Demons Chat Group Makes Me Saint

Chapter 186 Don’t cry if you lose

"Brother Lin has been feeling unwell recently, so I, Du Yuan, should come here!"

Just when Lin Heng was in trouble, Du Yuan suddenly jumped out.

He had always had a good relationship with Lin Heng, but he didn't want to see him lose face by being bullied by such a little girl.

Seeing this, Chu Long frowned slightly. The juniors from his own Yanhuang tribe were too incompetent. To be precise, they were too shameless.

Lin Heng has been with him these past few days. If there is something wrong with his health, can Chu Long tell him?

But now that I know I can't beat this little girl, it's really outrageous to find such an excuse.

With a slight cough, Chu Long was ready to stop him.

Just as Ning Xiaolei was getting excited, he felt Chu Long's movement and immediately understood what he meant. He hurriedly said: "Senior Chu, it doesn't matter. Xiaoyue's cultivation level is already higher than Lin Heng's."

Chu Long was stunned, looked at Ning Xiaolei a few more times, and nodded slightly. To be honest, he also wanted to see Ning Xiaoyue's true ability.

And he had a feeling that the spell the girl cast didn't seem to be like the method of cultivating immortals. He couldn't tell what it was specifically.

He wanted to take this opportunity to see more and see what she was practicing.

When Ning Xiaolei and Chu Long were talking here, Ling Xiaoxiao and Shiyun couldn't stand it anymore.

The rhyme of the poem was okay. After all, he was from the Yanhuang tribe, so he just frowned slightly.

But Ling Xiaoxiao, a little witch, didn't care so much and just laughed loudly.

"People from the Yanhuang tribe are so shameless. Do they think we are blind? Can't we tell if there is something wrong with our health?"

"If you want to fight, just say it. Don't be ashamed. Two grown men bully a little girl."

"Would you like me to practice with you? I'll beat you until you have teeth all over the floor."

As soon as this girl opened her mouth, she was like a machine cannon, talking non-stop, causing Lin Heng and Du Yuan to blush with embarrassment.

Ning Xiaoyue glanced at Ling Xiaoxiao gratefully, and then said loudly: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I don't take them seriously yet."

As soon as these words came out, Ning Xiaolei was immediately fooled. This girl Xiaoyue must be causing trouble!

She has never even called Lin Yumeng that way, but now she directly calls her sister-in-law Ling Xiaoxiao. What's going on!

Ning Xiaolei, one head and two big, secretly approached Lin Yumeng, but saw that she had no expression on her face and just looked at the direction where Xiaoyue and Lin Heng were fighting just now.

But Ning Xiaolei, who was familiar with Lin Yumeng, knew that this girl would definitely mind.

On the other hand, Ling Xiaoxiao had a look of joy on her face, as if she had stolen honey, and she smiled happily with her eyes bent.

"Little girl, stop talking nonsense, do you believe I will beat you to tears?" At this time, Du Yuan suddenly spoke.

The arrow was on the string and he had no choice but to shoot it. It was already embarrassing anyway, so he simply decided to take action.

Of course, Ning Xiaoyue is not afraid. She feels that there is a steady stream of evil energy in her body, and the Yin Thunder Technique, a yellow-level mid-level evil spell, has not yet been used.

"Tch, if you're not convinced, you can join us together. Just don't cry if you lose."

"What, lose, cry?" Du Yuan was so angry that his face turned black, and he felt like he was being looked down upon.

Xiaoyue made a face and yelled: "I'm going to take action, fireball and water bomb combo."

After shouting, she directly cast two kinds of magic, covering not only Du Yuan, but also Lin Heng.

"Little girl, you are too arrogant, I want to teach you a lesson."

Du Yuan's nose was almost crooked with anger. He was planning to fight two!

What an insult!

With an angry roar, Du Yuan dodged the fireball and water bomb, condensed an earth-colored sharp cone in his hand, and threw it towards Ning Xiaoyue.

The earth-colored pointed cone rotates as it moves forward, like an electric spin, and its power does not look weak.

On the other side, Lin Heng ducked out of the attack range of the fireball and water bombs and did not continue to participate in the fight.

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