and she hasn't soothed her until now.

"what do you know?"

Angela had a rare temper, and said angrily: "She has the blood of succubus, or the goddess of the **** of love Venus."

Alice watched carefully again ~ ~ Then she realized that something was wrong. She found that in Belinda Harris' eyes, there was always a pink gloss. Correspondingly, Li Mochen was short of breath, and abnormal blush began to appear on his face.

Alyssa frowned immediately, intending to walk in and interfere, but just when she started to move, she suddenly felt a numbness in her waist. Someone knocked there with the knife handle, and then the small thunderbolt that was inputted made her temporarily lose her ability to move.

Came out suddenly, and it was shot from a very close position, making her completely unable to react.

"I'm sorry, Miss Tangerian, I think we still watch it better."

Alyssa found that this was Angela ’s maid chief Lena Adrick, and she could n’t help but wonder more: “What are you doing? Since you know she is using succubus, why not stop him?”

Angela put her hands on her chest and swayed her head away. It seemed that she no longer wanted to glance at the dogs and men on the dance floor.

"My young lady was hurt by this woman before. She also had two male friends who liked each other at Xingmai Noble Academy, but they were just getting ready to socialize, because Belinda's charm turned her face to the young lady, There is even her first love. "

Lena Adrick smiled bitterly and explained, "Do n’t look at her as being very gentle, but she is really proud in her heart. She thinks that the friendship that breaks up when you are confused by Belinda Harris ’s charm magic cannot be. It is true friendship. For her, today ’s mv can actually be regarded as a trial. "

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