Destiny Dominates

Chapter 206: Inquire

PS: Two more monthly pass!


"Boy, my Craig Community Bank, are you doing it right?"

Antonio's voice was hoarse and low, full of murderous intent.

Li Mochen was not surprised. If Antonio hadn't figured out who the Craig Community Bank had razed to now, it would be impossible for this one to stand in Atlanta for more than ten years.

But of course he would n’t be stupid enough to admit it on the phone: "I do n’t understand what you ’re talking about, Mr. Antonio, Craig Community Bank? The one that just happened to be robbed? I saw it on TV, and now In the report, what does this have to do with me? As you said to me before, bank robbery is a very serious crime in Amerika, and you cannot affect the reputation of a gentleman. EMM ~, it ’s your **** party, what Only then did I release my cousin? "

"Your cousin? Sorry I haven't heard of it."

Antonio was also vague about this matter, but then his words froze again: "I know it's you, bastard! I have to admit, this time I underestimated you. But Andrea, you Would n’t it be safe if I snatched my money? ”

"I never thought so, Antonio."

Li Mochen's lips sarcastically provoked: "I told you once, didn't you? You are digging your own grave, I gave you a chance."

"Hah! Give me a chance? When did a turnie kid give me Antonio a chance?"

At this time, Antonio was smiling, but his voice contained a broken noise like ice slag: "Listen to me, Andrea, you should know what you are doing? I think the Nathan Sports Group is protecting Holding you, so can you do whatever you want? AH? Do you think I can't take you, bastard? "

"This threat really makes sense?"

Li Mochen chuckled: "I know what I am doing, and I know what the consequences will be. Blood Slayer, Dragon Witch? Is that what you think you can do with me, then come, I wait What about you, Antonio? And, put your mouth clean, Antonio, this makes you look a little angry and corrupt. You should also understand that it all comes from you, Antonio you chose war, then I will give you war, Isn't it? "

He heard a silence in the microphone, and Li Mochen said quietly again: "There is nothing else, I will hang up the phone, we will talk again when we have time."

Sampson also put away all the pictures and materials on the table at this time: "I should leave too, sorry BOSS, my deputy butler may not be able to fulfill his duties in a short time."

"It doesn't matter, but Sampson, are you sure you have mastered the point, right?"

"Of course! I think your purpose of BOSS is one of killing, and the other is the election season. Is continuous harassment exerting pressure on opponents, right?"

Sampson's lips slightly raised: "I will work out a detailed plan of action based on your BOSS strategy. This is the promise of a meritorious commander of the Red Scorpion to you. I promise that within a day, I will let BOSS You see results. "

"I certainly have 100% confidence in your tactical capabilities. But beyond that, I also hope that you can give proper attention to the Rising Sun company. Zhang Wei's ability is also very good, but our defense forces have only a total of More than a hundred people, this is a clever woman who can't cook without rice. If you can't deal with it, you still need your help. EMM ~ There is information, I will let Jamie Burt provide you. If If there are any instructions, I will let Li Tai communicate to you. "

Now Li Tailai is naturally impossible to organize a decent intelligence network within a few days of returning to Amerika. Now he can rely on only the intelligence department of the Nathan Sports Group and Jamie Lee Burt is a vast ground snake.

As for why Li Tailai passed instructions, he knew that from this moment on, Antonio's attention to him would rise by several levels. During the war, this unicorn apartment is bound to be stared to death by members of the **** party, and his phone may be subject to 24-hour surveillance.

Therefore, Li Mochen's intention was to use the accessory in the building next door to deliver instructions to Sampson Blut and others.

"That's all. You can leave the garage. I'll let the Nathan group send you and get off in other places. Remember, Sampson! Everything is about safety. No priority. Too risky. A great oriental man in this world has a saying, I think it's right. If you lose your land, you will lose all your land; if you lose your land, you will lose all your land. It's gone. Also pay attention not to hurt innocent, magical professionals, there is no need to involve ordinary people, right? "

Then, half an hour after Sampson Brut left, Li Mochen arranged the dragon body fitness exercises, and just returned to the training room to start inner vision, and heard the bell ringing below.

It was Chu Siguo who had re-entered the duty to open the door, but the visitor made Li Mochen have to come to receive the reception.

That ’s Edmon Bedman, the FBI ’s special agent for the Atlanta City Security Group, and Colin Damon, the team leader of the Eastern District Police ’s case.

After Li Mochen walked up the stairs, he had an unexpected look: "Two, don't you look like you are visiting friends?"

"I always wanted to visit, this time is by the way."

Colin Damon's face was stiff and his voice was a little cold: "Mr. Wiltonstein, I came here for the Craig Community Bank robbery in the eastern suburbs today, and I want to ask you something."

Li Mochen immediately frowned: "I don't understand, what does this matter have to do with me? I want to know, is this an interrogation or an investigation? If so, then I have to have a lawyer present, Guo Zi, help me call Attorney Harvey Spector, or his colleagues, come here as soon as possible. Also, is this your joint case, right? "

"No! It just happened to be together."

Director Edmund Bedman responded with a smile: "In fact, there is no need to be so nervous ~ ~ Mr. Wiltonstein, we are here, just to understand the situation informally, this is not interrogation nor assistance Survey, you can think of it as a chat between friends. "

Li Mochen did not speak, but poured two glasses of red wine to the two with a smile. He wouldn't believe this guy in front of him. In short, in America, once such an occasion is encountered, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a lawyer present.

Pearson-Dabie-Spektor law firm responded quickly. Just two minutes later, Mike Rose walked in.

Li Mochen couldn't help but cast a surprised look on the latter, who shrugged: "Thanks to you, the law firm gave me a rental subsidy and asked me to move to the unicorn apartment. Conveniently serve you. "

Then he looked at the two on the opposite side of the sofa: "Mr. Bedman and Mr. Damon are right, you can ask questions, I hope you do not ask any inductive questions, OK? And Wilton Stein Sir, if I interrupt you, please stop talking anyway. "

Edmund Bedman's expression was helpless: "I want to know, did you do the Craig community bank robbery, Mr. Wiltonstein?"

Mike Rose immediately frowned, but what he was about to say was crushed by Li Mochen: "Your question is very strange, Mr. Bedman. As you can see, I am only a 10th grade student, still a Orphan, I just have a little reputation now. What can I do now Mr. Bedman? Self-destructive future, take someone to rob the bank with a gun? May I have any reason to do this? "

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