Desperate Mobile Game

Chapter 540: Torrential flood

"Is this the legendary ghost hitting the wall? Now that I know what is going on, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"It seems that the more you are scared and flee, the more excited you are, and the more scary scenes it creates for you to scare you and make you irrational in panic Things, such as rushing out of a house, running around on the street, and then possibly being injured by a car or even dying."

"So, all I have to do now is to go back to the room and sleep in my bed. No matter what happens, I don’t care, and there’s nothing I can do if I hit the wall."

The chunky man didn't even run everywhere, and walked down the aisle to the front door of the three-person room between him and Jin Ke and the glasses man.

The dining car was still lying quietly in front of the door, and there was no horrible thing under the cover.

"I'm not curious yet, how can you take me?" The chunky man glanced at the dining car, snorted and pushed open the door.

Jin Ke and the glasses man stood side by side with the back of the head facing the door.

"Do you think this is scary? I'm not scared at all." The chunky man took a deep breath, preparing to push the two away and go back to their bed to sleep.

However, for a long time he did not have enough courage.

Looking back, the chunky man saw the dining car in front of the door again.

"What if I open the table cover? Can the contents inside scare me? Certainly impossible."

"What more terrible things can be?"

"A head?"

"A person's head?"

"A hand cut off?"

"A wax sausage cut off?"

"There are so many bridge sections in the horror movie. What kind of bridge sections do you think will scare me?" The chunky man stared at the dinner cover for a long while, his hands stretched out and shrunk back, shrunk back and stretched out. .

"I won't open me yet, what can you do with me?" After all, the chunky man didn't open the cover.

Turning around, the chunky man found that Jin Ke and the glasses man were not blocked by the door.

Strange, where did they go?

Entering the room and looking inside, the chunky man found Jin Ke and the glasses man standing beside his bed.

"Why? Want to take advantage of me while asleep, and then attack me back and forth? Brother doesn't have this kind of hobby." The chunky man walked past lightly.

After walking over, the chunky man saw a person lying on the bed!

Look at his's a chunky man himself!

But what's more terrible is not this, but... the chunky man has no head, and a lot of blood is pouring out of his neck, staining the sheets red.

"Oh, it's terrible, I know. It must be my head in the plate. This bridge is still too old." The chunky man nodded.

"Forget it, I still don't care about these. Since my bed is occupied, then I will sleep in your bed." The chunky man lay down on the bed in the middle, the glasses man's bed, and Eyes closed.

Various sounds came from the room.

Someone is whispering.

The door was opened, someone went out, and after a while someone came in again, and the room became very noisy.

Someone shouted outside and caught fire.

Someone patted his face and called him to wake up as if he were a spectacled man.

Two people dragged him off the bed, and after being dragged out of the door, he was thrown down again for no reason.

The chunky man with his eyes closed lying motionless, although he felt the heat around him getting higher and higher, and his nose was full of smoke.

"I care about your floods? It's all fake! Ghost hitting the wall! I just have to sleep my sleep." The chunky man made up his mind.

Then, the chunky man really fell asleep.


"What about that short fat man?"

The intellectual woman looked at the burning hotel and asked Jin Ke and the glasses man who had escaped.

"He stayed asleep and didn't wake up even if we yelled. We knocked on your door and went back to the room, trying to drag him down, but he was too heavy and we couldn't control him after the fire was too big. He can only be put in the corridor." The glasses man answered the intellectual woman with a lingering fear.

"It's hard for him to survive such a big fire." The intellectual girl sighed.

"He is too sleepy to sleep? We had been chatting together, chatting and chatting, and he started snoring. After he fell asleep, he talked dreams, chatting and chatting, and I didn’t know him. Who is talking to. But fortunately he snored again and talked about his dreams, causing both of us to fall asleep, and then woke up in time after a fire." The glasses guy said a few more words.

"I feel like this scene is similar to Death. When I was sleeping, the inexplicable hotel was on fire. Fortunately, the two of you woke up early and opened the door in time, otherwise we would be finished." Da Bei looked at the burning hotel I have a lingering two saved our lives. If there is a chance in this scene, we will definitely repay. "The intellectual woman thanked the glasses man and Jin Ke.

"Alas, I didn't save the fat man, and my companion died the first night. It felt really bad." The glasses man shook his head, looking very sad.

"I'm afraid the danger is just beginning. If it is such a bridge that is similar to the death, it will be overwhelmed." Dabeidou analyzed it.

"I don't think we can be separated. We must stay together. When the others are resting, there must be someone on duty." The intellectual girl suggested a few words.

"It makes sense." The others nodded one after another.

"I don't think things are as simple as that." Jin Ke, who hadn't spoken much, opened his mouth.

"Did you find something?" The intellectual girl asked Jin Ke, and the other two looked at Jin Ke together.

"When I patted the chunky man's face just now, I felt that he was awake, and I don't know why he didn't open his eyes, just like some curse. I doubt... this bridge is not the death, It was a kind of hallucination attack. He was probably immersed in hallucinations, thinking he was awake, so he would keep talking after he fell asleep, and when he was really awake, he thought I was asleep." Jin Ke analyzed it.

"I don't quite understand what you are talking about." Dabei's expression was confused.

"Well, it's possible that the chunky man was attacked by some kind of illusion, maybe it's like the ghosts around us. I don't think we should separate anyway, in this case, even if we have illusion, other People can also respond in time to protect." The glasses guy understood what Jin Ke said.

"Where do we go next? Do you have any ideas?" The intellectual girl asked everyone.

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