Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 596: Material Abyss Project

An hour passed, and two hours passed... This individual of the Haman civilization in a state of dementia did not move at all, just quietly staying in his position.

It was the first time for people to come into contact with this kind of strange fifth-level civilization. Although they were very curious, they didn't dare to ask more questions. They just pondered over the information they just got.

Zhang Yuan frowned, deep in thought.

"...Individuals of Level 5 civilization, after modifying their philosophical thinking ability, can theoretically modify their thinking speed. This bug looks dull, but it is not. Its thinking speed may far exceed that of humans A thousand times ten thousand times, so that most of the facial expressions had to be omitted..."

"Yeah, when the speed of thinking is so fast, what else do you need to do with facial expressions. The speed and tone of speech are not important anymore."

Recalling the state of strong artificial intelligence that he experienced when he first came into contact with the Hicks civilization, Zhang Yuan can somewhat understand this situation.

In this large square, there are many transport spaceships coming and going, and there are also many aliens. It seems that 0.98 times the gravity of the earth is a gravity environment for the masses to adapt to, and many aliens can survive normally in this environment. That's why this bulk trading market will be placed in this place.

From the most common metal iron, to rare earth elements, to gold, platinum, and various conventional nanomaterials. The basic trading unit here is antimatter energy, or amoeba points.

Just like the stock exchange market, the price index of various commodities fluctuates around the value. If there is a sufficient level of speculation, speculation alone can make a certain profit.

Zhang Yuan obtained another piece of information, took a deep breath, and read it carefully.

The Dyson sphere is not only a place for trading, but also a place for scientific research.

First of all, the first large-scale scientific project is a project called "Material Abyss". Ways to explore the properties of all conventional materials, the current exploration progress is 50.7%...

There is a large list of members, including the Crimson Industrial Union at the forefront, the Hicks Civilization, and so on!

There are also some names that I have never even seen before.

Zhang Yuan's pupils contracted slightly. "Crimson Industrial Union" is the fifth-level civilization that destroyed the green star civilization. Its ideology is relatively sharp, and it can actually work together...

This shows that the amoeba faction does have a wide range of contacts and has extraordinary skills.

The most important thing is that the ambition of this "Material Abyss" project is really beyond human imagination. It tries to explore the physical properties, chemical properties, biological properties, etc. of all conventional materials!


If all elements are arranged exhaustively to form materials, including countless biological materials such as various proteins, the total number is about 10^120.

So, what about the number of new human civilizations explored?

It is about 10^70. If a large number of useless materials are excluded according to some algorithms, the progress that humans can achieve is 10^80.

The rest can only rely on time to accumulate slowly, or rely on the improvement of computing power and algorithms...

You know, 10^80 is not half of 10^120!

Among them, there is a difference of 40 orders of magnitude, not even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction!

However, this so-called "Material Abyss" project has actually completed 50.7% of the process, which is definitely a remarkable, even shocking event!

Think about it, almost half of the properties of materials have been explored, treating cancer, treating Alzheimer's, or rejuvenating people, how powerful is this?

"We want to join it temporarily and get all the data. We need to pay... 1,102,200 amoeba points? Ahem..."

Zhang Yuan almost choked on his own saliva, "Is this a huge sum that only a level 5 or level 6 civilization can afford?"

Yang Fan, the foreign minister next door, said: "However, we can submit materials that have not yet been explored in exchange for some of them."

"We can also use amoeba points to purchase some required materials from the trading market. If we only buy one or two, it will cost nothing."

"It could even be made on credit to make purchases and pay back by producing a lot of material."

After discussing for a while, everyone felt that the materials that human beings have already explored, in the face of the half-completed "Material Abyss" project, are at most just smashing into the air.

However, buying some new materials, especially various medicines, is a cheap and good choice.

The subject of materials will always be a lagging behind in engineering, and human beings have unlimited demand for it. This demand is infinite, infinite in the true sense.

If materials that can withstand high temperatures of 100 million degrees can be produced, and human beings can develop controllable nuclear fusion technology in minutes, how can it take a hundred or two hundred years of research and development?

If there is a material that is 100 million times stronger than steel, the space elevator can use a rigid body structure. Why do we need to make it so complicated?

As long as the material is strong enough, isn’t it easy and freehand to make miracles vigorously?

However, the reality is that conventional materials have almost reached their limits, and it is extremely difficult to improve one step, which is a pity. It is never possible for a substance composed of chemical bonds or metal bonds to be 100 million times stronger than steel.

So, how is the Dyson sphere built? The answer: unconventional materials.

This document introduces the relevant information of the Dyson sphere: the main material needed for the entire Dyson sphere is a substance called "Kadrinix".

Kadrinix is ​​not a conventional material, but a subatomic fluid material between positive matter and antimatter. Only the fifth-level civilization can mass-produce it.

It constitutes the framework of the Dyson sphere, which is equivalent to a steel-like existence in a house. According to some current theories of the new human civilization, its principle may be the so-called "strong interaction".

It is also these super materials that make the rigid body structure of the entire Dyson sphere collapse directly without the action of gravity.

Of course, people are more interested in this kind of "unconventional material" that is still in a state of ignorance. Unfortunately, it is not something in the "Material Abyss" project, and there is no way to obtain it cheaply. If you really want to buy it, the price is astonishingly high, starting at five or even six figures.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan stomped hard on the floor. Under this layer of purple metal, there should be the so-called "Kadlinix". It's a pity that humans can't see what this thing looks like.

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