Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 592 It's really too big!

Seeing that everyone was contemplating, Li Zhendong, an information expert, stood up first and said: "Although there are only 20.55 years left before the departure of the entire trading market, it is enough for us to inquire about the news."

"We are at least a fourth-level civilization. If there is any danger, there should be no problem in escaping. This trading market should not be a gathering place for the so-called fifth-level civilization..."

"There seem to be some planetary fortresses of a third-level civilization around... It seems to be a third-level civilization, so there is no need to worry too much."

"Mr. Li is right." An astronomer continued: "We have indeed observed some battle stars of a third-level civilization. There is no tower-type curvature engine in the conventional sense above these planets. So we think it is a third-level civilization. Super civilization battle stars, and there are quite a few of them, not one or two."

The pictures taken one by one are displayed on the screen.

According to the known experience of mankind, there are usually many planetary-level curvature engines, ranging from hundreds to thousands, all over the surface of the planet. This kind of engine is like a TV tower—of course, it is more powerful than a TV tower Much higher, ranging from tens to hundreds of kilometers in height. They work together to form a curvature bubble which is slightly bigger than the star.

The curvature bubble is not a species in the conventional sense, but a highly distorted space. Matter can freely enter and exit the curvature bubble, and it will not change much except for a certain degree of force.

But the going in and going out of matter will affect the curvature bubble itself. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the tower engine will be tens of kilometers, or even hundreds of kilometers, higher than the surface of the planet, so that it can be observed.

Now that people have not observed the tower installations on the surface of some battle stars, it is natural to think that these civilizations are not fourth-level civilizations. Unless all human beings are blind, or these battle stars are fifth-level civilizations or even sixth-level civilizations, using other navigation technology...

This probability is almost negligible.

"What if it's really all five-level civilizations, or six-level civilizations?"

"That's even better!"

"Maybe you can meet the civilization of the Gaia faction again, and beg for something..."

Now everyone's eyes are on Zhang Yuan. If it is really possible to beg, then there is a high probability that a veteran will be required.

Zhang Yuan felt a little embarrassed, the five-level civilization gathering place, this group of people thought too much! After pondering for a while, he gestured: "In short, we'd better get more information here... Whether we avoid it or face it directly, the political form of the galaxy is always changing, and it won't be because of us. Avoid being an ostrich, and it will not change."

"Knowing more things is always good..."

"What...begging...haha, everyone, don't have too high expectations."

"Yes, I think so too."

"So we still need to send diplomats to investigate it. We need to know something more about this Dyson sphere."

After discussing like this, most people agreed with this open point of view, and several conservative ones wanted to say something, but finally swallowed these words back.

It's all here, you can't be too scared to step into this threshold, right?

As the fleet gradually advanced, two days later, another round flying saucer appeared in front of it. It was not big, with a diameter of about 50 meters. It was shining with bright white light, indicating the direction of flight of the human fleet. .

In this ghost place, the more you go in, the more debris such as meteorites, and there are some large groups of plasma clouds, which should be various fortifications.

The six human motherships are docked at the outer reaches of the planetary system, more than 200 astronomical units away from the Dyson sphere. If you get too close, it is easy to collide with various meteorites.

After a while, the round flying saucer sent a message: "Dear new human civilization, hello! I am the artificial intelligence 'Catorampus-3' in the trading market, and I will be in charge of guiding your civilization .You can contact me at any time to send a spaceship into the inner ring.”

"We have received information from another trading market, Huantai Civilization, and we have general information about your civilization. Please verify your identity. After passing the verification, you can enjoy a series of old customer privileges."

Zhang Yuan was taken aback for a moment. Sure enough, the information between each amoeba faction market can be communicated with each other, and the communication is faster than the speed of light. Therefore, civilized reputation is very important.

All the government staff were very excited, and the identity verification was very simple, that is, a series of life parameters such as appearance, gravity environment, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric concentration, etc., and then released some videos and audios, and it was done in ten minutes .

Zhang Yuan looked around curiously with a telescope. Many planetary fortresses were also docked within a space of hundreds of astronomical units nearby. Compared with these planetary fortresses, human spaceships were indeed like little pigeons.

Even the Titan class, the largest spaceship that humans can build, is still not big enough compared to a real planet.


These planetary fortresses have no warp speed!

At least, people have not seen obelisk devices protruding tens of hundreds of kilometers high on the surface of the planet, which means that 90% of these planetary fortresses are basically the battle stars of the third-level civilization.

In this way, everyone still has a sense of superiority in their hearts, and the fourth-level civilization is still only a minority.

"...It's nothing special to have a battle star, it's just enough time to accumulate it. If warp speed technology is used to exchange for a battle star, it is estimated that these third-level civilizations will rush to exchange it!"

Li Zhendong suddenly asked with red eyes: "Do you think you can buy battle stars with amoeba points?"

"Of course! And I don't think it will be too expensive." Zhang Yuan pondered for a while, and now he said: "Labor and time, shouldn't be valuable, right? One is low value-added, anyone can do it, and the other is high-value-added. added value."

"Okay, let's take a day off today, and we will start tomorrow! Everything will be understood by then."

The action speed of the new human civilization was very fast. After arriving at the designated stop, people observed from a distance for a while, and there was nothing to write down, so they immediately organized a team. The diplomats and scientists had a meal together, got to know each other for a while, and then arranged for a rest.

Of course Zhang Yuan is on the list. As a well-known scientist, although he is not a professional diplomat, he is no problem as a scientific staff officer. Moreover, as an extraordinary person and an important member of the scientific staff, he has a high status and can decide to a certain extent what to buy, what tasks to take, and so on.

On the other hand, Zhang Yuan is the most valuable human talent. Since these super-dimensional perception scientists have earned 6,000 amoeba points on the Toss civilization, theoretically, the same record can be replicated on other civilizations!

This is a very good thing.

With this or that in mind, in the early morning of the next day, about 200 scientific research personnel walked into the most advanced transport spaceship "Thunderbolt 10", and followed the small flying saucer "Catorampus-3". .

"Catorampus-3" seems to know that the new human civilization possesses curvature technology, and that small flying saucer actually directly expanded the curvature bubble and sailed at high speed.

No way, people can only turn on the curvature engine to follow behind, flying at about 0.1 times the speed of light. This speed is actually quite fast, and the mothership fleet was quickly left behind.

Along the way, people saw a huge number of planets, not even real planets, but some super-sized meteorites, even with sharp edges and corners, but their mass was comparable to planets, and they did not know where they came from. Come on.

There are also Jupiter-like planets that are simply abnormally large, with a mass two thousand times that of the Earth. The mass of this kind of planet is much larger than Jupiter in the solar system, and it attracts a large number of meteorites.

"Should it be the raw material for building the Dyson sphere?"

"However, even if the planets around the nearby stars are emptied, there shouldn't be so many raw materials. Where did they come from?"

About 3 hours later, the two sides came near the Dyson sphere. Under the high gravity of the star, it is no longer possible to continue to use the warp speed. Only then did people see the real details of this Dyson sphere...

Even Zhang Yuan, an old guy who has lived for thousands of years, was dumbfounded in shock.

Big... really big!

Even using the word "huge" to describe it, it seems that there is no way to summarize one ten-thousandth of it.

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