Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 833: Time, computing power and intelligence

Not long after, everyone came to the superluminal communication place, and the light ball in it lit up.

Since the topic this time is "joining the amoeba faction", human beings do not have to pay the relevant fees, but are borne by the amoeba civilization.

A plant stood in front of the machine, entered a piece of information, and reported the situation in this regard.

After waiting for a while, the machine finally responded.

This ball of light doesn't talk nonsense, and its tone is quite serious: "Dear Galactic Progressive Alliance, hello, welcome to join our faction! Since it costs a certain amount of money to transmit information here, so to make a long story short..."

"About joining our faction, you need to follow the following terms...these terms are hard rules, and if your alliance agrees, it is possible to negotiate."

"The first is to follow the protection principles of fair trade and free trade. Trade plunder, forced buying and selling are strictly prohibited... under the banner of the amoeba faction, fraudulent activities are strictly prohibited."

"In order to ensure the fairness of the contract, each transaction must have a corresponding transaction record."

"The second is the credit accumulation system. Your alliance has a certain initial credit points among our factions. The higher the points, the higher the profit sharing. In different cooperations, we will give priority to selecting Highly creditworthy agent."

"Credit points are also related to knowledge sharing within the faction, please cherish your credit. When your alliance violates the rules, certain credit points will be deducted."

"The third is the signing of various confidentiality agreements..."

Zhang Yuan analyzed for a while, and found that the terms of the amoeba faction are actually very easy. To put it simply, if you want to use the banner of the amoeba faction, you must help them sell goods, and an agent can share a part of the profits in the process of buying and selling.

The prerequisite is that illegal operations are not allowed. After all, the reputation accumulated by this business faction is the greatest wealth, and credit points will be deducted for every illegal operation.

If too much land is deducted, this faction will be removed.

It is relatively more difficult to increase credit points. It not only requires time accumulation, but also requires certain business standards.

"Sounds a bit like some system in a capitalist market."

"It's a very simple rule, and it's also very fair," commented a diplomat next to it.

The ball of light sent out some more information: "...Since your alliance is already in the category of a fifth-level civilization, the initial level will be a third-level agent, whose authority is limited to maintaining and using super-light speed communication places and opening up new ones. trade routes, maintain the order of the public exchange, share information on joint technology, and punish the robbers who disrupt the trade order..."

"Here is a more critical piece of information that I want to tell you. Within the Amoeba Alliance, you can use amoeba points as a common currency. But for higher-level civilizations, amoeba points are not applicable , time, computing power and intelligence are the basic currency units.”

"If your civilization has redundant intelligence, you can contact higher-level civilizations through our faction and receive some calculation tasks. But most of the tasks are extremely difficult, which is not too difficult for a newly promoted fifth-level civilization. Appropriately, your alliance needs to improve its computing power and intelligence as soon as possible, especially the improvement of the mathematical system... After joining my alliance, a lot of mathematical knowledge can be shared."

"After completing the mission, you can share more knowledge with higher-level civilizations. Our alliance has closer communication with the Gaia faction, and you can learn the discipline of predictive mathematics from them."

After explaining for a while, Zhang Yuan understood.

In fact, for high-level civilizations, most difficult problems can be broken down into many small problems. These small tasks can be completed by multiple high-level civilizations in cooperation.

"...Under normal circumstances, it is still not enough to have computing power. These problems cannot be solved by brute force methods. You must have sufficient intelligence and strong mathematical ability. Otherwise, those high-level civilizations would have already put the galaxy Level resources are used to build supercomputers. It is precisely because brute force cracking does not make sense that they did not choose to do so.”

"I see, using time, computing power, and intelligence as the basic currency unit is really a fantastic idea."

"This idea was proposed by the Gaia civilization, and it has evolved into a common standard. I have to admit that the Gaia civilization has contributed a lot to the prosperity of the universe." The light ball continued: "In addition, the communication here is just a simple one. The introduction is not really authorized. There is a commercial fleet of our civilization nearby. If your civilization wants to join our faction, it needs to go through substantive contact inspections, including scientific and technological inspections, identity verification, etc..."

"We welcome you, goodbye."

The photosphere finally reported a coordinate, which is about a thousand light-years away from the current position.

After that, the two sides bid farewell to each other, and the light in the communicator gradually went out.

Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Having obtained so much effective information, one of the human diplomats was in a good mood: "It seems that this amoeba faction is really frugal, and they don't even want to say unnecessary words."

"It's stingy, it's really stingy!" The plants of the Green Leaf Alliance complained loudly: "Fortunately, the way these bugs handle things is fairly fair, and they can barely get along with each other..."

"Next, we're going to a place a thousand light years away... Should we join the amoeba faction? It shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

Zhang Yuan turned his head and said to the plants of the Green Leaf Alliance: "This coordinate is on the outskirts of the Milky Way... It seems that their forces are indeed gradually leaving the Milky Way."

A plant standing nearby looked up the information and said: "Yes, the amoeba faction is withdrawing from the galaxy. In fact, there are many civilizations, and they are not willing to confront the Aleph civilization head-on. And follow the evacuation, as long as you spend a certain amount of amoeba points... this journey is not alone."

"How about it, dear guest, it happens that we have been here for a long time, so we can go there together! We can lead the way... I hope you can take care of me along the way."

Facing this brazen thigh-hugging behavior, the human side hurriedly said: "We need to discuss collectively before we can give you a specific plan."

"You are still so cautious... Haha, I can understand that most civilizations are like this." The leaves of this small tree opened and closed, as if smirking unreliably.


After a group of people left the Green Leaf Alliance and returned to their home planet, they quickly discussed the results in this regard.

Since you want to join the amoeba business faction, it is good to get in touch with this main civilization, and people have stayed here for a long time, so you really have to change places to find some other fun.


In this way, after two months of preparation, four battle stars left this star, including three battle stars of the Alliance and a planet of the Green Leaf Alliance, and headed towards the depths of the galaxy...

The entire voyage time is expected to be around one hundred years.

A hundred years of voyage time is just a snap of the fingers for the entire universe.

A vigorous aesthetic reform movement has emerged within the new human civilization. The main reason is that most people are currently working too long, so that there is a single aesthetic.

The initiator of this activity is Mr. Martin, a famous sociologist: "According to statistics, in our civilization, everyone works too long hours. This is an abnormal state."

"According to the current ideology, work is about discovering new knowledge, which is equivalent to finding fun. The current longest-lasting worker has been working for more than a hundred years! This means that he has been working since the completion of the transformation. , never stopped..."

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