Ling Mufeng took the audience in the live broadcast room to enjoy the burning clouds in the sky for a while.

These viewers were already a little lingering after watching the video, not to mention Ling Mufeng at the scene.

He stood on a high ground in front of the cave, looking out towards the sky, and next to him, there were two cubs and a black tree snake, forming a strange combination.

The drone also recorded this scene very intelligently.

After looking at it for a while, Ling Mufeng looked at the sky, it was estimated that it would be dark in a few dozen minutes, and now that the temperature around him had begun to drop, he had to hurry up.

He still has a lot of things to do, and now the firewood is not enough, and Ling Mufeng is also going to get a few more bamboos, tie these bamboos together, and make a bamboo bed, otherwise if he sleeps directly on the ground, he will be taken away from the heat on his body, and the ground is too cold, and it is easy to get sick.

In such a place, you can't get sick, and now you don't have enough food and water reserves, and getting sick will undoubtedly make it worse.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly took the axe in his hand and walked towards the jungle.

At this time, the light outside became weaker and weaker, but fortunately, the technology of this drone is very mature, and it has the effect of night shooting, so it can still be seen clearly in the live broadcast room.

"Ironmen, it's going to get dark soon, and after dark, this desert island will become even more dangerous, and some reptiles and beasts will come out, so we must use this last time to do something, and after a while, we won't be able to stay in the jungle anymore.

With that, he walked over to a relatively large bamboo, picked up the axe in his hand, and wheeled it up.

"System Prompt: Critical Axe triggers 10x Critical Hit. As

soon as the axe went down, he directly cut down this bamboo, which was about the thickness of an adult man's arm.

Then Ling Mufeng came to another bamboo.


"System Prompt: Critical Axe triggers 12x Critical Hit. Ling

Mufeng was depressed in his heart, don't trigger it now, I don't need it now, wait until you encounter danger and trigger it, don't use up your luck now.

In the live broadcast room.

"I'll go, the power of the anchor is really great, one axe?"

"Axe King, Ox Fork." "

Axe King!" "Axe King!" At this time, Ling Mufeng didn't know that after he became a ghost and a snake tamer, he had another label "Axe King"

But if he knew, he would probably be very helpless, whether he was an Axe


or a waste, just look at God and not give face.

When it was the turn of the third bamboo, Ling Mufeng's luck was not so good.

"Shi Ping bang

bang!" "Bang bang bang!"

After five or six slashes in succession, Ling Mufeng could be regarded as cutting down this bamboo.

In the live broadcast room.

"What's the situation? Axe King is no longer working?"

"This staying power is too weak, so I cut two bamboos."

"Hehe, you go to a desert island to try to survive? If you don't have enough food sources, where do you get the strength to cut bamboo? It

took fifteen minutes for Ling Mufeng to gather more than twenty bamboos.

He specially selected bamboo of similar size, so that he would not be embarrassed after making a bamboo bed. After moving all these bamboos to the door of the cave, Ling Mufeng said to the live broadcast room: "Old Tie, twenty bamboos have been made, now I will make a bamboo bed, otherwise, I may get sick lying on the cold ground at night."

"The first step in making this bamboo bed is to remove the moisture in these bamboos, and now the time is more urgent, so I will simply use this fire to roast it, and wait until tomorrow to deal with it in detail."

After that, Ling Mufeng stopped inking, and hurriedly took out a piece of bamboo and put it on the fire to roast it.

But it can't be long, first, there is not enough time, he has other things to do, and second, if the bamboo is roasted for too long, it will be burned, and then he can break the bamboo as soon as he lies on it.

In this process, Ling Mufeng tried to save time as much as possible, so he simply roasted it, took away the cold air on the bamboo, and saved himself from being frozen when he slept.

After doing this, he hurriedly moved the bamboo inside the cave, which was now gradually darkening, and the visibility was only about ten meters in front of him.

Fortunately, the fire was still burning at the door, so that he could see the inside of the cave.

After moving all these bamboos into the cave, Ling Mufeng arranged them in a row, and then lay down on them and tried them on his own.

Although there are some sloppy people, and these bamboos are not fixed, they may fall apart after being subjected to external forces. Ling Mufeng came up with a good idea, which was to spread the bamboo horizontally on the ground, and then lie on it vertically, so that the problem of the bamboo scattering could be solved.

As for tying up all these bamboos, it seems that there is not enough time and no materials to do these things.

After getting all this, Ling Mufeng plunged into the woods again.

In the live broadcast room.

"What are you doing now? It's getting dark now, it's dangerous. "

Yes, watch out for the snakes, and take the black balls with you.

"The anchor should hurry up and prepare some firewood, it's going to be dark soon."

At this time, Ling Mufeng had no time to watch the live broadcast room, and was struggling to chop bamboo.

The two cubs did not follow, and when it was dark, even they became a little frightened and went into the cave.

The black eggs were hung on a tree in front of the cave.

Ling Mufeng entered the woods and came back after more than ten minutes, and he was carrying several bamboos. After repeating this several times, the bamboo in the forest in front of him had been cut down by him.

After getting these things right, Ling Mufeng returned to the front of the cave sweating profusely.

"Old irons, you may not know what I'm doing, I'm going to explain to you, this afternoon, I saw wolves here, that is, there may be wolves around here, these wolves will move at night, so I must take protective measures, otherwise, I may be bitten to death by these beasts at night. "

There are a lot of newcomers in the live broadcast room, and I don't know about this situation, but after listening to Ling Mufeng's introduction, I understand.

Ling Mufeng stopped talking nonsense, transferred his fire to the cave, and then picked up a piece of bamboo, cut off a small part of the bamboo, and then stuck it on the walls on both sides of the cave.

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