Deep Space Fleet

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Huh, the story of the ninth volume is finally over. Whenever I finish writing a volume of stories, I always feel a sincere sense of relief.

The stories of the other branches of human beings are written a little more simply, and will not be described in detail. As long as you know the general trend, you can basically do it!

Some people say that exposing virtual world technology is too dangerous, but in fact it is not, because Gliese 581 humans also have such technology. Otherwise, in the face of immortality technology, how could the Kunlun Mountain fleet leave safely? It's just that there are no people on Kaptan.

This book has 1.2 million words, and it is not just my story, but also a story shared by everyone. If it is badly written, everyone will feel unhappy, and I will blame myself.

Fortunately, I am quite satisfied with the plot of the entire trading market. I wrote some ordinary interstellar civilizations, and also wrote some more advanced civilizations, Gaia faction, amoeba faction, Crimson Industrial Union, etc., filled some holes, and dug some holes...

Then successfully opened a new map, and went to another place with the Tuos people.

The most difficult part of an online novel is opening a new map. Only by opening a new map can there be new content. However, opening a map indiscriminately has no benefit except being criticized by readers. Opening a new map logically should be no problem!

So... will the new humans come back in the future?

Of course I won't come back, how can I write when I come back! The new humans can help brothers of the same origin a little bit, but it is impossible to give up the great future for the brothers who have not met for thousands of years, right?

Some people say that the theme of this book is insufficient in comparison with the dark forest system's sense of despair and heaviness, so that it is a bit lacking in passion.

This is also something that can’t be helped. The core theories of this book are the “Principle of Mediocrity” and the “Theory of Small Filters”, which itself is a model of boiling frogs in warm water. The relationship between civilizations is not like “Three-Body Problem”. The dead ones will only be slowly cleaned out by time, so naturally it is impossible to have too high a sense of compulsion.

Any life-and-death war seems full of passion, but war needs motivation. The resources set in this book are far greater than the needs of civilization, so naturally there is no motivation for war. This is determined by the core tone.

Once the whole book is changed randomly, it will collapse.

Let me talk about the so-called "small filter theory". I have written a lot in the previous content, but I haven't focused on it, so I will write it in detail here.

In my first book, "Under Deep Space", I focused on the Great Filter Theory.

It believes that when civilization develops to a certain level, it will face a great threshold, and the probability of passing this great threshold is only one in ten million, or even one in billion. Therefore, most civilizations stagnated before they developed into interstellar civilizations.

The small filter theory is a variant of it. It believes that in the process of civilization development, there may not be such a large threshold with an extremely low pass rate, but there are invisible small thresholds.

The probability of passing these small thresholds is not as terrifying as the large thresholds. For example, the probability of passing is one-half, one-third, much higher than one in 100 million.

However, the number of these small thresholds is extremely large, and the multiplication of these probabilities is also a very, very small number.

This is a way of boiling frogs in warm water, and it will not feel so shocking when written in a novel. But I think, in reality, the possibility of a small filter may be higher than that of a large filter. People always have no self-knowledge. They think that there is a 1/2 chance that they can pass if they work hard. In fact, it is not. If you can pass one, can you pass the second? As long as there is a "small filter" that cannot pass through, human beings will not be able to enter the interstellar age.

Just like the tests of civil service examinations, there are only a few who get to the end.

So, how many "small filters" are there in this book or in reality?

The first is natural conditions such as oxygen, which refers to the concentration of oxygen that can support the combustion of organic matter. If a planet does not even have burning phenomena, cannot smelt metals, or lacks certain rare metals, it will most likely lose the possibility of climbing up the technology.

The second is the social system. Some social systems will imprison people's thinking and close their minds, so that the whole society has been reincarnated in the Middle Ages for a long time and fell into a paradigm trap.

The third is the religious factor. Human beings have not yet gotten rid of religious constraints. This is an ideological war between the values ​​of the 21st century and the values ​​of the 7th century, and it is impossible to predict who will win. However, as far as the current world situation is concerned, there is a tendency for ignorance to gradually defeat civilization.

The fourth is the economic system. Capitalism is short-sighted. Overly profit-seeking and short-sighted capital will gradually distort people's values ​​and morals. Since the end of the U.S.-Soviet hegemony, humans have never set foot on the moon.

The fifth is the issue of global unification. It is very difficult for a single country to colonize space, even if it is only the moon. At least half or one-third of the global power must be integrated to reduce internal conflicts.

However, looking at the whole world, over the past hundred years, the number of countries in the world has obviously increased, not decreased. In the not-too-distant future, there will be an increasing trend, not a decreasing trend.

The sixth is the possibility of key technologies such as controllable nuclear fusion and recyclable rockets, which can greatly reduce the cost of aerospace engineering.

The window period for controllable nuclear fusion is about 20 to 30 years. At present, photovoltaic solar energy has been able to achieve grid parity. In the next 20 to 30 years, with technological progress, it will become more and more competitive. In 2050, Xiaguo will be seriously aging. If the progress bar of controllable nuclear fusion has not reached more than 50%, it is estimated that there is no spare money to work hard on this thing. (The future deduction is very complicated, so I won’t say much here for the time being.)

The seventh is whether the hibernation technology is really feasible. The local tyrants fifty years ago are still frozen there, and it is estimated that there is no possibility of thawing.

So will real hibernation technology appear in fifty years?

If there is no human hibernation technology, star-level navigation becomes nonsense, Proxima Centauri cannot go, and human beings can only circle in the solar system at best. Of course, it would be great if it could spin around in the solar system.

The eighth is corruption. If even the circle of scientific research is corrupt, what power does a civilization have to move forward? However, corruption is normalized and unavoidable.

Ninth is the aging of the high-quality population. All the high-quality population has fallen into an aging crisis. On the contrary, South Asia and other regions are experiencing a population explosion, and a food crisis may occur within ten years. At that time, the risks that will occur are unpredictable.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

This is the small filter theory. No one can guarantee how to solve these complicated problems. They know it exists, but they have no intentions.

It is possible that humans can solve it, and it may never be solved.

Humans may have gotten away with the first few small filters, but what about the latter?

When all the probabilities are multiplied together, it will be a number with a slim chance. The only thing we ordinary people can do is to live our days well, love the motherland, and cultivate our ability to distinguish right from wrong. Now there are a lot of rumors on the Internet, and there are more anti-nation parties that incite emotions than imagined.

Perhaps, most civilizations in the universe are facing such and other problems.

Of course, novels are idealized models, and the whole society is not as complicated as reality, otherwise there is no way to continue writing.

This book has been written in the middle, and there are many clues. Since I have written a similar book, the inspiration has dried up, and the writing is very difficult.

Sometimes it's just sitting in front of the computer.

The subscription of this book has not achieved the expected results, and there has been no serious recommendation for more than two months. I still hope that everyone can support it. Behind one genuine reader, there may be a hundred pirated readers.

The more people you support, the more motivation you have.

Only the subscription share at the starting point is 50%, and the other channels of China Literature are 25%. As for the rest of the channels, such as subscriptions on the Apple side, Apple will take 30% first, and the rest will be scored by the author and the website.

There is no such thing as Baidu reading and chasing books. Don't be foolish enough to charge money for subscriptions on these small websites, giving people money for nothing, thinking that you are supporting the author, but in fact you are not.

The exploitation of capitalists is really powerful!

Okay, let’s get down to business, I finished writing a volume, and I plan to take a day off tomorrow.

Merry Christmas everyone in advance!

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