Deep Space Fleet

about new book

The new book The World has entered the age of mythology. There will be some super powers, scp and Cthulhu elements, as well as some descriptions of parallel worlds and society.

I think adding some supernatural elements can fully highlight the main character. Whether it is the setting of the cheat or the plot of the story, it will be easier to write.

Changing the theme rashly will definitely cause the loss of some of the original old readers, and there is no way around this. Novels are not Grandpa Mao, and they don’t pursue everyone’s liking.

While rewriting the same subject matter will please some old readers, new readers will be few and far between. In addition to the interstellar universe, I have already written two books on the theme of the big filter, and I am also a little tired, and I don't want to repeat the previous content within the comfort zone.

If you don't want to write it yourself, this kind of story must not be written well. It's not interesting to make money just for writing novels. It's better to do something else with this little time.

Well, let’s not talk so much, I hope the new book can develop well! I also hope more people will see it.

The world has entered the age of mythology, the title of the book is a bit vulgar, but there is no way, in order to attract clicks, it can only be like this.

If you like it, ask for some favorites and recommendation tickets, and if you don't like it, don't force it.

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