Demon School

Chapter 292: Academic response

Scientists are very busy, even at the Witten level. He got up early in the morning and routinely brushed for three or four hours, and then opened the newest pile of high-end journals on his desk.

"Edward, I heard that you are going to China recently?" Freeman-Dyson walked in without knocking on the door and sat on the chair in front of him.

"Yes, after the discovery of the Higgs boson, everyone became more keen on the construction of the collider; the international linear accelerators discussed by Neon, the United States and Europe () Although the discussion is lively, everyone knows how close During their economic downturn, many research funds were cut off by the government, and the prospects for the project were unclear! "Witten closed the magazine in hand.

"If it's done successfully, first find out how the Higgs boson could be Europe!" Dyson shook his head in frustration. "The guy Philip is estimated to be scolded! Especially after making such an important achievement. . "

"Hua Guo seems to want to make a big move in this area! They have developed well in the economic field in recent years, and now they are willing to invest in the basic field!" Witten, although he didn't say anything, could see that Philip Anderson was Dissatisfied with the role played in the termination process, "So Mizuki University invited me, David Gross, Gerard Te Hoft, Nima Akani Hamid, Joseph Inkandra, etc. A physicist communicates about the future development of the physics community after the discovery of the Higgs boson. The meeting will be hosted by Qiu Chengtong! "

David Gross was the winner of the Nobel Prize last year. He used to be a teacher of Witten and made outstanding contributions in gauge field and particle physics; Gerard Tehuft was the Nobel Prize in 1999. The winner has made a lot of achievements in gauge theory and quantum chromodynamics. By the way, he is also the nephew of the 1953 Nobel Prize winner in physics, Fritz-Selnik. It seems that this family has a very high IQ.

Hamid and Icandra are both winners of the Basic Physics Award. These eight physicists are world-class scholars. Mizuki University invited them to show their ambition to make breakthroughs in the field of high-energy physics.

"It seems that it won't take long for our students to work for the Chinese!" Dyson shrugged helplessly. Both he and Witten are a bit older, and they may not be able to wait until the official day of operation. However, if their students want to make achievements in this field, they must rush to China as they often go to cern.

"Maybe Lu will lead this project in the future!" Witten speculated. "From design and construction to official operation, this project is expected to take 20 years. At that time, he was at a very young age, and it seems that I could n’t find a better candidate. Although China has emerged a lot in recent years, Outstanding young scholar. I haven't heard of it compared to him. "

"I'm afraid he won the Nobel Prize at that time?" Dyson guessed with his legs tilted up. "In addition to the Fields Prize that will definitely be awarded to him next year, Lu will create a miracle before you. History The first scholar to win both the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize! "

If string theory is confirmed, Witten will no doubt be honored, but at least at the age he can live, it is probably not seen this day. However, at the level of Witten, it is not so important to pay attention to what is awarded. Instead of paying attention to who will win the award, it is better to pay attention to what new theory has come recently.

"Okay, would you just come to me just to say this?" Witten picked up the magazine again and drove people away. You are old, I am still young, and I want to make more academic things, but I do n’t have time to stay with you nonsense!

"Uh, what do I want to tell you? Oh, yes, Lu sent another article, he gave a new dark matter model!" Dyson Paola Paola pulled out "Nature" from the magazine stack and handed it over , "I looked at it and found it interesting. I just wanted to hear your thoughts!"

In the early 1980s, Witten predicted a strange quark combination. He believes that light mass quarks can be combined with heavy mass quarks to form a new type of composite particle. But unlike protons and neutrons. This new composite particle cannot be part of the nucleus. However, they can polymerize to form a mass of unstructured particles. Witten called them "quark blocks."

Physicists call the "quark block" macro particles. Macro particles are completely composed of a pile of quarks, and there are no electrons or voids in them, so they cannot be fused. There is no light. The high density also makes them less likely to interact with incident light. In short, macro particles are very dense, but they are very small, and if they are not completely missing, they are also difficult to find. So many people also regard macro particles as one of the possible forms of dark matter.

Physicists have also developed a series of experimental explorations in this direction, such as installing a polycarbonate plastic film on the sky laboratory space station. If particles pass through the plastic film, it will leave traces of etching; for example Use a 2 ton aluminum rod under ultra-low temperature to detect ~ ~ When the macro particles pass through the aluminum rod, they may interact with the aluminum and release energy, which will cause the aluminum rod to be heated and undergo a slight deformation However, they did not find any signs of macro particles after analyzing the aluminum rods.

At the same time, they also use cosmic ray detectors to monitor the interaction of macro particles with molecules in the Earth ’s atmosphere, and generate a special optical signal; use the hydrophone in the sea to monitor the vibration of macro particles when they cross the sea, etc. Unfortunately, The thing is that none of these methods found macro particles.

"I have a look first!" Witten turned to the page where Lu Qiujian's thesis was located, carefully browsed it, turned on the computer after reading it, and tested the model with various software to see if it conformed to existing theories and phenomena.

Just as Dyson was about to wait impatiently, Witten frowned and said, "From my inspection, this model can indeed solve some problems, but there are too many models like this. They have Can explain this phenomenon, but it is inconsistent with another phenomenon; so I ca n’t be sure yet more! ”

"That is to say, you can't deny the possibility that such a model actually exists?" Dyson shrugged and said that Witten had done the work he just did! (To be continued.)

Ps: The time of this meeting was advanced; there are not many operators who keep the three chapters updated during the Chinese New Year, right? Ask for a wave of rewards! Thank you 13500554170 and Wuyang for the 10,000 rewards for feeding horses, plus one more chapter. Hey, during the Chinese New Year, Mu You recommended to streak continuously for a month! Please give us some recommendation tickets! Let me hang on the city classification recommendation list is also a small recommendation!

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