Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 475: Round Fortress

Time passed day after day, and various scientific, cultural exchanges, and trade activities were also proceeding in an orderly manner. Zhang Yuan and a group of companions even enthusiastically participated in a free concert held by aliens. Yes, free things must be attended.

It's just that the sound frequency of this concert is all ultrasonic... so that everyone is like a goose, wasting a few hours for nothing...

In addition, the group also visited the so-called "Green Star Civilization Museum" developed by a certain civilization. Since the Green Star Civilization has disappeared in the Milky Way, the leftovers have become quite valuable cultural products. The Green Star civilization is famous for its powerful bio-smelting methods. Most of the museums are full of strange creatures. Zhang Yuan saw a piranha-like thing with his own eyes. After swallowing the ore, he spit out the finished metal...

Well, human beings don’t need this kind of biotechnology, but they have seen another technological tree in the universe.

The leisurely time always passed quickly. On the 98th day after coming to the trading market, Huantai Civilization suddenly sent a notice.

"Dear human civilization, hello. Your trade application with the Hicks civilization is already ranked first. Please make relevant preparations before the universe time AD782345-7821-0098, thank you!"

"The specific trade content is as follows..."

This time, converted into the standard time of human beings, is about two o'clock in the afternoon on the third day. Everyone was extremely excited after hearing the news, and then began to prepare relevant materials and do a good job of rest.

This short period of preparation time quickly passed, and everyone put on their power armor, which is the latest TX-007 model, and stepped into an alien spaceship circumnavigating the Thai civilization.

Due to the importance of the matter, the entire diplomatic team has only 7 people, and Zhang Yuan happens to be one of the 7 people... To put it bluntly, he is going to be in charge of the work of "friendship".

After all, Zhang Yuan is the only human being who has been in contact with the Gaia faction.

What if the other party knows each other? Maybe... I can beg for something again?

Well, can't it be said to be begging? But... pleading?

They did not carry much information. Some storage devices contained detailed history of human beings. From the Neolithic Age to modern times, countries of all sizes, the total number of characters was about 150 million, including various encyclopedias. Of course, the history gets shorter and shorter, especially the content about the virtual world, which is still deleted.

There are also some paintings, music, sculptures and other works of art, which are filled with a big box.

Including the oil painting "Starry Night" given to Zhang Yuan by the painter Erwin when the Earth Age was set off. This painting was appraised as an outstanding art of the new civilization, and it is Zhang Yuan's personal property... But it is not a problem to contribute it for the whole civilization.

Finally, the historical materials and cultural arts of low-level civilizations were collected along the road.

Adding up all the materials, one cubic meter of boxes is enough.

The spaceship of the Huantai civilization is about two kilometers in diameter, and it is shaped like a large flying saucer. Since the fourth-level civilization still has not achieved artificial gravity, the outer periphery of the flying saucer will rotate slowly to simulate gravity. So after everyone enters the spacecraft, they are in a low-gravity state.

"Huh..." Zhang Yuan took a deep breath. The feeling of landing on an alien spaceship was very subtle. He looked at the metal used in the entire room, but he didn't see any big clues.

"It would be great if we could also have our own trading market."

The benefits of a trading platform have long been seen by everyone. Even human beings have gained a lot in these days, so how much can the host of this exchange, Huantai Civilization, gain in these millions of years? Woolen cloth?

However, for some unknown reason, the Huantai civilization is still only a fourth-level civilization.

It seems that there is a sky moat that is extremely difficult, lying in the middle of all interstellar civilizations. Philosophy tree is not so easy to climb. Perhaps Huantai Civilization still doesn’t know what to do in the future, and doesn’t know what career to strive for for life.

"Yes." Minister of Foreign Affairs Chen Mu said in a low voice: "The key is to have a good reputation and sufficient strength. No matter what, you must have a few planetary fortresses? Otherwise, everything will be nothing."

Zhang Yuan suddenly thought: "We humans have actually split into several different civilizations. If we go back, is it possible to establish a human trading alliance?"

Chen Mu shook his head: "There is such a possibility, but it is not very effective. They are all human beings, with similar cultures, the same body structure, similar technology trees, and similar thinking patterns. I don't think such an alliance is particularly meaningful. However, the population has increased, and it is not as good as a multi-civilized trading market.”

"It's true."

During the conversation like this, the flying saucer broke free from the gravity of the planet, started the curvature navigation, and began to sail at a super high speed. Everything outside the window seemed to be trapped by a soap bubble and became blurred. Since they didn't carry any equipment, Zhang Yuan and the others could only look at it with their eyes. It would be nice if they could record more data with the Power Armor...

After about three hours, the flying saucer approached a transparent circular fortress in the outer area.

Immediately afterwards, everyone sat on a huge vehicle. The entire vehicle looked a bit like a human bullet, and the interior space was enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

The vehicle starts slowly, very smoothly.

"You don't have to worry too much... The cost of launching every piece of FTL data is very expensive, and the Hicks civilization will bear all the costs..."

"But I also hope that you will not send false content. If a large amount of false content is identified, your civilization will be blacklisted."

"Of course not. We're not interstellar bandits."

Inside the car, the person who received the group was the tour guide from Huantai Civilization, Coco Filiform Wart, followed by a few big and long reptiles, who might be soldiers or servants, because of all the bugs, They are all wearing mechanical devices, but it is not clear what kind of body structure they are.

However, judging from the length, the length of each large reptile is about 3 meters, and there is a brain tumor-like protrusion in the middle of the body, which has derived some tentacles.

Anyway, it doesn't look very cute.

Zhao Qingfeng couldn't help asking: "So, won't the Hicks civilization directly contact us?"

"Usually this is the case. The Hicks civilization is not in the Milky Way. You just need to transfer all the data... If your history and culture are common, the other party will directly pay a certain amount of amoeba points, not Talk to you."

"If your history and culture are quite interesting, the other party may choose to talk to you...Of course, the probability of this is very small, maybe only once in tens of thousands of years."

Zhang Yuan looked at the scenery outside the window. This circular fortress was quite empty, like a magnificent religious hall. Looking from the inside to the outside, it was actually transparent, and the bright Milky Way starry sky could be seen.

"Forgive me for asking, this is the spaceship built by the amoeba civilization for you? How can you join the amoeba faction?"

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