Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 541 The Greatest Cause

The counselor said hoarsely: "Students, the current distance between our planet and the big ice puck behind us is about 202,210 kilometers, which is 1.3% different from the original estimate. The distance shortened every ten years is about 1 10,000 kilometers..."

The two planets do not revolve around each other, but are in almost the same orbit in a front-to-back arrangement.

That is to say, both sides are doing elliptical motion around the center of mass of the two neutron stars together.

However, the gravitational force between the planets is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The closer the two planets are, the greater the gravitational force will be, which will accelerate their approach to each other.

Now, the distance shortened every ten years is about 10,000 kilometers, but in the following ten years, it may be shortened by 11,000 kilometers, and so on, and eventually faster and faster until they collide.

"... Therefore, we must maintain a stable construction speed and increase the driving force of the planetary engine to avoid collisions between planets."

Speaking of this, this time the special vehicle of the Great Society Class finally reached the peak of the mountain. People saw countless excavators digging in a large basin, and rail trains transported and crushed the ore.

These ores are basically ordinary silicates, and have no smelting value. They will be turned into working fluids and ejected into violent plasma.

As for Wang Haifeng and other people, the future work will basically be in this area. This project looks very simple, but in reality it is very complicated, starting from mining, then transporting, then crushing, and finally turning it into fuel .

A large-scale construction site requires a population of more than 100,000, and the number of robots and various machinery is at least 10 million.

While most of the work is automated, there will always be some mechanical breakdowns and mechanical maintenance to do.

The aging of parts is an inevitable problem in the universe. Even intelligent robots that maintain machinery will still age. Complex production lines will produce various bugs, which require humans to deal with.

Therefore, after Wang Haifeng graduates, he will join the No. 009873 excavation team, become a very precise screw, and dedicate his life to it.

Their futures are already planned.

Everyone's eyes were slightly dull, as if they were frozen, looking at the scene of this large industrial base in full swing.

"Everyone, after this class, you will be you have any questions you want to ask?" the counselor at the university said again.

She is an old man with gray hair, and she is still struggling at work.

Four hundred years ago, the population of the new human civilization swelled to 100 million.

The huge population has brought sufficient labor force, so that in 800 years, humans have completed more than 80% of the planetary engines! For the remaining six hundred years, only the remaining 20% ​​need to be completed.

However, with the passage of time, a large number of machines once purchased from the trading market began to depreciate. This is a problem that cannot be overcome, so that the construction rate of planetary engines has gradually slowed down.

In addition, in the original agreement with the interstellar trading market, the future curvature spacecraft can only carry a population of 40 million at most.

Therefore, the government plans to slowly recover from the current 78 million to less than 40 million in the next 600 years.

In this way, the change of population structure makes aging inevitable.

"Teacher, can you change your job to something a little more interesting?" Suddenly, a boy beside Wang Haifeng said. After he finished speaking, many students shook their bodies.

Although this construction site is magnificent, but... are they going to stay here for the rest of their lives?

"Of course, if you have enough professional knowledge, you can manufacture construction machinery. Many of our machinery will be eliminated in the future, and you can also..."

"I mean, more interesting work."

"Interesting, what is an interesting job?"

"Such as rapping, drawing comics, programming games, etc... You can choose your own job."

The counselor frowned, and then said with a smile: "In the past, when the whole plan was not implemented, there were indeed many interesting laboratories, and you could do the work you like. But now, these laboratories are all Banned, unless your grades are excellent to another level, you can engage in some scientific research work, and you can also complete what you like in your spare time."

"After all, ordinary people like us are fighting for the greatest cause in the world."

All the students fell silent.

Suddenly, the boy said again: "The greatest cause in the world is to use hundreds of thousands of excavators to dig this basin bigger? Finally, scrape off the surface of the entire planet by a few hundred meters?"

The boy's tone was very strange, it seemed to be a kind of ridicule, and there was a hint of helplessness.

"Ah, yes. This is the greatest career. At the beginning, my teacher taught me the same way. She dedicated her life like this, and I did the same. Then, it's your turn."

Unexpectedly, the counselor did not rebut.

Maybe when she was young, she also thought about it, but now she is old and will retire soon, and she won't go back and think about such complicated things anymore.

It's been like this for a lifetime, what else is there to think about?

The students were silent and did not speak.

The next stop was the big hockey puck behind the "Planet Fortress". Everyone boarded the spaceship and went to the big hockey puck numbered "JS144" 200,000 kilometers away.

The temperature of this ice ball is even lower, below minus two hundred and fifty degrees Celsius, the thick layer of ice is harder than steel, at this temperature, all the gas forms thick ice cubes.

There are also some industrial bases above the ice puck, where hydrogen fuel, oxygen, methane, and various chemical substances are being mined. As long as robots are used to cut off the ice and simply purify, these substances can be obtained.

Looking up, Wang Haifeng saw the frightening flames piercing the dark starry sky, as if they could pounce on their faces.

The planet in front of them with colorful rays of light is the planetary fortress they have exhausted to develop.

The violent plasma light is different due to the difference in the atomic nucleus. The copper ions are blue, the iron ions are yellow, and the manganese ions are pink. They are recooled and condensed here, forming a large black smog.

This star chasing battle will continue for at least four hundred years. Either the human beings will win completely, or the two planets will collide and fail completely, and there will be no other results.

"Do you want to succeed, or fail?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was silent, even the aggrieved boy looked at the planet full of colorful lights and was speechless.

Some people thought of running away halfway, fleeing this place, and abandoning the whole plan.

But they didn't dare to speak out. Those brilliant ion flames seemed to ignite the entire civilization. Whoever dares to run away is a sinner of history and civilization.

The greatest cause?

who knows...

Who can define what is called greatness?

Is it considered great to be a cog in society and to do one's own job with trepidation all one's life?

No one can answer.


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