Destiny Dominates

Chapter 208: simulation

PS: Four more requests for monthly tickets! Tragedy, the monthly ticket list has been severely thrown away, please help and support


That night, Li Mochen did not enter the fixed practice, but in the practice room, held the black horned dragon's dragon horns for a night. Then when he came out early in the morning, he already had three more firearm parts and a seal box.

At this time, if Angela is here, they will recognize that the three parts are exactly the same as the trigger, firing pin and bolt of the "Long Wei" artifact rifle. The appearance seems almost indistinguishable, and even the breath is similar to the extreme, so that Li Mochen had to arrange a heavy seal array outside the refining room, and also put them into the seal box in the first time after refining, to avoid Encountered FBI, locked with the observation of the Van Derrick family.

Said that this matter should have been put into practice long ago, but because Li Mochen was not sure about Western alchemy, it has been delayed until now.

His skill in refining is indeed very high, and with the assistance of the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda", there is almost no disadvantage. But the magic array of this world and the runes of the original dome are completely different systems. Li Mochen had to spend some time studying, practicing, and understanding.

Even this time, after Li Mochen had been quite sure, he still wished to the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" to perfectly simulate the appearance, smell and magical characteristics of "Long Wei".

As a result, the merits accumulated on the tower only lost about one-seventh of them, and the three firearm parts were completely formed.

This is because Li Mochen itself has the ability to refine these imitation parts. Without considering the combat power, only simulating all aspects of their characteristics has made the difficulty much lower.

If it is not due to limited time, Li Mochen doesn't even need to use the wishing technique. He just needs to buy more high-level dragon horns to come back and try again and again.

It is worth mentioning that after Li Mochen finished refining the parts in the morning, the virtue of virtue above the tower rose again.

This is not like a follow-up merit settlement, it should be Sampson Blut what they did-

Sure enough, when Li Mochen went to the park for a walk, Chu Siguo told him a new piece of information about the Blood Slayer: "At four o'clock in the morning, the Rehbold chemical plant was attacked. Although the factory was finally safe, the raw materials there The warehouse was all burned down, and the three combat groups sent by Andeano were attacked on the way, and all the players, including the three extrajudiers, were almost killed and injured. "

"And about Thompson Adams, Mr. Carl told me to tell you that the one who has joined you. Said it would be tomorrow afternoon at most, he would take his man to Atlanta."

Li Mochen is in a good mood, which is all good news. Sampson Blut's action is superb, and the speed at which Thompson Adams promised him to recruit was surprising.

"There is also sales data on Lucky Bracelet, you should be curious to know? After experiencing the initial popularity, sales have declined, and by last Friday, we had sold more than 73,000 pieces in total. Then On Saturday, another 23,000 items were sold. This is because your exposure in the media increased that day, and some people think that Ibby Bryan retired because of your luck. So our marketing department Experts, it is expected that the final sales of this product can reach 320,000 to 500,000 pieces, and they have asked the factory to organize new supplies. Congratulations, BOSS, which means that on the day you graduate, you can become a billion. Millionaires, get billions of dollars in income. "

"EMM ~ This is also good news, but I hope that I will not become a negative man on the day of high school graduation."

Li Mochen thought at the speed of his current spending, whether this income of more than 100 million gold shields could support his graduation from high school is really uncertain.

After all, his annual salary expenditure is close to 30 million. Two years later, it will be 60 million, and his 100 million gold shield, if not a reasonable tax avoidance method, can only get the 56 million gold shield, which is pitiful.

"What about your company's other sales data?"

"Very good, this week's sales increased by 76% year-on-year, which is worse than the last two days of last week, but the decline curve is normal, and it is still much better than the same period last year. It is expected that you will beat Cardio. After Rhodes, there can be a wave of enthusiasm. Of course, there may be more protesters at that time. "

Then Chu Siguo complained, "If you say that, you can't relieve us a little bit of BOSS? Actually I ran into the park for a walk at this time, I really don't know what you think?"

——At this time, at the entrance of the park two hundred meters away from them. About two hundred people held up signs such as ‘shady’, ‘cheater’, ‘repay money’, ‘you are a bastard’ and so on, and they were loudly protesting, even at six in the morning, it was not yet dawn. Some of them were particularly excited. If it was not before that, Chu Siguo had found enough policemen. If these people failed, they would rush directly to Li Mochen to do something.

The key is now, it is the period of war between Li Mochen and the Blood Slayer. Who knows at this time, will anyone pull out a gun and shoot at Li Mochen?

The latter's treatment level in Nathan is, after all, only ~ ~ up to four extra-legal levels, the strength of the four combat groups is already the limit, but Antonio's strength is much stronger than this.

"Because this kind of action is so stupid, they will not think of it. Rest assured, I will go back in twenty minutes at most."

At this time, almost no one noticed that there was a ‘bread bag’ next to a young man with the image of a tramp next to him. Li Mochen took it directly from the space of the "Shenzhen Qiankun", and then covered it with illusion, even Chu Siguo, who was accompanying him, didn't notice the difference.

After walking for about five minutes, Li Mochen sat down on a stone chair.

"BOSS, what's inside?"

Asked Li Tailai, who was sitting on another stone chair at a distance of 20 meters.

"It seems important."

"A part of the latest information about the Blood Slayer, as well as Longwei's parts, are just fake, enough to be fake."

Li Mochen responded indifferently: "Today you find a way to send them to the dark world, preferably into the hands of the Devil Wolf Fenrir Hunting Corps, can it be done?"

Since it is to be framed by stolen goods, this demon wolf Fenrir hunting group is naturally the most burdensome for him. They can also find something to do for them, lest he come to trouble when he is at the crucial moment of the war with the Blood Slayer.

Li Tailai was shocked at the beginning, but he quickly concealed the change in expression: "Understand, I will do it later. BOSS, Howard Eisenhower has returned, he found us. The guy is still trustworthy. , Indeed changed a set of 17A level equipment, even the armor can be regarded as the level of 17A﹣. "

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