Deep Space Fleet

Extra Story 2 Planetary Life Forms (7,000 words)

"This is... a planet-level super life form? Planet-level?"

"Yes, after judgment, we believe that most of the life forms on this planet, including microorganisms and most plants, probably form a single self-awareness."

"However, this consciousness is still in the rudimentary stage of ignorance, and requires a certain degree of education before it can form a complete intelligence."

"...Really?" Li Yueyue shrugged her nose in disbelief.

The anthropomorphic artificial intelligence nodded and said with a smile: "In the myths and legends on the earth, there are similar sayings, it is called Gaia life."

"In ancient times, people proposed that all life on earth can form an organic whole, so the ecological environment of the entire earth has a certain self-regulation ability. But here, we see this real universe Miraculously, this planet does have an overall sense of self."

Everyone in Lin Yueyue's team was looking at the planet below them curiously. Its surface was filled with a thick atmosphere, and the entire ocean showed a milky white color.

There are a large number of plants, microorganisms, and some strange tissue structures distributed throughout the ocean. These tissue structures need to be supplemented by other microorganisms in order to survive.

Most creatures can live in harmony, and the competition among them is mild, but most of them live in harmony.

"You see, from a microscopic level, the microorganisms in the ocean are like the cells in the human body, with a clear division of labor. Some are responsible for producing nutrients, some are responsible for providing energy, and some are distributed neural network structures , being able to feed back information and connect the entire ocean is indeed a rather rare evolutionary model."

A girl couldn't help asking: "Then how did this planet form? The traditional ecological environment will not form such a living body?"

A special life form is naturally brewed by a special environment.

The code name of this planet is KIC00***91234, a strange planet with high-speed rotation and intermittent magnetic field. It is expected that in the early days of the planet's formation, it had an extremely abundant ocean of organic matter.

The abundance of organic matter is at least thousands of times that of the earth!

This phenomenon is not uncommon. For example, the surface of Titan in the solar system is also full of organic matter, and there are lakes composed of some organic matter, including methane, ethane, and so on. These naturally occurring organic matter provides a lot of nutrients for the emergence of life.

But what is rare is that the environment of this planet is special, its magnetic field will sometimes decline sharply, without the defense of the magnetic field, the solar wind and cosmic rays will sweep the planet without hindrance, killing the primitive creatures on it; It will be greatly enhanced, and even this strong magnetic field can affect the growth of life.

According to the analysis and calculation of superhuman beings, this periodic magnetic field change may be one of the main reasons for the formation of consciousness of all creatures on the planet.

The artificial intelligence explained to these students: "In ancient times, the organic environment of this planet was too abundant, but the ecological environment was so bad that in the early days of the birth of these primitive life, there were not many microorganisms. competition, but more cooperation with each other.”

"Think about it, the surrounding environment is full of organic matter, there is no lack of energy, but the environment is very harsh, only cooperation can survive better in the harsh environment, so under the influence of long-term time, it will gradually evolve into A collective consciousness has been established. This consciousness can automatically regulate most of the living organisms in the organic ocean, allowing microorganisms to appear a symbiotic phenomenon."

"Then gradually evolved the neural architecture."

"Due to the formation of the overall life of the planet, other single-conscious life forms cannot evolve."

"Of course, this is just a preliminary guess, and the specific reason remains to be investigated."

Faced with this miraculous statement, the students were all amazed.

This peculiar planet can be regarded as the most amazing discovery of new humans in the Large Magellanic Cloud over the years!

A large number of research forces have gathered near the planet. Not only traditional humans come here to visit and travel, but also well-known superhuman scientists, scientists from allied hemisphere civilizations, and even a battle star.

"Now, can we land on this white planet?" Lin Yueyue asked.

"Of course, but a certain level of reporting is required. In order not to disturb this strange life form, the number of tourists who land on the planet every day is limited. You can register first and wait for a few days. There will be a travel notice at that time."

Seeing the interested expressions of her companions, Lin Yueyue said hello: "Let's go, let's register first, and then go to the museum on the planet to see how the research is going..."

"Let's go."

All aboard an anti-gravity ship.

A girl sitting next to her was a little curious and said, "Sister Yueyue, you've had a lot of emotional ups and downs these days, are you in a relationship?"

"Huh? How is it possible? Who did you hear that from?"

"You are so good and so cute, don't you think there are boys chasing you?" The girl was a little bit gossip.

Lin Yueyue played with her for a while, and naturally there were many people who pursued her, but she rejected them all. How can women in the new era be obsessed with flirting.

"I'm an advocate of classical human thinking... Those boys whose minds are controlled by hormones are so boring."

"Classical humans? Is it Plato's concept of love? Oh shit?! True or false! So traditional!"

"It made you know me for the first time. Those who are addicted to their own desires have been thrown into the virtual world by superhumans to fend for themselves!"

"Then what should I do if a boy chases me?"

"It depends on whether he is interesting and has ambitions. If he is only greedy for your body, forget it. Tell him to find a robot."

Just chatting like this, the destination has arrived.

In the new human civilization, the largest museum above each battle star is called the "Museum of Surprises".

These museums are tourist attractions in the new human civilization trading market. Almost every alien civilization that comes to the trading market will come here to visit and travel.

The price is naturally free, which can be regarded as expanding the horizons of low-level civilizations and spreading the popular culture of new human civilizations, which can be regarded as a kind of cultural export.

Sure enough, a new branch was opened in the "Museum of Surprises", dedicated to introducing this newly discovered planetary life form - "Beta".

The central screen displays pictures one by one, and can also order videos. The superhuman group has been cultivating this creature for decades, and some progress has been made.

Some people from the hemisphere also lingered in the museum, and "cracking" applause could be heard everywhere. They still haven't got rid of their habit of applauding.

"Hello, I am AI No. 091, and I will serve you wholeheartedly." The AI ​​in the museum can automatically interpret the information in the museum for tourists.

This planet-level life form is currently named "Beta". Because the original environment only had one consciousness, and no complex society was formed, its intelligence could not evolve for a long time. Only after humans discovered it, after a series of enlightenment, did it possess the most elementary intelligence.

Lin Yueyue said with emotion: "Yes, society is an important factor in the formation of wisdom. If a baby is born in a blank environment, his mind will only be blank, without language, writing, etc. concept."

"How should the education of Beta be carried out?"

No. 091 said: "According to the current research, the formation of the wisdom of life forms can be divided into three stages."

"The first is the initial stage of 'not seeing is equal to forgetting'."

Before Beta conducted this "seeing is equal to forgetting" experiment, there was actually nothing in its mind except what it could see, hear and touch at that time.

In other words, what it perceives is all it thinks.

"What does this mean?" A boy showed a curious look on his face.

Artificial Intelligence No. 091 explained: "For humans, a 4-month-old baby is in the initial stage of "not seeing is equal to forgetting". During this period, robot parents can play "ghosting" with the baby. The game. After the mother covered her face with her hands, she let go suddenly, and the baby would laugh."

"Because a child at this stage can't see his mother, he thinks that his mother doesn't exist. In the world he knows, his mother disappears and then he forgets about it."

"Then, when his mother suddenly appeared in front of him, and the memories from the past came back, he would be very surprised and laughed."

"It's so mentally handicapped... but it seems to be like this," a boy said with emotion.

"We weren't so mentally handicapped before... Haven't you ever volunteered in a kindergarten? Making funny faces can make children laugh, and it's been tried and tested."

"It turns out that Beta is also mentally handicapped. I thought he was so smart that he could learn everything in one day."

The girls collectively developed a strong maternal love, even if the object of their maternal love is a huge planet.

No. 091 continued: "It is conceivable that intelligent creatures do need to cross a self-awareness leap before they can understand that even if a thing is invisible to itself, it still exists."

"We refer to this ideology as the cognition theory of material immortality of naive materialism."

"There are many animals that cannot develop this kind of cognition; having this kind of cognition is a leap in the form of wisdom. And Beta is in this stage of enlightenment."

"...It has been decades since we discovered this planet." Lin Yueyue was a little puzzled

The artificial intelligence replied: "It's not that the intelligence is low, but the work of training is very complicated. For Beta, its own perception ability is too strong, and it can almost perceive the entire planet. For it, everything is can be seen, and even the concept of 'invisible' is difficult to form."

"It doesn't even know what the so-called invisible is."

"After the superhuman appeared and disappeared again and again, it gradually understood this concept. It turns out that there are things in this world that it cannot perceive."

On the big screen in the museum, there is a video of experts educating this huge life form: people built a huge glass ship above the ocean of the planet, and some colorful induction bulbs were installed on the ship.

As long as the ship is shaken violently, the light bulb will glow, and if the shaking stops, the colorful light will stop.

This huge planet-level creature "Beta" can easily form a joint force through the co-movement of microorganisms to create waves. During a certain operation, it found a shiny ship, so it began to swing it again and again, looking extremely happy.

"Can this kind of education improve intelligence?" Lin Yueyue asked.


"In this way, Beta's activities are no longer limited to the subject itself, but begin to involve the influence on the object. After the object is affected, it will in turn further cause the subject to act on it. In this way, through the influence of the action and the result of the action, make The subject has a circular connection with the object, and finally the action (means) and action result (purpose) are gradually differentiated, and actions performed to achieve a certain purpose appear.”

"From accidentally shaking the toy aimlessly, to repeatedly shaking the toy with a purpose, intelligent actions began to sprout."

"But the differentiation of purpose and means at this stage is not yet complete. In other words, we don't know why the so-called 'purpose' was born in Beta."

"All right……"

Lin Yueyue has always admired those superhumans who think about the so-called philosophy tree.

However, she doesn't think about things that she can't figure out, otherwise she will be troublesome.

In the following video, it can be seen that scientists began to send spacecraft in the sky from time to time, and adopted a series of optical cloaking methods.

These spaceships appeared from time to time and disappeared from time to time, which made Beta very puzzled.

However, he fell in love with the game of "peek-a-boo", and his understanding of the indestructibility of objects began to become complicated. After things disappeared, he tried to find them everywhere.

"This is the second stage of intellectual development. For specific discussions, you can refer to the book "Biology and Cognition."

After visiting the entire museum, it also opened the eyes of a group of people, and repeatedly lamented that this trip is worth the money. Even if the new human civilization is already a fifth-level civilization, there are still many, many mysteries that have not been explored.


"How can its ultimate intelligence be developed? How many levels of civilization can it develop into?"

"That question...but I don't think it's going to be too clever."

On the 6th day, Lin Yueyue's team finally got the quota to visit "Beta" up close.

Amidst a burst of excited discussions, everyone stepped onto the shuttle. Lin Yueyue felt her heart beating very fast. Girls in this era basically don't choose to have children by themselves, and often have a little excess maternal love. They just like innocent and simple life forms that are stupider than themselves.

In just ten minutes, the shuttle cut into the atmosphere, drawing a long white line.

At this time, a white line also appeared on the sea surface, which should be the scratches of Beta imitating the shuttle.

"Has it learned to imitate? The progress is really fast!" One of the girls kept waving at the glass window, even though this behavior might not make much sense.

"Very fast? No, no, no, it only takes a few months for humans to learn this process, but it took so many years! This speed is definitely not fast."

"The calm sea below has self-awareness. It's a bit strange to think about it."

"Will he imitate humans? For example, power armor, excavator movements."

"It will imitate a very large object. If the power armor is made as big as a house, maybe an image will appear on the sea to simulate it."

"We should show it an educational video about human babies!" Lin Yueyue suddenly made a suggestion.

The artificial intelligence in the spaceship replied: "Playing educational videos for human babies has been proposed by some education experts. But more experts believe that this education method is not very good, because it will be educated into human ideology. .It is unique and should not be human. Its body structure cannot be human."

"Okay..." Lin Yueyue curled her lips, disapproving in her heart.

She believes that it is best to be human.

It only has one person, there is no way to form a society, and naturally the so-called culture will not be born.

Before coming into contact with human beings, Beta was just a stupid living body.

In this case, it can only passively accept the culture of other races. Since we can only accept the culture of other civilizations, of course it is the best of human beings, should we accept the hemispheric civilization or the Green Leaf Alliance?

Thinking of this, Lin Yueyue turned her head and glanced at the hemisphere civilization tour group sitting behind. One of the hemispheres seemed to have noticed Lin Yueyuezheng, quickly raised his head, clapped his hands lightly a few times, and greeted each other.

She responded with a smile, and muttered in her heart: "Compared to people in the hemisphere, human culture is indeed quite excellent..."

With that thought in mind, the spacecraft reached the sea safely.

Outside the glass window, scientists are using various bright toys to educate it, and the water splashes one after another. It can be seen that this living body is very interested in these toys.

It's a lot of fun.

"Students, if you want to go down and experience it for yourself, you can take a motorboat. It will push the motorboat up with water waves."

"I'll go, I'll go!"

A considerable number of people jumped into the motorboat and played with the water waves that appeared from time to time.

Lin Yueyue didn't go down to play, she just stayed in the large transport plane, resting her chin on her hands, looking at her companions, and began to be dazed...

She was thinking, is there any kind of Gaia creature in the vast universe? If there is no one of its kind, it would be too lonely, and only when human beings come here can it get some sense of companionship... How did it survive for hundreds of millions of years in the past?

Or maybe there is no concept of loneliness in its thinking. Photosynthesis alone, growth alone, if human beings do not come, it will stay in obscurity until the end of the world.

Or a sudden meteorite smashed the ecological environment to pieces, and then it died.

However, why is it not the case for human beings? Eating hot pot alone, watching movies alone, and going from day to night alone, is often like this.

Thinking of this, she felt a mysterious sense of loneliness again, as if a person had fallen into the void of the universe, and a black hole called "loneliness" was pulling her thoughts.

Looking at the lively play of her peers outside the window, Lin Yueyue sighed. She felt that she was out of tune with the people around her. She had been like this since she was a child and had never changed. It seems that there are not many people who like to think in this era. Many people think that if they think about the problems of a lifetime, superhumans can solve them in a second. What else are they thinking about? But Lin Yueyue felt that others are others, and she is herself, so what if others are stronger, the two cannot be compared.

"What difficulties did you encounter?" A voice came from the earphone, which was the artificial intelligence responsible for Lin Yueyue's life and growth. The current traditional humans have their own exclusive artificial intelligence, and it is quite common to ask artificial intelligence for help. Especially when the current artificial intelligence is getting more and more advanced and smarter.

Lin Yueyue narrated her troubles.

The other party replied: "Many people have already thought about your question. Here I will give the answer given by a well-known scholar."

"It seems that people are very lively, playing and laughing, but there are very few real close friends. This kind of playmate relationship can't bear too many setbacks. If you don't contact for a while, maybe scattered."

"If you are not willing to participate in such activities, there is no need to force yourself. Because this kind of excitement is always short-lived, it only lasts through happiness, like a rootless fire, it cannot last for a long time. A true friend should be in pain Find among them."

"But even if you are a close friend, you have to understand that there is no such thing as empathy in this world. No matter how good a friend is, you can't really understand what you have experienced. That's why you feel lonely."

"To solve this problem, either keep yourself busy and do something meaningful. In fact, there are always some like-minded people; or, find the purpose and meaning of life... Really good friends don't need too much , one or two is enough."

"Of course, for superhumans, this problem is not a problem. To put it bluntly, loneliness is a sense of insecurity. For superhumans, they can create a sense of security for themselves, and there is no need to care too much. It can be understood in this way , Loneliness is eternal, and it is a long-term company.”

"Thank you for your answer, very much appreciated."

"Oh, by the way, there is actually another saying about loneliness."


"Due to the affluent life and peaceful environment, in our civilization, the traditional human beings who can feel such emotions have been greatly reduced. In fact, only those who have experienced various emotions deeply can understand themselves better .”

"Know yourself better..." Lin Yueyue shook her head.

"Here is also a copy of "The Most Surprising Events in the Universe", about the small probability of loneliness. You can learn about what superhumans understand about real loneliness."

Lin Yueyue became a little interested and checked the information. She was about to read, when suddenly a wave of sea water rushed to the glass window, and it was "Beta" who was greeting her.

This huge and simple living body seemed to sense that Lin Yueyue hiding in the spaceship was not in a good mood, so he greeted her in his own way.

"Hello!" Lin Yueyue raised her head and greeted Da Hai.

Another wave of sea water rushed to the glass window.

Beta is calling her out to hang out, its newest way, almost time-tested.

"Hey, I want to read a book, but..."

Lin Yueyue shuddered at the first glance of "The Most Surprising Event in the Universe", the content on it was beyond her imagination.

Lin Yueyue sat up from her seat numbly, scratching her head in bewilderment.

She felt that she seemed to have fallen ill just now, and it seemed a bit hypocritical to think about some inexplicable things.

No, it's too hypocritical. Compared with the real loneliness, her psychology is just a little bourgeois complaint. Compared with those extreme loneliness, what she felt was a fart, no different from moaning without illness.

Lin Yueyue dug out a camera from her backpack, doing something she likes, enjoying the beauty of the universe, isn't that what she likes to do?

"Go out and play, you still have to be full of energy!"

After Lin Yueyue left, "The Most Surprising Event in the Universe: Loneliness" was still displayed on the screen, and it read:

[Cosmic-level loneliness event... An extreme athlete was seriously injured in an accident and was diagnosed as a vegetable by the doctor. He lost all motor abilities, could not speak, move, or even blink an eyelid. Relatives inserted a nutrition tube for him, hoping that he would wake up one day. 】

[Fifteen years later, by chance, the doctor found that he just lost all the functions of his body, but his brain was still the same as a normal person. He lay there for 15 years... No one knew that he still had consciousness, and no one Know that he is still eager to communicate. 】

[But in fact, he is awake. He was left alone on a hospital bed. 】

[Note: This incident is not a small probability phenomenon, and the tragedy that occurred is not an isolated case. In many civilizations with underdeveloped medical conditions, patients who still have consciousness are also misdiagnosed as vegetative. Even in the civilization of the earth, similar events once happened. 】

[Example: In the 21st century, a Belgian man named Roma Ubon suffered a car accident and became a vegetable. 23 years later, he told the world through special equipment that he has been conscious all these years. 】

[This general state is a great tragedy, and it is really hard for us to imagine the feelings of the victims in this extreme state. So, even though it is not a rare event, we still consider this phenomenon to be one of the most extreme forms of loneliness. 】

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