Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 821 Finding the Human Branch

"This is the reincarnation of history..."

Zhang Yuan can still recall the scene when those Gliese people made up their minds to change their civilization and become a non-mediocre civilization after being ravaged by addictive drugs for a long time.

However, as the population iterates from generation to generation, the older generation passes away and a new generation of population is born. Thousands of years later, all resolve evaporated, and they failed in the end.

He was even a little skeptical that the final destination of a civilization was already doomed a lot when it was first born.

Everything in the universe is like this. Due to the laws of thermodynamics, everything will naturally tilt towards the direction of entropy increase.

Change is difficult, and the probability of improvement is small. To put it bluntly, it is a normal phenomenon in the universe that there is no miracle.

Fortunately, the Gliese civilization has also been divided into three, one branch stays here, the other goes away under the name of the era of the earth, and the other branch is the subsidiary civilization of the new humans. Of course, Zhang Yuan doesn’t think that the Gliese people who left on the Earth Age are better than the branch that stayed here. How difficult it is to get rid of their fate...

On the contrary, the subordinate civilization of the new human beings has been lucky enough to ascend to heaven, and has also become a fifth-level civilization after a sudden transformation.

Soon, Zhang Yuan put these wild thoughts behind him and asked, "Do you know where the human branch living on the satellite went?"

"They moved the satellite away!"

Thinking of this incident, these pangolins widened their eyes, as if they were telling an incredible legend.

The relocation of this satellite had already begun 2,500 years ago. At the beginning, there was a lot of commotion, and the planetary-level engine burst into bright light. During the large-scale movement, some meteorites in the planetary system were changed in direction of movement, and several larger meteorites fell to the Gliese star, smashing out pits one by one.

This story is clearly recorded in the history of the Gliese civilization.

In fact, the branch of human civilization staying here has stimulated the development of Gliese civilization to a certain extent, and stimulated these pangolins to maintain their interest in astronomy. They also need to build astronomical telescopes to observe what this neighbor is doing.

But since humans moved away, these pangolins have quickly fallen. They think that telescopes and everything are irrelevant, because this race itself has no interest in the starry sky, they just want to live in the ground.

"It's just a pity that we don't know where they went, we only know a general direction. This direction is..."

After Zhang Yuan recorded all this, he prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he said: "Thanks for the information provided, this robot is given to your civilization. There is a small gift from me in it. May your civilization improve forever."

The pangolin standing at the front was stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied: "May your civilization improve forever!"

They still understand these interstellar etiquette. And they are still wondering what the gift is.

Not much time to appreciate the surprised expressions of these Gliese people, Zhang Yuan was in the spaceship and disconnected.

His current memory bank is missing, and these Gliese people can only leave some simple information about the Milky Way, which also includes information about the Aleph civilization.

Of course, the scouting robot itself was a nice gift. Even with the strength of this civilization, it is difficult to reverse engineer the robots of the fourth-level civilization, but it is always good to have a reference.

It also stores the novels, songs, music, etc. written by Zhang Yuan in recent years. For Zhang Yuan, it is also an interesting thing to leave his works to aliens...

"Goodbye...the parting this time may be a farewell forever."

"Bye now!"

Zhang Yuan turned his head and took a last look at the planet...

The silent planet gave birth to a place of civilization. It's just a pity that most of the civilizations are not up to the mark, and they stay in the arms of their mother star and refuse to come out, and they are self-confined in the cradle of their mother star. Waiting for their fate, there is a high probability that they will be assimilated by a higher-level civilization and turned into a standard intelligence unit.

The curvature spacecraft took off again and headed for the distant starry sky.

According to the historical records of the Gliese civilization, the route of the branch of the Earth Age was the direction of the Kaptan planet, which is consistent with Zhang Yuan's calculation results.

That is to say, the human civilizations of the Earth Age and the Golden Sun may be in a state of confluence, and a new alliance has been formed.

This convergence is not surprising.

If the human branches of the two sides gradually lose their motivation to move forward under the increasingly difficult situation of science and technology, then after the convergence, they will re-compete and cooperate with each other, and maybe the spark of progress will bloom again.

This is one way of fighting "sinking".

Coupled with the fact that the current interstellar form is becoming more and more complicated, it is the last word to hold together as much as possible. Even Zhang Yuan thinks that this kind of grouping may be useless. A silver-white robot can bring a third-level civilization to one pot, and even having a battle star is not very meaningful. But the human branch that lacks enough information does not think so. They may think that grouping is a good way.

If you don't become a fifth-level civilization, you will never realize how powerful a fifth-level civilization is.

This kind of strength is a qualitative change, which cannot be compensated by relying on quantity.

In this way, this curvature spaceship keeps searching along the cosmic strings one by one.

One year, two years, three years...

Cosmic strings are like spider webs, distributed throughout the Milky Way, sometimes they are very sparse, and sometimes they are quite dense, and their distribution is random. Zhang Yuan could only rely on the maneuverability of the spaceship to follow a vague direction and try one by one, taking many detours back and forth.

The universe is really too big, even a corner of the Milky Way is still terrifyingly big. The human branch of Earth Age doesn't have curvature technology, so it can't travel too far away, but Zhang Yuan still doesn't think he will be able to search for it, and this kind of thing can only rely entirely on luck.

If the lease time of this spacecraft is about to expire and the battle star cannot be found, they can only go back to find the civilization on Earth.

Of course, searching for Earth civilization is the last option. Zhang Yuan does not want to deliver important technology to the hands of the civilization of the fallen... The development of curvature technology requires a strong industry and a large number of excellent engineers. It is still unknown whether the earth civilization has such industrial capabilities.

For this kind of high-end technology, there is not enough industrial capacity, and it is free to give.

Finally, in the ninth year, Zhang Yuan's curvature spacecraft found a huge space fleet with battle stars near the cosmic string!

The speed of this space fleet is not fast, about 1% of the speed of light. For a huge planet, this speed is quite good.

There are many patrol spaceships beside the battle star, roughly estimated that there are at least more than one hundred ships! There are even five large flagships equivalent to Titans!

However, Zhang Yuan was not sure whether these were human fleets. Time has passed for a long time, and it is difficult to distinguish the difference between the alien fleet and the human fleet from the outside.

He didn't dare to get too close to blindly intercept the radio, after all, it was just a small spaceship with a fourth-level civilization.

To be on the safe side, Zhang Yuan carefully sent a message: "Hello, unknown civilization! We are the Kunlun Mountain civilization."

This message is written using the most common information codes used by human beings, and the text is carried in Chinese. If it is an alien civilization, it may be difficult to tell what it means. But if it is a real human being, as long as the inheritance has not been broken, they will definitely be able to tell the difference.

The so-called "Kunlun Mountain Civilization" naturally means the human branch of Kunlun Mountain, which is easy to understand.

Zhang Yuan waited patiently for the other party's reply...

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